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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
__ mailing list
Dear all,
I am trying to do weighted regression using lm function in R. However, I have a
question why the results from
1) lm(formula = Y~aX, weight = w)
2) lm(formula = wY~waX)
are different. Aren't they supposed to have the exactly same result?
Below are the R code to see differ
2011/9/6 Jean-Christophe BOUËTTÉ :
you could tapply
function(x) if(length(x)==1) x else sample(x)
or something like this
> 2011/9/6 Jean-Christophe BOUËTTÉ :
>> Hi there,
>> in the third case you get sample(5) which is exactly what you asked for.
>> from ?sample:
>> "If x has length 1, is nu
Hi there,
in the third case you get sample(5) which is exactly what you asked for.
from ?sample:
"If x has length 1, is numeric (in the sense of is.numeric) and x >=
1, sampling via sample takes place from 1:x. Note that this
convenience feature may lead to undesired behaviour when x is of
This comes with absolutely no guarantees (and a good recommendation to
be cautious), but you could try it:
myset <- function(name = "", path = "") {
res <- vector("character", length(LETTERS))
for(i in LETTERS) {
res[i] <- shell(shQuote(paste("VOL ", i, ":", sep = '')), intern =
On Sep 6, 2011, at 5:08 PM, Axel Urbiz wrote:
Hi - How can I 'manually' reproduce the results in 'pred1' below?
Well, not by constructing the prediction function from a different
data basis that the glm function gets.
My attempt
is pred_manual, but is not correct. Any help is much apprec
I'm not sure what your worry about "individuals" is, but running the code as
given above hits another more fundamental problem: your use of the "..."
argument. Since integrate passes a vector of arguments**, your code
interprets most of those as "..." arguments and tries to pass them along to
On Sep 6, 2011, at 5:10 PM, B Jessop wrote:
R-help, I recently updated R from 2.13.0 to 2.13.1 (32-bit Windows
version) and now have a problem updating packages. I am running
Windows 7 as operating system. As the FAQ suggests, I uninstalled
2.13.0 before installing 2.13.1. On first
On Sep 6, 2011, at 8:07 PM, Farhad Shokoohi wrote:
I need to use a loop and each time go to folder i and check
availability of .RData file. If it exist load it and if not submit a
command in linux. Something like this
for (i in 1:10){
# Perhaps:
if (target %in%
AFAIK the answer is "no". There are ways to look up the volume label given the
drive letter, with which you can search for the drive letter by trial and
error, but in most cases that is more trouble than it is worth.
Hi Simon
Unfortunately, it works for me on my OS X machine. So I can't reproduce the
I'd be curious to know which version of libxml2 you are using. That might be
the cause
of the problem.
You can find this with
You might install a more recent versi
On 11-09-06 8:13 PM, Jack Siegrist wrote:
I want to sample within groups, and when a group has only one associated
number to just return that number.
If I use this code:
groups<- c(1, 2, 2, 2, 3)
numbers<- 1:5
tapply(numbers, groups, FUN = sample)
I get the following output:
groups<- c(1,
On Sep 6, 2011, at 8:13 PM, Jack Siegrist wrote:
I want to sample within groups, and when a group has only one
number to just return that number.
And what we supposed to do when it has more than one value?
If I use this code:
groups <- c(1, 2, 2, 2, 3)
numbers <- 1:5
On 11-09-06 6:29 PM, Berry Boessenkool wrote:
Hey all,
I encountered a problem drawing a histogram.
You can view the picture here:
This has been fixed in R-patched: see
I want to sample within groups, and when a group has only one associated
number to just return that number.
If I use this code:
groups <- c(1, 2, 2, 2, 3)
numbers <- 1:5
tapply(numbers, groups, FUN = sample)
I get the following output:
> groups <- c(1, 2, 2, 2, 3)
> numbers <- 1:5
> tapply(
I need to use a loop and each time go to folder i and check availability of
.RData file. If it exist load it and if not submit a command in linux.
Something like this
for (i in 1:10){
if .Rdata (?)
load (.RData
Any idea how to do
Hey all,
I encountered a problem drawing a histogram.
You can view the picture here:
What happens:
the bars are drawn with different starting points, thus no straight zero-line
is there.
