On Sep 15, 2012, at 7:15 PM, mcg wrote:
> Hello R-users,
> I would like to use subscript in chemical formulas for the different
> treatments in a boxplot.
> Fot title, xlab and ylab sub- and superscript is no problem, but for the
> different treatments of the following example I cannot get s
On Sep 15, 2012, at 7:17 PM, mcg wrote:
> Dear moderator;
> I'm on the R-Mailing list with the same (giepe...@gmail.com) email address,
> still I get the "Post by non-member..." message. Am I not a member than?
It appears you are currently subscribed as one "6813 Non-digested Members".
Hello R-users,
I would like to use subscript in chemical formulas for the different
treatments in a boxplot.
Fot title, xlab and ylab sub- and superscript is no problem, but for the
different treatments of the following example I cannot get subscript.
weight <- c(6,5,7,2,7,3,9,4,2,7
Dear moderator;
I'm on the R-Mailing list with the same (giepe...@gmail.com) email
address, still I get the "Post by non-member..." message. Am I not a
member than?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
This is not actually a question about R but rather about understanding
generalized linear models. If you are going to use such models you
need to learn what they are and what they mean. The book "An
Introduction to Generalized Linear Models" by Annette Dobson and
Adrian Barnett (Chapman and Hal
Thanks for the data. It makes things much easier.
Do you want a bar chart (i.e. geom = bar in qplot or geom_bar in ggplot)? That
sounds like what you mean when you speak of rectangles.
If so try this ggplot) command -- I almost never use qplot() so I am not quite
sure how to specify it there
On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 11:09 PM, Francesco Montanari
> Hi all,
> I'm new to R and to this mailing list,
> I'd need to display, in a 2x2 window (mfrow = c(2, 2)), a graph that is 2
> rows tall (so with 2 other graphs at his right).
> Here is an example of what I mean
> http://www.stefa
Hi all,
I'm new to R and to this mailing list,
I'd need to display, in a 2x2 window (mfrow = c(2, 2)), a graph that is 2 rows
tall (so with 2 other graphs at his right).
Here is an example of what I mean
in html there is an attribute called rowspa
I've been working with categorical, binary data and have been using a
combination of both FactoMiner and missMDA to impute the binary data set. I
have had success imputing the data set and I am now working with a
complete set. Now, I wish to reduce the dimensionality of the data and do
Try this:
> str(rep_data)
#'data.frame': 6 obs. of 4 variables:
# $ id1 : Factor w/ 6 levels "10016_a2",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
# $ id2 : Factor w/ 2 levels "fairly","very": 2 1 2 2 2 1
# $ know : Factor w/ 1 level "well": 1 1 1 1 1 1
# $ getalong: int 4 NA 3 5 5 5
It worked! Thank you very much! I did not know about about the alphabetical
order - trying to run before I can walk. If I can ever help (South American
linguistics is my field), let me know! You certainly helped me bringing my
dissertation into a better shape!
Best wishes,
> Typo corre
If you do not want the change the row order or column order, ddply() may be
new1<-ddply(x,.(x1,x2),function(x) x$value)
#[1] 0.2655087 0.3721239 0.5728534 0.9082078 0.2016819 0.8983897 0.9446753
#[8] 0.6607978
- Original Message
[See at end]
On 15-Sep-2012 20:36:49 Niklas Fischer wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I have a reproducible data and try to create new variable "clo" is 1 if
> know variable is equal to "very well" or "fairly well" and getalong is 4 or
> 5
> otherwise it is 0.
rep_data<- read.table(header=TRUE, te
On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Christian Hoffmann
> Hi,
> Every time I do
> system("R CMD check mypackckage"
> the process executes a help.start(). Why does this happen?
Hi Christian,
I'm afraid I can't replicate this with the packages I keep local
copies of and installed versio
Le samedi 15 septembre 2012 à 23:36 +0300, Niklas Fischer a écrit :
> Dear R users,
> I have a reproducible data and try to create new variable "clo" is 1 if
> know variable is equal to "very well" or "fairly well" and getalong is 4 or
> 5
> otherwise it is 0.
> rep_data<- read.table(header=
Dear R users,
I have a reproducible data and try to create new variable "clo" is 1 if
know variable is equal to "very well" or "fairly well" and getalong is 4 or
otherwise it is 0.
rep_data<- read.table(header=TRUE, text="
id1id2know getalong
10016_a1 1001
Every time I do
system("R CMD check mypackckage"
the process executes a help.start(). Why does this happen?
Christian W. Hoffmann,
CH - 8915 Hausen am Albis, Switzerland
Rigiblickstrasse 15 b, Tel.+41-44-7640853
> 2) Make the vector a list. I don't know if there are side-Effects to
> this, but perhaps it's just the anxiety of a Java-Programmer who isn't
> used to the somewhat easy-going way R deals with classes:
>class(dataf2) <- "list"
Indeed, there are _many_ side effects to this and you really
On 14.09.2012 22:16, Steve Lianoglou wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 2:33 PM, agrins wrote:
>> HI all-
>> I have used this .fun in S+ without a problem however, in R when I run this
>> code to generate multiple graphs:
>> trendplot<-function(datafr,dataf2, abbrev="", titlestr="",
Dear Bill,
Thanks a lot for your quick reply, that was exactly what I was looking for.
William Dunlap writes:
> Does ave() do what you want?
