> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Cesar Terrer
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 4:21 AM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: [R] Select first element of each factor and convert to NA
> Hi all,
> I h
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Benoit Gendreau-Berthiaume
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 12:54 AM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: [R] Ploting different values with different colors
> Hello I am tr
Thanks very much AK so indeed they are floats! I'll be more careful next
time when performing equality comparisons.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help
Thanks for the reply AK.
>From R FAQ 7.31: "The only numbers that can be represented exactly in R's
numeric type are integers and fractions whose denominator is a power of 2"
I'm not sure though that this is the problem here, does this statement apply
to only floating point numbers? Is 0.15 a fl
Hi all,
I have a dataframe of the following type:
DayPlace dendrometermax
1 1 1 4684
2 1 1 4831
1 1 2 2
Hi all,
I have created a linear mixed-effects model using lmer. My dependent
variable is comp.score and my main independent variable is delay.type, a
repeated-measures within-subject variable (2 levels: Synch and Asynch,
order counter-balanced across participants). I had a series of covariates
I do appreciate this answer. I heard that in SAS, conditional logistic model do
predictions in the same way. However, this formula can only deal with in-sample
predictions. How about the out-of-sample one? Is it like one of the former
responses by Thomas, say, it's impossible to do the out-of-sa
Hello I am trying to plot a 20 x 20 grid of points with the colors of each
point refering to percent cover of that specific point
So basically the point are all the same size and their position on the
graph is base on their coordinates (x,y). I want the color (a grey scale
from white=0 to black =
On 03/01/2013 12:53 PM, Pablo Menese wrote:
I'm performing item response theory with eRm packages
I am excluding the persons that doesn't fit in the infit/outfit persons.
for that I created a condition. then I have to create a new subset or
matrix but with the condition.
I'm performing item response theory with eRm packages
I am excluding the persons that doesn't fit in the infit/outfit persons.
for that I created a condition. then I have to create a new subset or
matrix but with the condition.
matrix<-cbind(item1, item2, item3, item4)
thanks a lot. works!!!
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> On 26/02/2013 09:55, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
>> Le lundi 25 février 2013 à 20:26 -0300, Pablo Menese a écrit :
>>> I use to work whit stata dataframe, so, when I use R I type read.dta
>>> Until today I do
On 02/28/2013 05:40 PM, Steve Taylor wrote:
Does anyone know if there's an easy facility to create and specify a template
file to be used for new R scripts?
I found myself creating this function which works well (in RStudio on Windows).
newR = function(filename=tempfile(tmpdir='.',fileext='.R'
The HWidentify and HTKidentify functions in the TeachingDemos package let
you specify a label for each point, then that label is displayed when you
hover over that point with the mouse (and it goes away when you move the
mouse away from that point).
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Agustin Lobo w
On Feb 28, 2013, at 5:26 AM, Miss SHENG Lisha wrote:
> I still don't think the exp(lp)/(1+exp(lp)) gonna work. Since this is
> conditional logit model, while this formula is only used in unconditional
> ones. By using this, one neglects the information based on stratum. Though I
> don't know h
I am using library(latticeExtra) resizePanels to have better visual display
in dotplot (lattice).
However, some panels became smaller and the strip letters of those panels
were partially missing.
Please kindly advise how to keep all strip letters remaining when resizing
Thank you.
On 2013-02-28 04:20, Elaine Kuo wrote:
I am using lattice dotplot and I would like to put the strip under the
I found the code “strip” is for the strip above the panel, and “strip.left”
for the strip left to the panel.
Please kindly advise how to write the code for the strip und
Does anyone know if there's an easy facility to create and specify a template
file to be used for new R scripts?
I found myself creating this function which works well (in RStudio on Windows).
newR = function(filename=tempfile(tmpdir='.',fileext='.R'), open=TRUE) {
template = paste(Sys.getenv(
Dear all,
I have data from the following experimental design and trying to fit a mixed
model with lme function according to following steps but struggling. Any help
is deeply appreciated.
1) Experimental design: I have 40 plants each of which has 4 clones. Each clone
planted to one of 4 b
This seems like a very basic question so I have searched the FAQ site, several
manuals, and the R-Seek site as well as Googling for an answer but can't seem
to come up with one. I am trying to import an Excel file that resides on a
University network. The path name of the file is to a network d
On Feb 28, 2013, at 4:30 AM, Sahana Srinivasan wrote:
> Hello :)
> I'm just starting out with R and would appreciate your help with a couple
> of problems I am running into.
You do need to work through the examples in "Introduction to R"
> I have used Sys.glob to get a list of all filenames hav
1. I have forwarded this to the list in order to increase your chance
of getting a response. I hope that is OK.
