Re: [R] princomp() output loadings component missing

2017-01-29 Thread Ben Tupper
Hi, Check out the detailed explanation in the 'Value' section of ?princomp - in particular for 'loadings'. It will send you to ?loadings where it explains why that one element appears to be missing. If you really want to see the missing value try... p3$loadings['Rape', 'Comp.4'] ... or even

Re: [R] No visible binding for global variable

2017-01-29 Thread Naser Jamil
Dear Prof John, I have got the points now. Many thanks for your suggestions. Regards, Jamil. On 28 January 2017 at 00:27, Fox, John wrote: > Dear Jamil, > > Presumably, the variables alloc.dose, r0, r1, and r2 will exist in the > global environment when you call the compiled function lf1.c(), b

[R] princomp() output loadings component missing

2017-01-29 Thread Fix Ace via R-help
Hello, there, I did a test run for this princomp() function using USArrests data. The R document says that the output loadings contain the eigenvector matrix. When I looked at this matrix, I found that a missing item for Comp.4 > p3=princomp(USArrests, cor=TRUE )> p3$loadings Loadings:      

Re: [R] graphical behavior of a table of numbers

2017-01-29 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 29/01/2017 12:05 AM, Jim Lemon wrote: Hi Richard, I think there may be something amiss in the plot.table function. As you note, changing the class of fr to array produces a more sensible plot, as does Bert's "as.vector". Yet inside plot.table we find: plot(x0, unclass(x), ... and that should