> y. <- ave(x$value, x$x1, x$x2, FUN=function(x)x)
> Bill Dunlap
> Spotfire, TIBCO Software
> wdunlap tibco.com
I am trying to do a quasipoisson regression to know if the frequency of
drinking of my subject is related to temperature. The problem is that I'm
not sure how to interpret my result.
1) Since my result is signifiant, can I tell that the frequency of drinking
of my subject increase linearly or expo
Thanks Rui, thanks John for your very different solutions.
I'll try to break my questions into smaller steps following your tips.
However, not everything is clear for me... so before giving you a
feed-back I need to study further your answers. For the moment I could
specify that I'm looking for th
Typo correction - brackets around pch[] and bg[]:
points(map$longitude, map$latitude, pch=pch[as.numeric(map$number)],
col="black", bg=bg[as.numeric(map$number)], cex=1.5)
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
> project.org
If I understand it correctly,
try this:
Year Market Winner BID
1990 ABC Apple 0.1260
1990 ABC Apple 0.1395
1990 EFG Pear 0.1350
1991 EFG Apple
Dear list,
I wish to plot chromatin precipitation data: I would like to have a
rectangles (x:end-start, y:peak) but I do not have an idea how to define x
(in terms of qplot syntax) and to choose the correct geom.
mydata is a subset of a larger file.
> mydata
chromstart end peak
To the best of my knowledge.
DMAs are very specific to the companies. If you have the long and lat data then
it's easy to use some of the package to draw them and maps is one of them.
Best Regards,
Bhupendrasinh Thakre
On Sep 14, 2012, at 5:18 PM, Josh Browning wrote:
> Hey useRs!
> Do a
You didn't include the data so we can't really test anything, but
you can simplify things quite a bit by replacing the pch= and bg=
lines with
pch <- c(24, 23, 22, 21)
bg <- c("grey24", "black", "grey77", "white")
map$number is a factor which means your categories default to
alphabetical order
Does ave() do what you want?
y. <- ave(x$value, x$x1, x$x2, FUN=function(x)x)
Bill Dunlap
Spotfire, TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
> Behalf
> Of Marius Hofert
> Sent: Saturday, Septemb
I try to apply a function to subsets of a data.frame. tapply() does the job, but
the as output, I am looking for a vector (not an array/matrix) ordered in the
same way as the original data, so I can simply cbind the result to the original
data.frame. Below is a minimal example.
I know that th
I have not seen any replies to your questions so I will suggest an approach
that may work if I can get a function to work.
If I understand what you want, you have a pattern something like this:
pattern1 <- c("2Ma", "no2Ma","no2Ma", "no2Ma","no2Ma")
pattern2 <- c("no2Ma", 'no2Ma', "no2Ma", "no
On Sep 15, 2012, at 2:22 AM, kangam3 wrote:
> Hi Friends
> I am new here and have a problem
> Year Market Winner BID
> 1 1990ABC Apple 0.1260
> 2 1990ABC Apple 0.1395
> 3 1990EFG Pear
On 15.09.2012 08:29, mandamate1 wrote:
Hi, I am using the bagplot function within the aplpack package and often get
this error:
Error in chull(pg[, 1], pg[, 2]) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 2)
Here's an example of data for which this happens:
bagplot(c(-4.66, -2.62, -3.65 ,-
Homework. There's a no homework policy, but see ?aggregate.
Rui Barradas
Em 15-09-2012 10:22, kangam3 escreveu:
Hi Friends
I am new here and have a problem
Year Market Winner BID
1 1990ABC Apple 0.1260
2 1990ABC Apple
This looks a lot like homework. However here is a hint
ABD1990 <- subset(xx, Year == 1990 & Market == "ABC")
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From: jowe.tjioe.2...@business.smu.edu.sg
> Sent: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 02:22:42 -0700 (PDT)
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject:
I have never used the package but a quick look at the manual suggests a number
of corrections for multiple correlatins so you probably should look into it.
See "kruskal" in the manual for a start.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From: amy_kirk...@yahoo.co.uk
> Sent
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 6:14 PM, emorway wrote:
> Hi Joshua,
> I was attempting to work with your code on the larger datasets, which I have
> to read in with 'read.table', but I've apparently missed something. When I
> attempt to massage the data.frame a bit in the code below, as.POSIXct drops
I have used the correlation analysis (pearson) in the agricolae package to
analyse my data and got unexpectedly low p-values (therefore making many
more highly significant correlations in my data than I had expected). I am
wondering if the p-values given should be subtracted from 1 to give the real
Hi Friends
I am new here and have a problem
Year Market Winner BID
1 1990ABC Apple 0.1260
2 1990ABC Apple 0.1395
3 1990EFG Pear 0.1350
4 1991EFG Apple 0
I've started using lmPerm in order to perform regressions in R. The
equation I want to fit has the form:
out3 <- lmp(outcome ~ bin1 + bin2 + cont1 + cont2, perm="Exact")
Where "outcome" is a non-normally distributed continuous variable, and bin*
and cont are binary and continuous regressors (simi
Hi, I am using the bagplot function within the aplpack package and often get
this error:
Error in chull(pg[, 1], pg[, 2]) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 2)
Here's an example of data for which this happens:
bagplot(c(-4.66, -2.62, -3.65 ,-3.07 ,-4.91, -4.56 ,-3.79, -3.10, -3.01),
On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 2:27 AM, Jim Green
> Greetings,
> not sure tail in R can tail a file as documented here
> http://rss.acs.unt.edu/Rdoc/library/R.basic/html/tail.html
> but when I tried my R version 2.14.2 it doesn't work.
Note that that "tail" is not the same as utils::tail tha
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