2. I would have thought that by putting in the effort to understand
the tutorial is how a complete beginner advances beyond that stage.
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Sa
On 28/02/2013 11:08 AM, Jesus Munoz Serrano wrote:
Dear all
I'm having some problems with a data set that has parenthesis within the
variable names. A example of this kind of variable names is the following:
The case is that R is having a l
Have you read "An Introduction to R" (ships with R) or other of the
many web tutorials. If not, please do so before posting.
-- Bert
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Sahana Srinivasan
> Hello :)
> I'm just starting out with R and would appreciate your help with a couple
> of problems I am
You could also try:
datF<- data.frame(sample(1:10,15,replace=TRUE))
names(datF)<- "fBodyGyroskewness()Z"
#[1] "fBodyGyroskewnessZ"
#[1] "fBodyGyroskewnessZ"
- Original Messa
Below is what happens when you let hotmail format your message using html.
Always use plain text emails.
The command "attach(cats)" told R to put the data.frame in the search path
so that the variables in cats would be visible without specifying the name
of the data frame:
Oops -- forgot that you have to double the backslashes:
So use:
sub("\\(\\)","", names(dataFrame))
-- Bert
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Bert Gunter wrote:
> Please read ?regex, where it says:
> " Any metacharacter with special meaning may be quoted by preceding it
> with a backslash. Th
Please read ?regex, where it says:
" Any metacharacter with special meaning may be quoted by preceding it
with a backslash. The metacharacters in EREs are . \ | ( ) [ { ^ $ * +
?, but note that whether these have a special meaning depends on the
context. "
So use:
sub("\(\)","", names(dataFrame))
Hi Rasmus,
Things will be much less confusing if you don't use attach. I know
that sounds flippent, but I'm quite serious.
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 7:50 AM, Rasmus Hedegaard
> Hello, The dataset "cats" contain information about the heart weight ("Hwt"),
> body weight (
On 02/28/2013 08:27 PM, Martin Spindler wrote:
Dear all,
I would like to ask, if there is a way to make the variance / dispersion
parameter $\theta$ (referring to MASS, 4th edition, p. 206) in the function
glm.nb dependent on the data, e.g. $1/ \theta = exp(x \beta)$ and to estimate
the param
Ahh, I should have known about the MDI and SDI options - choosing SDI lets
me do what I want. Thanks.
On #2, I realized that when the change directory dialog window pops up, if I
resize it, R remembers the resizing so that now the entire window is
visible. I should have tried that before I posted.
Dear all
I'm having some problems with a data set that has parenthesis within the
variable names. A example of this kind of variable names is the following:
The case is that R is having a lot of troubles to identify the variable
(probably it
By Ctr-moving the cursor over a point in an iplot() scatterplot
(package iplots) it is possible to check the exact x,y coordinates
of a given point. Is it possible to check a text label for that point
as well? (i.e., the same info that would get printed on the graphic
using text(x,y, labels=v)
or w
I'm working across the statistical literature to find methods for calculating
prediction intervals for GLM, BRT (boosted regression tree) models and MARS
(multivariate adaptive regression spline) models, but unfortunately my
statistical background is too weak to understand most of the stuff I re
I still don't think the exp(lp)/(1+exp(lp)) gonna work. Since this is
conditional logit model, while this formula is only used in unconditional ones.
By using this, one neglects the information based on stratum. Though I don't
know how to solve it to. I am also working on a project on this and I
Hello, The dataset "cats" contain information about the heart weight ("Hwt"),
body weight ("Bwt") and gender ("Sex") of a group of 144 cats. I write the
following piece of code: library(MASS)attach(cats)ratio <- Hwt/Bwtmale <-
ratio[Sex == "M"]female <- ratio[Sex == "F"] My question is, when
Hello :)
I'm just starting out with R and would appreciate your help with a couple
of problems I am running into.
I have used Sys.glob to get a list of all filenames having a particular
file extension (in my case, *.txt)
I would now like to use this list in the following manner: I would like to
directory<- "/home/arunksa111/data.new"
#first function
direct<-dir(directory,pattern = paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""),
full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
list1<-lapply(direct, function(x) rea
Xochitl CORMON ifremer.fr> writes:
> Le 28/02/2013 17:22, Ben Bolker a écrit :
> > Xochitl CORMON ifremer.fr> writes:
> >> I am encountering some issues with my data and need some help. I am
> >> trying to run glm analysis with a presence/absence variable as
> >> response variable and several ex
It is not at all clear to me exactly what you want but ggplot2 does not allow
double-y graphs. However does this suggest anything useful?
