Re: [R] Create a heat map with German postal codes

2015-02-06 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Paul, Have you seen this site? This seems to have the solution you want, and perhaps some useful stuff about aggregating postal zones. For one off maps, I usually just look at par("usr") to get the current plot

Re: [R] poor man's scree plot for SVD: multiline labels and total lines

2015-02-06 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Michael, If you want to hardwire the title line, this may help. Very hacky, but...<-function(x,digits=5,...) { cat("Singular values and Principal inertias (eigenvalues)\n\n") cat(formatC( c("Singular","Principal","Percent","Cumulative","Scree plot"), width=10),"\n") cat(fo

Re: [R] Computing RLE and NUSE Scores

2015-02-06 Thread Bert Gunter
Ask on the BioConductor list, not here. Bert Gunter Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics (650) 467-7374 "Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge is certainly not wisdom." Clifford Stoll On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 9:27 PM, Beverly Nguyen wrote: > I am working on a pr

[R] Computing RLE and NUSE Scores

2015-02-06 Thread Beverly Nguyen
I am working on a project, and have been given a list of instructions as to how to analyze microarray data. I am to use the affy and affyPLM packages from Bioconductor. I used ReadAffy() to read in my CEL files, then called rma() to normalize the data. I now that this function returns an Expressio

[R] R Kohonen counts plot from unit classification?

2015-02-06 Thread Katharine Miller - NOAA Federal
I am new to the R Kohonen package. I plotted the counts per cell and then compared it to the unit.classif. from the som output - but I can't seem to get it to match up. Cells that show no counts in the counts plot have 3 or more data objects assigned to them in the unit. classif. I can provide t

Re: [R] censored quantile regression

2015-02-06 Thread Ashley Isaac Naimi, Mr
Hi Allen, Thanks for your response. Regarding the issue that Portnoy and PH estimators may not compute parameters in the tail, I believe this is dependent on the amount of censoring (e.g., in the extreme case, if all observations are censored in the upper tail, one cannot obtain estimates in th

Re: [R] Making a histogram

2015-02-06 Thread JS Huang
Hi, For your error "object 't1971' not found" can be corrected by subsetting. t2001 can be done similarly with 2001 replacing 1971. > t1971 <- data[year==1971,] > t1971 VOT year Consonant 1 67 1971 k 2 127 1971 k 3 79 1971 k 4 150 1971 k 5 53 1971

Re: [R] Plotting dataset

2015-02-06 Thread JS Huang
Hi, Forgot to mention that ggplot2 needs to be installed: > install.packages("ggplot2") Warning in install.packages : downloaded length 227 != reported length 227 trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 2675344 bytes

Re: [R] Plotting dataset

2015-02-06 Thread JS Huang
Hi, Here is my implementation. Modify the data as follows so that it can be read with read.table and save as "rHelp_20151206.txt" under working directory. female male vowel language 391 339 i W.Apache 561 512 e W.Apache 826 670 a W.Apache 453 427 o W.Apache 358 291 i CA.English 454 406 e

[R] Create a heat map with German postal codes

2015-02-06 Thread Paul Tremblay
Hi, I am tasked with making a map of German postal codes for a few major cities in Germany. Each postal code will have a differnt color, depending on a metric. For simplicity, let's just use population density. This is what I have achieved so far for London (which I used as an example). I have be

Re: [R] Coverage probability for a Poisson parameter

2015-02-06 Thread JS Huang
Hi, After some thought, I found the treatment of sample mean equal 0 was not appropriate. I modified the function likelihood.ratio.test.Poisson. resulting.matrix now has 0.0512 as the average of type I error. function(lambda, sample.size, significance.level) { reject <- 0 sample.mean <- m

[R] poor man's scree plot for SVD: multiline labels and total lines

2015-02-06 Thread Michael Friendly
In the ca package, the summary method gives the following output, as a "poor man's scree plot", showing eigenvalues, their percents, and a character-based scree plot: # install.packages("ca") haireye <- margin.table(HairEyeColor, 1:2) library(ca) <- ca(haireye) summary(, ro

Re: [R] Interpreting a Logit regression result

2015-02-06 Thread peter dalgaard
> On 06 Feb 2015, at 18:25 , Mohamed Farah wrote: > > Peter, > > Appreciate the comment. Here is a summary table. Both variables (Profit and > dividend with 0=yes & 1=no) are binary as pointed out. I have out of 368 > companies of which 342 were profitable and 26 unprofitable. Of the 342, 79