And bars are overlapping. (or sometimes apart from each
On 07/09/11 08:47, Khanvilkar, Shashank wrote:
> Hello All,
> Thanks in advance for all help.
> In my prog, I have a global list object that is used as a container for
> storing some data frames.
> Here is an example code.
> --SNIP--
> temp1<- function(X){
> statName = c("Mean", "stdDev", "
I wrote this function (borrowing heavily from an example from Longhow Lam)
heatplot = function(x,y,z,bgcol="#777044",coltype='heat', ccex = 1.5,
circles=TRUE, ...){
layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 3), nc=3), widths=c(7, 1, .5))
## create the scatterplot withdifferent color
Hello All,
Thanks in advance for all help.
In my prog, I have a global list object that is used as a container for storing
some data frames.
Here is an example code.
temp1 <- function(X){
statName = c("Mean", "stdDev", "NumSamples")
statVal = c("0.5", "0.51", "5")
r = data
On Sep 6, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Salvo Mac wrote:
How can I exclude the legends from calibration plots
generated by calibrate.cph
You may be confused. `calibrate.cph` does not do plotting. There is a
`plot.calibrate` function and a `plot.calibrate.default` function.
Looking at the code y
Dear R People:
At one time, Rweb existed, which had R on a server.
I looked for it, but can't find it.
Has anyone used that recently, or is there a new equivalent, please?
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston
At 4:10 PM +0100 9/6/11, Lívio Cipriano wrote:
Can anyone explain me the differences in Q and R mode in Principal Component
Analysis, as performed by prcomp and princom respectively.
Dear Livio,
The help file of prcomp says it pretty well:
"The calculation is done by a singular value
On the Mac it's pretty easy to get to a USB drive by name. For example the
following command works if you have a USB drive named "MYUSB"
Is there a way to do the same thing in Windows (without knowing the drive
[[alternative HTML version deleted
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 5:47 PM, Antonio Paredes
> Hello everyone,
> I'll like to know if there is an easy way to upgrade R in Ubuntu. I'd use
> google to search for information, but nothing seems to work.
Googling for "install r ubuntu" gives you a good first hit:
Hello everyone,
I'll like to know if there is an easy way to upgrade R in Ubuntu. I'd use
google to search for information, but nothing seems to work.
Thank you
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing li
How can I exclude the legends from calibration plots
generated by calibrate.cph
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the post
R-help, I recently updated R from 2.13.0 to 2.13.1 (32-bit Windows version) and
now have a problem updating packages. I am running Windows 7 as operating
system. As the FAQ suggests, I uninstalled 2.13.0 before installing 2.13.1.
On first opening R, I ran "update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE,
Hi - How can I 'manually' reproduce the results in 'pred1' below? My attempt
is pred_manual, but is not correct. Any help is much appreciated.
y <- rgamma(1000, shape =0.5)
age <- rnorm(1000, 45, 10)
glm1 <- glm(y ~ ns(age, 4), family=Gamma(link=log))
dd <-
Hi Eik,
greetings to Hamburg! :-) Thanks for the fast and helpful answer
Eik Vettorazzi-2 wrote:
> #compare
> str(red[,2])
> str(red[2,])
I understand that the first is a real vector of nums in R and the second is
a ?? matrix/list/data.frame ?? of single ? entries? Can I
Hi Jannis,
and thanks for the quick answer
jannis-2 wrote:
> which(red > 0.5)
this works but what are the actual numbers that are spit out? Because the
next step:
jannis-2 wrote:
> red[which(red > 0.5)]
does not work. It gives an
Error in `[.data.frame`(tableReduced,
I just tried
it seems it works on vectors too, but maybe I miss something.
2011/9/6 Bos, Roger :
> All,
> I have a function that runs a set of regressions (using the rlm
> function) and I notice that it run much slower on my 64-bit R than it
> does on my 3
I have a function that runs a set of regressions (using the rlm
function) and I notice that it run much slower on my 64-bit R than it
does on my 32-bit R. I guess the bigger bit size slows it down.
Anyway, I looked into Rprof to see how I can speed it up. I saw that
78% of the total time is
I agree with David that poisson regression would be the simplest thing.