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From: a...@ecology.su.se
> Se
Le 28/02/2013 17:22, Ben Bolker a écrit :
Thank you for your help !
Xochitl CORMON ifremer.fr> writes:
Dear all,
I am encountering some issues with my data and need some help. I am
trying to run glm analysis with a presence/absence variable as
response variable and several explanatory vari
Xochitl CORMON ifremer.fr> writes:
> Dear all,
> I am encountering some issues with my data and need some help.
> I am trying to run glm analysis with a presence/absence variable as
> response variable and several explanatory variable (time, location,
> presence/absence data, abundance data)
On 28/02/2013 11:00 AM, Glenn Stauffer wrote:
Ahh, I should have known about the MDI and SDI options - choosing SDI lets
me do what I want. Thanks.
On #2, I realized that when the change directory dialog window pops up, if I
resize it, R remembers the resizing so that now the entire window is
This is a statistics question, not an R one.
If you want to fit an ARMA model, your time series can have any values,
zero, negative or positive. Please revise your knowledge of time series.
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 28-02-2013 10:40, Nnina escreveu:
I would like to comp
Spearman would be easier since you just convert the data to ranks and use
the Pearson correlation:
> set.seed(42)
> x <- data.frame(matrix(sample(1:9, 20, replace=TRUE), 10, 2))
> x
X1 X2
1 9 5
2 9 7
3 3 9
4 8 3
5 6 5
6 5 9
7 7 9
8 2 2
9 6 5
10 7 6
> cor(x)
It is always useful to look at the data in multiple ways. The unique()
function will remove the duplicates in your data so that isoMDS will work:
> set.seed(42)
> x <- matrix(sample(0:1, 20, replace=TRUE), 10, 2)
> x
[,1] [,2]
Martin Spindler gmx.de> writes:
> Dear all,
> I would like to ask, if there is a way to make the
> variance / dispersion parameter $\theta$ (referring to
> MASS, 4th edition, p. 206) in the function glm.nb dependent on the
> data, e.g. $1/ \theta = exp(x \beta)$ and
> to estimate the param
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Glenn Stauffer wrote:
> I have 2 (related, I think) questions about positioning of windows within R.
> 1. I often work with a second monitor and sometimes like to arrange 1
> or more plot windows on the second monitor, while keeping the console on the
> pri
I am using lattice dotplot and I would like to put the strip under the
I found the code strip is for the strip above the panel, and strip.left
for the strip left to the panel.
Please kindly advise how to write the code for the strip under the panel
Thank you
On 13-02-28 4:20 AM, Patrick Connolly wrote:
On Fri, 22-Feb-2013 at 02:23PM -0500, jim holtman wrote:
|> Run with:
|> options(error=utils::recover)
|> Then at the point of the error you will be able to examine sigma2$id
|> which is probably not a numeric. Any time you get an error like th
exactly what is
Anyway, you can save yourself a lot headache, if you start using lists for your
Lists can be used easily in cycles.
for (i in 1:n) {
some.list[i] <- some.function(some.other.list[i])
and also lapply/sapply functions can be useful
I would like to compute ARMA and AR using arima-function in R.
My question is: If I have Null=zero values in my data, what should I do?
Remove ? or doesn't matter for ARIMA-models and I can estimate my
coefficients including zero values in data in arima-function in R ? What
is the better
Dear, I would like to post the following question to the r-help on Nabble
(thanks in advance for the attention, Gustavo Vieira):
Hi there.
I have a data set on hands with 5,220 cases and I'd like to automate some
procedures (but I have almost no programming knowledge). The data has some
I would like to do a PCA with dudi.pca or PCA, but also with the use of
Spearman or Kendall correlations
Is it possible ?
Otherwise, how can I do, according to you ?
Thanking you in advance
Eric Bourgade
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On 02/27/2013 07:30 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 10:16 AM, Bert Gunter wrote:
>> Some additional comments inline below to add to David's
>> clarifications, proffered largely in response to the poster's remark
>> about coming to R from another language.
>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2
On Fri, 22-Feb-2013 at 02:23PM -0500, jim holtman wrote:
|> Run with:
|> options(error=utils::recover)
|> Then at the point of the error you will be able to examine sigma2$id
|> which is probably not a numeric. Any time you get an error like this,
|> if you have been using the above state
hi duncan, thanks a lot for your help!
yes, your solution is working fine with a little tweaking of the vector
"poscec" : but on the other hand it's just affecting the relative
position of labels around respective points;
to get more flexibility would be probably better to supply (even if I
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