Re: [R] Interpreting a Logit regression result

2015-02-06 Thread Mohamed Farah
Dear Michael, Thank you for your comment. My difficulty is concerned with the high coefficient of the independent variable. The result I get fro running a logit regression is: ylog e^x= -3.3499+ X4.4738. Changing the numbers to exponents of e (antilog) to better interpret the results, I get y

Re: [R] Interpreting a Logit regression result

2015-02-06 Thread Mohamed Farah
Peter, Appreciate the comment. Here is a summary table. Both variables (Profit and dividend with 0=yes & 1=no) are binary as pointed out. I have out of 368 companies of which 342 were profitable and 26 unprofitable. Of the 342, 79 paid no dividends and 263 paid dividends. Of the 26, 25 paid no

Re: [R] censored quantile regression

2015-02-06 Thread Allen Bingham
Ashley, Looking at the code for the crq function it appears that with method="Portnoy" the tau value is not passed to the fitting function ( and that function appears (I didn't delve into the code to make sure of this ...) to calculate the grid of tau values given the nature of the

Re: [R] how to draw paired mosaic plot?

2015-02-06 Thread Hasan Diwan
The stats package has a mosaicplot function. Perhaps that would help? -- H On 6 February 2015 at 03:46, meng wrote: > Hi all: > If there are two numeric variable:x,y, and I can get paired scatter plot > by function "pairs".But if x and y are character, and I want to get paired > mosaic plot,whic

Re: [R] color heatmap according to value ranges

2015-02-06 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: You get a gradient for your response variable because it is numeric. You need to convert it to factor. (Discrete color sets need to be mapped to discrete variables - a factor is one way to generate a discrete variable.) Here is one approach to get what you appear to be looking for. DF <- dat

Re: [R] suggestion for optimal plotting to show significant differences

2015-02-06 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
I would try one of these illustrations for starts. interaction2wt (two-way tables) is designed to be used with aov() for testing. interaction2wt shows all main effects and all two-way interactions for many factors. test <- structure(list(item = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,

Re: [R] Interpreting a Logit regression result

2015-02-06 Thread peter dalgaard
On 06 Feb 2015, at 16:58 , Michael Dewey wrote: > Dear Mohamed > > Your dataset did not make it through, the list strips most attachments. > > In my area of application I would be suspicious that such an odds ratio was > the result of a data error or my misunderstanding of the underlying scie

Re: [R] Interpreting a Logit regression result

2015-02-06 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Mohamed Your dataset did not make it through, the list strips most attachments. In my area of application I would be suspicious that such an odds ratio was the result of a data error or my misunderstanding of the underlying science. You are probably in the best position to judge both of t

Re: [R] how to draw paired mosaic plot?

2015-02-06 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 06/02/2015 6:46 AM, meng wrote: Hi all: If there are two numeric variable:x,y, and I can get paired scatter plot by function "pairs".But if x and y are character, and I want to get paired mosaic plot,which function should be used then? Why not pairs, with a custom panel function? There ar

[R] how to draw paired mosaic plot?

2015-02-06 Thread meng
Hi all: If there are two numeric variable:x,y, and I can get paired scatter plot by function "pairs".But if x and y are character, and I want to get paired mosaic plot,which function should be used then? Many thanks! My best. -- QQ: 1733768559 [[alternative HTML version deleted]

[R] Interpreting a Logit regression result

2015-02-06 Thread Mohamed Farah
I have run a logit regression with two categorical variables (with 0 and 1) as the values. i.e. payment (1) / non-payment(0) on profit (profitable =1, non-profitable=0) on 375 entities. Here is the result from R: > divgress <-glm(Div~PRFD, family=binomial(link="logit"), data=divs) > summary(d

[R] color heatmap according to value ranges

2015-02-06 Thread N.Hubner
Probably the simplest thing there is, but I can't get it to work: Example for my data: a <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) b <- c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) c <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) df <- data.frame(cbind(a,b,c)) I create a heat map with c being the values: ggplot(df, aes(df$a, df$b, fill = df$c)) +

Re: [R] save structure to be accesible later

2015-02-06 Thread Ivan Calandra
Hi, I think that putting all your objects into one single list would be easier, both to handle it and to save it. To do it, you can create an empty list with 1000 elements before running your function and then run your function in a loop (or something similar) with the output of each run bein

[R] suggestion for optimal plotting to show significant differences

2015-02-06 Thread PIKAL Petr
Dear all I would like to ask for your opinion about possible graphical representation of such data. > dput(test) structure(list(item = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Lab