It's a consequence of the poison formulation and an exponential "trick"
E(#breaks) = breaks per meter * length in meters
= exp(Xb) * exp(log(length))
= exp(Xb + log(length))
X = covariates that affe
On 9/6/2011 4:01 AM, eldor ado wrote:
I have a related question:
dataframe df contains values like
.. "\\textbf{ 0.644 }" ..
and the line
print( xtable(df , sanitize.text.function = function(x){x}))
sanitize.text.function is an argument of print.xtable, not xtable. Try
print( xta
Hi Sarah,
To me, the heatmap function calculates "density value" for each grid
of the heatmap automatically from the input matrix. In my case, I
already got the "density value" as a vector, say Z. I want to plot a
heat map with x and y as is axsis and z values as the "density" of
grid. I
You mean like the examples in help("heatmap") ?
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Jinrui Xu wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have three numerica vectors: x, y, z. I want to plot a heatmap or surface
> plot of z against x and y. Is there any package for this? If possible,
> please drop me several lines o
Hi Ben,
Thanks you were right. I was using R-studio and needed to close and reopen
this after downloading the lastest glmmADMB version in R. Then the new
version was on there.
Now I have a new problem with the same model that I've been working on. Here
is the model and the error message:
> mode
Hi, all,
When I ran the following code,
library (Design)
reri <- function(datsam)
fitlr <- glm(PTSDpy ~ toxo*PTE, family=binomial, data=datsam)
reri <- exp(fitlr$coef[2]+fitlr$coef[3]+fitlr$coef[4])-exp(fitlr$coef[2])
- exp(fitlr$coef[3]) + 1
summary.bootstrap(bootstrap(, reri(PTE
Anyone any idea on how to tackle this problem? Thanks a lot!
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
I work on the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and I am looking for a
function in a R package which done the multivariate interpolation.
My problem is: For all i=1, ..., n, I have values of (xi1, xi2, ...,
xi7)in IR^7 and f(xi1, xi2, ..., xi7)in R and I have also values of (x'i1,
Hi everyone,
I have three numerica vectors: x, y, z. I want to plot a heatmap or
surface plot of z against x and y. Is there any package for this? If
possible, please drop me several lines of example code. Thanks!
Kamil Bartoń> writes:
> Hi Marcos,
> The 'adjusted CI' (based on the 'adjusted se estimator'
> as in section 4.3.3 of Burnham & Anderson
> 2002) cannot be calculated for 'lmer' model because it
> does not give df's for the coefficients.
> kamil
If you're willing to
On 09/06/2011 02:29 PM, Bogaso Christofer wrote:
> Hello Bolker, Hope you will make available at least the problem and
> reasoning to this list. I am also very much interested to see the
> problem
From an earlier off-list e-mail:
The problem (which was not at all trivial) is that one of the
Hello Bolker, Hope you will make available at least the problem and
reasoning to this list. I am also very much interested to see the problem
-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Ben Bolker
Sent: 06 September 2011 02:58
I think you are replying to Dr Therneau without including this context:
--- begin
Survreg produces MLE estimates.
For your second question, don't know what you are asking. Can you be
more specific and detailed?
---begin included message --
Do you know if the parameters estimators are MLE
I probably don't understand problem. I'd assume that variance$sigmasq are
the three estimated component variances (probably estimated by maximum a
posteriori, but consult the mclust documentation).
What's wrong with that?
(The values you submit as scale in "prior" are not fixed variances, but
Thank you.
On Sep 6, 2011 4:45 PM, "Sarah Goslee" wrote:
> Eran,
>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:53 AM, Eran Eidinger wrote:
>>> Thank you Sarah and David,
>>> I only used a simple plot, and remembered to
>>> attached is the session:
>>> > plot(c(1,2,3),c(3,2,4))
>>> > jpeg("test
2011/9/6 Lívio Cipriano :
> Hi,
> Can anyone explain me the differences in Q and R mode in Principal Component
> Analysis, as performed by prcomp and princom respectively.
Perhaps this tutorial will help?
Search that pdf for "q-mode"
The problem appears to be udunits2, which RNetCDF uses and ncdf does
not. Specifically
is that path in the cache or in LD_LIBRARY_PATH? If not, it
will not be found by dlload.
