This is not an R question.
Your question indicates that you really need to learn some statistics.
To answer the very last part:
> pchisq(430,3,lower=FALSE)
[1] 7.020486e-93
And if that is not 0 to all intents and purposes, then God help us all.
Rolf Turner
On 19/05/17 12:48, Anne K
Dear all,
I have a question concerning the p-value. When running log-rank test I get
a p-value = 0.
What is it mean? Can this be true? Why aren´t there decimal points? Is
there a way to find out the exact p-value?
Here is the output:
> survdiff(Surv(tempo2,status)~tphist, data=base,rho=0)
Hi Jeff,
Thank you a lot!
-Original Message-
From: Jeff Newmiller []
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 11:11 PM
To:; Yen Lee
Subject: Re: [R] Question about change the length of a string.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On May 18, 2017 8:57:51 PM PDT, Yen Lee wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>I have a question and I need your precious kind help.
>I am working on matc
Hello everyone,
I have a question and I need your precious kind help.
I am working on matching two string. However, the length of the two strings
is different. For example, one is "example" (nchar=7), the other one is
"example " (nchar=10). The R considers them as different strings but t
Hi Thambu,
Try downloading the package from CRAN. For example, I just tried this
with the rgdal package as I need to use it.
The package ( is saved on the local hard disk. Then
find out where your R executable is. For me it is:
Now open a "Command P
I changed the name of a function, and updated my R packages with
update.packages(ask=FALSE), and I have had a curious (to me) change in show
method. I am developing a package, and a generic show method I defined for
my S4 class is not autocalled when I type the object name - object_name;
Brilliant, David, thank you so much!
> 16. mai 2017 kl. 18.44 skrev David L Carlson :
> Fixing a typo in the original, adding a simplification, and using
> dissimilarity instead of similarity:
> set.seed(42)
> dta <- data.frame(ID=1:7, gender=sample(c("M", "F"), 7, replace=
You can modify your original code to get what you want:, lapply(split(data.frame(test), test[,c("id")]), function(x)
as.matrix(x[sample(nrow(x), 1), ])))
# xcor ycor id
# 146 1
# 242 2
But Bert's way is simpler:
indx <- tapply(seq_along(test[, "id"]), test[, "i
If I understand corrrectly, this is easily accomplished in base R via
?tapply and indexing.
set.seed(1234) ## for reproducibility
grp <-,size = 30,rep = TRUE) ## a grouping vector
## Could be just a column of your matrix or frame
indx <- tapply(seq_along(grp),grp, sample,size =
Hi Marine,
your manipulation of the matrix is quite convoluted, and it helps to expand
a bit:
test_lst <- split(test, test[,c("id")])
after splitting, your matrix has gone back to be a plain vector, which
makes the sampling fail.
The reason is that, a matrix - behind the scenes - i
I would like to randomly select one row by group from a matrix. Here is an
example where there is one row by group. The code gives an error message:
test <- matrix(c(4,4, 6,2, 1,2), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(NULL,
c("xcor", "ycor", "id"))), lapply(split(test, test[,
> On 16 May 2017, at 17:06, Abdelrahman, Omar (RER)
> wrote:
> I am trying to produce multiple violin plots by 3 categorical variables, each
> violin representing 1 year worth of data. The variables are:
> Watershed (7 levels: county canals)
> Geography (5 levels: west; central; east;
Many thanks Jeff! I knew it would require a loop approach, so I will now
explore that with the code you suggested.
-Original Message-
From: Jeff Newmiller []
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 5:19 PM
To: Abdelrahman, Omar (RER) ; R-help
Subject: RE: [R] violi
Data? It's difficult to do anything without some test data.See How to make a
great R reproducible example? or
with particular reference to the use of dput() as the best way to provide
sample data.
| ||
| |
Thanks David! It worked!
On 17 May 2017 at 23:39, David Winsemius wrote:
>> On May 17, 2017, at 1:01 PM, Davide Piffer wrote:
>> Thanks! This gets closer to the solution but a small problem remains.
>> I get 2 rows and only one column, whereas I need a 2x2 matrix (like a
>> contingency tabl
16 matches
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