hence, using ?which and basic indexing operations:
dat1 <- dat[ -(which(! complete.cases(dat))+1), ]
(It's a nice example of what you can do with indexing in R)
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things
Jim has graciously replied but:
1. Please do not double post -- that's spam;
2. This is a plain text list, so avoid html -- it can get mangled
(though here it didn't).
3. Spend some time with an R tutorial or two. They typically cover
basic topics such as this, and there are many good ones on the
Hi santib2002,
If you only have the XLS file, you could install the "xlsx" package
and read that into R.
If you can load it into Excel and export it as CSV format, you can
read it with the read.csv function:
On Sun, Mar
On 21/03/16 15:02, David Winsemius wrote:
It's a bit puzzling that neither of my replies to [Cathy Lee Gierke's]
postings have > appeared on the R help list Archive. I normally reply-all
to questions and despite the fact that you are sending in a formatted
style, I have my client configured to r
It's a bit puzzling that neither of my replies to your postings have appeared
on the R help list Archive. I normally reply-all to questions and despite the
fact that you are sending in a formatted style, I have my client configured to
reply in plain text. My client "Sent folder" has copies and
Dear Bert, Boris and Michael,
Thanks for your help. I noticed the example data was not compatible with my
specification. The messy example embarrassed me. I tested the codes you sent
me both codes worked perfectly fine. Please accept my sincere thanks.
Don't post in HTML, but thanks for providing dput() outout.
This code tries to follow your specifications, assuming by "time period" you
mean days. The result doesn't look like your desired example though, because
that is not compatible with your specs and I can't guess what you want to do
Your example is wrong: What happened to Sp2 on 1/29?
You have also apparently mixed up lower and upper case: "Sp1", "SP3" .
This will likely cause you great grief, so try to avoid or fix this in
your work.
Anyway, there are tons of ways to do this. dplyR is particularly good
at this sort of thin
Hi R Users,
Some individuals recorded multiple within a time period. But, I want to select
the row of last site within each time period for each individual. I spent a
substantial time, but no luck in selecting the rows. Would you give me a hint
for this one? I have a very large data set, but thi
Dear Kristi
You do not say what you have tried but I would have thought the key to a
solution was to split your problem up by site and write a function to
select the last observation within each site. I am not quite clear
whether this is the last in time or the last occurring row so I just
Dear all,
I am using R version 3.1.3. I want to run this model:
m1<-glmer(hours~soil*volatile+(1|replicate), data=data,family=Gamma(link =
But I got this:
Erreur within make.link(link) : 'inv' link not recognised
What to do in this case?
THANK YOU for help!
PhD can
Thank you very much!
> On Mar 16, 2016, at 2:16 AM, PIKAL Petr wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for providing working example.
> See in line
>> -Original Message-
>> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Miksza,
>> Peter John
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2
> On Mar 17, 2016, at 8:22 AM, Chattopadhyay, Somsubhra
> wrote:
> I am using the "hydroTSM" package and "trend" package to convert my daily
> time series into monthly and then analyze the seasonal trend. My code is
> y <-read.csv("P-GHCNDUSW00093820.csv",as.is=TRUE)
> y$DATE <- as.Date(as
We would like to announce a series of 8 statistics courses in Australia
in June/July/August 2016. For details and registration:
Kind regards,
Alain Zuur
Course 1: Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R.
Frequentist and Bayesian appro
Tanvir & Don: Thanks a lot for your solutions. Both solutions work great. I
really appreciate your help.
-Original Message-
From: Mohammad Tanvir Ahamed [mailto:mashra...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 1:24 PM
To: DIGHE, NILESH [AG/2362]; r-help@r-project.or
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