On Tue, 6 Sep 2011, Paul Hiemstra wrote:
You c
saemix implements the SAEM (stochastic approximation EM) algorithm for
parameter estimation in non-linear mixed effect models, used to model
longitudinal data.
Longitudinal data are particularly prominent in pharmacokinetics (study of drug
concentrations versus time) and pharmacodynamics (st
Thanks a lot for your answer. I effectively was able to get rid of this
message by doing:
> resClust <-
> Mclust(data,G=3,modelName="V",prior=priorControl(scale=c(1.44,0.81,0.49)));
However, I would like to be able to retrieve the variances I defined in the
result. I found:
> resClust$para
Thank you very much for your answer.
I would like to construct for presentation purposes the HR(t), not the
beta(t). How can I perform this?
I obtained the x-y values of the cox.zph plot
time= as.numeric(as.character(rownames(cox.zph.object$y)))
However when I plo
Hi Netzwerkerin,
subset is a generic function and behaves different for different object
txt<-" Allstar hsa.let.7a hsa.let.7a.1 hsa.let.7a.2
20.87 0.79-0.57 1.07
30.67 -1.14-0.78-0.95
4 -0.46 -0.30-0.36 1.14"
Thank you for your help.
The data is meant to be processed by a separate program that expects a simple
matrix with row and column names in ascii format. "write.matrix" does exactly
what I want except for the row names. It baffles me that this is not an option…
On Sep 6, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Paul
Can anyone explain me the differences in Q and R mode in Principal Component
Analysis, as performed by prcomp and princom respectively.
Lívio Cipriano
__ mailing list
Can anyone explain me the differences in Q and R mode in Principal Component
Analysis, as performed by prcomp and princom respectively.
Lívio Cipriano
__ mailing list
On 11-09-06 10:26 AM, Jannis wrote:
Dear list members,
i have build a package which contains a collection of my frequently used
functions. To keep the code organized I have broken down some rather extensive
and long functions into individual steps and bundled these steps in
sub-functions tha
On 11-09-06 10:24 AM, Geof Givens wrote:
I have a function called within .First(), as in
.First=function() {
BIG(partofblah) #BIG is my function, n=partofblah when called
The partofblah component of blah is a number obtained from readline(),
which is then an argument
I have a function called within .First(), as in
.First=function() {
BIG(partofblah) #BIG is my function, n=partofblah when called
The partofblah component of blah is a number obtained from readline(),
which is then an argument to BIG()
Sorry If I miss the point you want to achieve, but why not just:
which(red > 0.5)
red[which(red > 0.5)]
if you want to use this col/row wise you could do:
apply(red, 1, function(x)x[x>0.5])
apply(red, 1, function(x)x[x>0.5])
--- netzwerkerin schrieb am Di, 6.9.2011:
> Von: netz
Dear list members,
i have build a package which contains a collection of my frequently used
functions. To keep the code organized I have broken down some rather extensive
and long functions into individual steps and bundled these steps in
sub-functions that are called inside the main function.
On 09/06/2011 06:24 AM, Mark Ebbert wrote:
> Dear R gurus,
> I am trying to write several large matrices (~ 1GB) to separate files. I have
> learned that write.table is simply too slow for this task and was attempting
> to use write.matrix, but write.matrix does not have the ability to include
About the numerical calculation of the Hessian matrix, I have found
numDeriv:::hessian to be often more accurate than the Hessian returned
by optim.
Giovanni Petris
On Sat, 2011-09-03 at 13:39 -0400, John C Nash wrote:
> Unless you are supplying analytic hessian code, you are almost certai
Sorry when we talk about about MLE estimates does that mean WLE?I am trying
to understand if the survreg function is allowing a weight for each density
function when calculating the likelihood.
In my second question I was trying to explain that my problem is that I have
pipes of different length a
Hi guys,
one of the questions where you need a real human instead of a search engine,
so it would be great if you could help.
