having been reasonably fluent a decade ago in spss and sas
can I do everything in R I did in these two formats?
eg multiple and logistic regression
time series ; anova ancova etc
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Please look at the maiz example, the last example in ?MMC
help("MMC", package="HH")
where I show how to construct and calculate a set of orthogonal contrasts
for a factor in an analysis of variance setting. mmc and mmcplot use glht
in the multcomp package for the underlying calculations.
Here are some links that may get you started.
You may also want to ask your question on the R-sig-DB Mailing list.
On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 7:58 AM, Ismail SEZEN wrote:
> So, it’s more reasonable to identify the gender manually.
Both Paul ("Crocodile Dundee") Hogan and Donald Trump agree on that.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more
> On Dec 1, 2016, at 12:10 PM, Elysa Mitova wrote:
> Hi,
> I am desperately looking for a way to plot confidence intervals into a
> density plot of only one variable (not a scatter plot etc.)
> Have you any advice how to do this?
> I've only found manual ways to do with "abline", but
Hi David,
here is my code including what i did for the tsboot:
rm(list = ls())
Hi R users,
Is there a way to calculate a confidence interval for each contrast in
a set of orthogonal contrasts? The ‘multcomp’ package will calculate
a CIs at the 95% family-wise confidence level. But, these confidence
intervals are extremely wide.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
My dtm is showing the 4 files in the corpus correctly, but the number of terms
is incorrect at 0. What can cause that?
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(docs)
## <>
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
I am desperately looking for a way to plot confidence intervals into a
density plot of only one variable (not a scatter plot etc.)
Have you any advice how to do this?
I've only found manual ways to do with "abline", but this is a rather
bothersome method and only works with ggplot (and not g
> On Dec 1, 2016, at 9:27 AM, Doran, Harold wrote:
> I am having tremendous fortune using the foreach function in the foreach
> package sending work out to multiple cores in order to reduce computational
> time.
> I am experimenting with which types of tasks benefit from running in parall
> On 1 Dec 2016, at 23:42, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Dec 2016, Saba Sehrish via R-help wrote:
>> I have a csv file of Names based on male and female managers. Is there
>> some code in R to identify the gender by names?
> Saba,
> Despite the availability of some tools you'll nev
On Thu, 1 Dec 2016, Saba Sehrish via R-help wrote:
I have a csv file of Names based on male and female managers. Is there
some code in R to identify the gender by names?
Despite the availability of some tools you'll never find a satisfactory
answer. Consider Lynn, Alex, Ari, Blaine, B
On 01/12/2016 2:40 PM, Saba Sehrish via R-help wrote:
I have a csv file of Names based on male and female managers. Is there some
code in R to identify the gender by names?
There was a package called genderNames on CRAN for a couple of months,
but the maintainer abandoned it. You could re
> On 1 Dec 2016, at 22:40, Saba Sehrish via R-help wrote:
> Hi
> I have a csv file of Names based on male and female managers. Is there some
> code in R to identify the gender by names?
> ThanksSaba
A simple google search gives the what you are after [1]. But I think it works
only for En
I doubt there is, at least a search with package sos didn't show
anything usefull.
But a google search found
Maybe you can get inspiration from there and adapt to R code.
Rui Barradas
Em 01-12-2016 19:40, Saba Sehrish via R-help escreveu:
I have a csv file of Names based on male and female managers. Is there some
code in R to identify the gender by names?
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Thanks a lot for your answers. Finally, I'm using the function system2() to run
the python script. However, I don't know how to define a list of numeric values
in the character vector of arguments for the function system2 (i.e., in �args�
of the function system2() ) ?
In the Python
Just briefly to follow up David's comment, though this is mainly about
statistics and therefore off topic here...
Bootstrapping time series is a subtle issue that requires familiarity
with the technical details-- and maybe even current research. The
tsboot() function gives you several options from
> On Dec 1, 2016, at 7:45 AM, Ashwini Patil wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to implement a bootstrap method for time series.
> I am taking the adj close values from yahoo for NFLX and now I need to
> bootstrap these values using ARIMA model.
> here is my code so far:
> rm(list = ls())
> library(bo
You MIGHT get an answer here, but this type of question is more likely to
belong on the R-devel mailing list than here. See the Posting Guide.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On December 1, 2016 8:20:52 AM PST, lejeczek via R-help
>hi everyone.
>this will be a bit r
I am having tremendous fortune using the foreach function in the foreach
package sending work out to multiple cores in order to reduce computational
I am experimenting with which types of tasks benefit from running in parallel
and which do not and so this is a bit of a learning experience
I want to implement a bootstrap method for time series.
I am taking the adj close values from yahoo for NFLX and now I need to
bootstrap these values using ARIMA model.
here is my code so far:
rm(list = ls())
Does anyone know how I can implement the below equation in R? I would
like to estimate the following equation:
y=beta_ij * (1+gamma_j * dummy) * x_ij
where y is continuous, and all the x variables (j of them) are i=3
level categorical variables. The intuition is that instead of
That's exactly what I was looking for!
Thank you,
From: David L Carlson
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 10:18
To: Giovanni Petris; r-help@r-project.org
Subject: RE: Ajdustment of data symbols
Try this. The par("cxy") gets a vector of characte
I'm trying to generate heat map for differential expression data. I ranked
each data row and used that for heat map visualization (included an example
data set with script). When difference between numbers within each row is
small, still heat map is not representing correctly as it is ranki
hi everyone.
this will be a bit rpm packaging related, not sure if more
than R itself but before going to rpm gang I hoped someone
here knows:
why this:
byte-compiling package 'compiler'
Warning in file(datafile, "wb") :
cannot open file
Try this. The par("cxy") gets a vector of character width and height in user
points(0.25, par("usr")[3]-par("cxy")[2]/2, pch = 17, col = "red", cex = 2, xpd
David L Carlson
Department of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
College Station
Is there a way to specify a non-default adjustment for data symbols, similar to
what "adj" does for text?
For example, the following lines of code produce a red triangle on the bottom
border of the plot:
plot(0, 0, type = 'n', xlab = "", ylab = "")
points(0.25, par("usr")[3], pch = 17
Dear all,
Here is a small example : -
> model <- aov(breaks ~ wool * tension, data = warpbreaks)
> summary.lm(model)
aov(formula = breaks ~ wool * tension, data = warpbreaks)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-19.5556 -6.8889 -0.6667 7.1944 25.
Dear R users,
queuecomputer is a new R package now available on CRAN. It is a very
fast method for simulating queueing networks.
The user supplies the arrival and service times and the departure
times are computed deterministically. The name queuecomputer is meant
in the sense that the package 'c
I use R 3.0.2 on Win 7 through proxy server using ".Rprofile" in home
directory that includes "Sys.setenv(http_proxy=proxy_server:port)".
There has been no problem to access the internet for some years.
In this situation, I installed R 3.3.1 and then entered "update.packages
()", however, "
Hi Everyone!
I�m new in R-world and I need help.
I need to make an R-script for PowerBI to connect with a MongoDB data source
and I don�t have so much idea
I have a dataset in a Mongo DB like this:
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5819ad77d8828e871ce09297"),
"Date" : 1478077741,
32 matches
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