I have a matrix of z-scores which I would like to filter, sometimes
columnwise, sometimes rowwise. Data looks like this:
Allstar hsa.let.7a hsa.let.7a.1 hsa.let.7a.2
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:53 AM, Eran Eidinger wrote:
>> Thank you Sarah and David,
>> I only used a simple plot, and remembered to
>> attached is the session:
>> > plot(c(1,2,3),c(3,2,4))
>> > jpeg("test.jpg")
>> >
So you plotted something to your default devic
Hi Marcos,
The 'adjusted CI' (based on the 'adjusted se estimator' as in section 4.3.3 of Burnham & Anderson
2002) cannot be calculated for 'lmer' model because it does not give df's for the coefficients.
Dnia 2011-08-30 12:00, pisze:
Message: 42
Date: Mon
-- Begin included message
/* Combinations of Risk Factors */
data test2;
input sex treat;
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
/* Survival estimates for the above combinations */
proc phreg data = pudat2;
model withtime*wcens(0) = sex treat /ties = efron;
baseline out = surv2 survival = survival l
On 09/06/2011 05:50 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
How can I generate an overview/vector of all the methods winthin an S4 class?
Similar to dir() in this Python code:
class SomeClass():
def some_method_1(self):
def some_method_2(self):
['__doc__', '_
> dredge(x, subset = !(X1 & (X2 | X3)) & !(X2 & X3) & !(X1 & X3))
see > help("Logic", "base")
Dnia 2011-08-26 12:00, pisze:
Message: 157
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 14:53:00 +0900
From: Andrew MacIntosh
Subject: [R]
Under the assumption of PH, the graph would be a horizontal line at y=
log(2.9) = coefficient of the model. That is, a constant hazard ratio.
Your plot shows that there is no effect early (HR of 1) but there is an
impact later.
Terry T
Survreg produces MLE estimates.
For your second question, don't know what you are asking. Can you be
more specific and detailed?
---begin included message --
Do you know if the parameters estimators are MLE estimators?
One more question:
In my case study I have failures that occured on differ
I don't know how you got the output you did -- I cannot get a printout
that says "gamma:1".
Please provide the information specified in the posting guide, e.g.,
version of R, platform, loaded packages, the statements you typed to get
this output, etc,
Terry Therneau
(author of survival)
Hello guys,
I would like to ask for help to understand what is going on in
"func2". My plan is to generalize "func1", so that are expected same
results in "func2" as in "func1". Executing "func1" returns...
0.25 with absolute error < 8.4e-05
But for "func2" I get...
Error in dpois(1, 0.1, 23.30
How can I generate an overview/vector of all the methods winthin an S4 class?
Similar to dir() in this Python code:
>>> class SomeClass():
def some_method_1(self):
def some_method_2(self):
>>> dir(SomeClass)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'some_method_1', 'some_method_2']
Try the table() function.
For example,
df <- data.frame(real=sample(0:1, 20, replace=T), pred=sample(0:1, 20,
real 0 1
0 3 7
1 4 6
Doussa wrote on 09/02/2011 08:46:42 PM:
> hi users
> I have a data frame in with there are two colomns real
Duny> writes:
> Use the ggplot2 package in order to make a volcano plot! Check out the
> following book for more information about the package: ggplot2: Elegant
> Graphics for Data Analysis (Use R) by Hadley Wickham. ggplot2 is great for
> creating professional graphics in no time.
On 09/05/2011 09:59 AM, ashz wrote:
> Dear All,
> The following code save my graphs as pdf:
> pdf("j:/mix.pdf", width = 18, height = 16)
> grid.newpage()
> pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(3,1)))
> vplayout <- function(x, y)
> viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y)
On 09/06/2011 08:44 AM, azam jaafari wrote:
> Hi list
> I want to define a moving window based on ferquency in a grid file.
> is there a package for this? I found packages for moving window mean, median
> or quantile.
> thanks
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 3:34 AM, privat NDOUTOUME wrote:
> Hi Steven
> Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
> I want to reproduce the same function VGLM on C + +. That's why I wanted to
> know where to find the algorithm in code VGLM R.
> Opening the package GAMT CRAN, I foun
You could try installing the ncdf package. This installed for my without
any problems when RNetCDF failed. I suspect ncdf has very similar
functionality, but i've only worked with ncdf.
should do the trick...
On 09/05/2011 08:56 PM, David Brown wrote:
On 09/03/2011 08:22 PM, dave fournier wrote:
> I wonder if your code is correct?
> I ran your script until an error was reported. the data set
> of 30 obs was
> [1] 0 0 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 8
> 9 10 11
> [26] 12 12 12 15 16
> I created a tiny AD Mo
On 5 September 2011 06:59, baptiste auguie
> Hi,
> Try this,
> d <- data.frame(x=runif(1e3, 0, 30), y=runif(1e3, 0, 30))
> d$z = (d$x - 15)^2 + (d$y - 15)^2
> library(spatstat)
> library(maptools)
> W <- ripras(df, shape="rectangle")
> W <- owin(c(0, 30), c(0, 30))
> X <- as.ppp(d,
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 3:44 AM, Peter Engelbrecht wrote:
> I've suddenly started seeing a consistent problem with read.xls.
> No matter what xls file I try I always get an error message of this type:
> Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, :
> Intermediate fil
Sorry about that - I did give an example that I thought was
reproducible (it is here), but apparently wasn't.
I suspect my problem might have to do with the 'highlight' package I
am using - which I should have mentioned.
I am using the latest version of R.
I have a related question:
dataframe df contains values like
.. "\\textbf{ 0.644 }" ..
and the line
> print( xtable(df , sanitize.text.function = function(x){x}))
converts them to
.. & $\backslash$textbf\{ 0.644 \} & ..
escaping both double backslashes and brackes.
maybe somebody her
On 6 September 2011 07:51, Igors wrote:
>>You chose a suitable solution for the first problem (NA in initial
>>gradient). Unfortunately, the documentation of "censReg" is not very
>>clear regarding starting values of panel tobit models. Please note
>>that you have to specify 4 starting values: int
Hi list
I want to define a moving window based on ferquency in a grid file.
is there a package for this? I found packages for moving window mean, median or
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mail
On Tue, 6 Sep 2011, Remko Duursma wrote:
Dear R-helpers,
when I have an R code chunk in a sweave file like this:
x <- 1:10
# this comment disapears
# this one does not!
The first comment does not appear in the sweaved document, the second
one does. How can
eranid wrote:
> Thank you Sarah and David,
> I only used a simple plot, and remembered to
> attached is the session:
>> plot(c(1,2,3),c(3,2,4))> jpeg("test.jpg")>
> 2 > sessionInfo()R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
Put the statement jpeg("test.jpg")
Thanks guys.
I didn't know that R is interpreted language.
Could you suggest good reference? My work is here to do analysis on Data
stored on teradata warehouse and plot corresponding graphs. Any idea how to
capture output in different image formats?
View this message in context:
Dear R-helpers,
when I have an R code chunk in a sweave file like this:
x <- 1:10
# this comment disapears
# this one does not!
The first comment does not appear in the sweaved document, the second
one does. How can this be?
I have tried print=TRUE and keep
I've suddenly started seeing a consistent problem with read.xls.
No matter what xls file I try I always get an error message of this type:
Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, :
Intermediate file
Dear R gurus,
I am trying to write several large matrices (~ 1GB) to separate files. I have
learned that write.table is simply too slow for this task and was attempting to
use write.matrix, but write.matrix does not have the ability to include row
names in the output. Anyone know why that's the
>You chose a suitable solution for the first problem (NA in initial
>gradient). Unfortunately, the documentation of "censReg" is not very
>clear regarding starting values of panel tobit models. Please note
>that you have to specify 4 starting values: intercept, slope
>parameter, variance of the ind
Use the ggplot2 package in order to make a volcano plot! Check out the
following book for more information about the package: ggplot2: Elegant
Graphics for Data Analysis (Use R) by Hadley Wickham. ggplot2 is great for
creating professional graphics in no time.
If you look up stat_density in
Please provide the data as self-contained code, as requested in the posting
guide, so that helpers can directly paste it into R. Alternatively, you can
provide the dilomaaethiops.txt.
Watching19 wrote:
> hello... I am trying to get this code to work, but as I get to the predict
y is the dependent variable, not a predictor or independent variable. since
this is a binomial model, y should be 0/1 or, atypically, a proportion.
Samuel Okoye wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am using glm with quasibinomial. What does the following error message
> mean:
> Error in e
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