Hi Guys,
Does anyone know how I could constrain my regression coefficients so that they
are positive and add up to one? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
"Raw data" could mean many different things to different people. You need to be
more specific about what YOU mean when you use that term.
Jeff Newmiller The . . Go Live...
DCN: Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go...
For random walk, there are entropy based tests (Robinson 1991), or you could
empirically test the hypothesis by generating random normal data with the same
mean and standard deviation and looking at the distribution of your quantiles.
You could make generic statements also about whether or not t
Hi: I looked it up in google because I couldn't remember how quicksort worked.
( i'm getting old ).
the java code is below. I didn't translate it but what you are doing
incorrectly is
calling partition recursively when you need to call the quicksort
algorithm recursively.
you'll see what I mean if
have you tried to debug it yourself. All you said is that 'it went wrong'.
that is not a very clear statement of the problem. If I were to start looking
at it, I would put some print statements in it to see what is happening on
eachpath and with each set of data. Have you tried this?
Sent f
Daniel Malter wrote:
> Take a look here: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v25/i05/paper
> HTH,
> Da.
> andy1234 wrote:
>> Dear everyone,
>> I am new to R, and I am looking at doing text classification on a huge
>> collection of documents (>500,000) which are distributed among 300
>> c
Hey guys,
I tried to program quicksort like this but somethings wrong.
please help
>partition <- function(x, links, rechts){
> i <- links
> j <- rechts
> t <- 0
> pivot <- sample(x[i:j],1)
> while(
Dear All
I want to test my data for Random Walk or Markov Process.
How I can do this.
Many Thanks
Jumlong Vongprasert Assist, Prof.
Institute of Research and Development
Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
Ubon Ratchathani
[[alternative HTML versi
Deal All
I want to use MSGARCH for my data.
What package I will used.
Many THanks
Jumlong Vongprasert Assist, Prof.
Institute of Research and Development
Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
Ubon Ratchathani
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Just realized was because I had an object called AICc.
On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 2:08 AM, Roland Sookias wrote:
> Hi
> I get the following error when I try and get the AICc for a gls regression
> using qpcR:
> > AICc(gls1)
> Loading required package: nlme
> Error in n/(n - p - 1) : 'n' is mis
I get the following error when I try and get the AICc for a gls regression
using qpcR:
> AICc(gls1)
Loading required package: nlme
Error in n/(n - p - 1) : 'n' is missing
My gls is like this:
> gls1
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: thercarnmax ~ therherbmax
Data: NULL
You are not getting an error. You are getting the standard deviation
of the columns as clearly described in the documentation.
On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 5:00 PM, novis wrote:
> Hello,
> I am getting a strange error while computing standard deviation. If
> the do the following I
I am getting a strange error while computing standard deviation. If
the do the following I get the answer NA NA. Any help??? Thank you so
a<- cbind()
a<- cbind(a, 5)
a<- cbind(a, 7)
If I compute the mean it works fine though i.e., print(mean(a)) works
just fine.
Is it possible to change the color/thickness of the summary line in an
interaction.plot without changing the other individual data lines? I would
like to make the line from the summary function (mean) the color red and
thicker than the surrounding black lines. How can I do that?
Here is a link t
Hello all
I'm running the lme4 package on my binomial data, and I'm happy with the
model and the resultant plot. However, I'd like to plot my table data, which
has: two IVs, and one DV. You can see an example below, where 'attractive'
= question (IV), male = condition(IV/predictor) and no/yes = a
Try this:
t(sapply(lst1, '[', 1:max(sapply(lst1, length
On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 3:37 PM, wizykid wrote:
> Hi there.
> I went through the manual but I couldn't find a solution for my problem.
> I have list like this one :
>> lst1
> [[1]]
> [1] 0 1 2 3
> [[2]]
> [1] 0 1 5
> [[3]]
> [1]
Dear all I am a bit new to R so please keep your swords sheathed!
I would simply like to bootstrap a covariance matrix from a multivariate
gaussian density. At face value that seemed like a very straightforward
problem to solve but I somehow could not get the boot package to work and
did not reall
I am trying to apply the example at the bottom of the following page to my
own data:
The code from the example is:
Thank you very much Patrick.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
I wonder if your code is correct?
I ran your script until an error was reported. the data set
of 30 obs was
[1] 0 0 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 9
10 11
[26] 12 12 12 15 16
I created a tiny AD Model Builder program to do MLE on it.
Thank you so much Pete. Have a good one as you made mine
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
R-help@r-project.org m
I am searching information about how to use raw data, when it is used,
didn't find to much information on R help. Any suggestion on links about
this theme?
Luis Iván Ortiz Valencia
Doutorando Saúde Pública - Epidemiologia, IESC, UFRJ
Estatístico Msc.
Spatial Analyst Msc.
Calculation of confidence intervals for means
based on a model fitted with lmer
using the package multcomp
- yields results for calpha=adjusted_calpha
- NA's forcalpha=univariate_calpha
### Generate data
Hi all!
I'm trying to plot validate.cph.
I have a problem because I'm collating several plots but I can't reduce the
size of the plots otherwise the labels below the plot overlap.
If I remove the footnotes, I can add it in the main text.
How can I remove the footnotes i.e. stuff like black:obs
I want to calculate the bandwith of a multivariate local polynomial regression
such as the model is: Y=m(X,Z)+u.
Please, somebody knows how I can do it in a multivariate case? In an univariate
case I use the instrucction "regband" of the locfit package, but it is
impossible to find a
Hi there.
I went through the manual but I couldn't find a solution for my problem.
I have list like this one :
> lst1
[1] 0 1 2 3
[1] 0 1 5
[1] 2 3 4
and I want to save it as Matrix in Matlab mat format like :
0 1 2 3
0 1 5 0
2 3 4 0
can any body help me ? Appreciate your
wizykid wrote:
> Hi there.
> I went through the manual but I couldn't find a solution for my problem.
> I have list like this one :
>> lst1
> [[1]]
> [1] 0 1 2 3
> [[2]]
> [1] 0 1 5
> [[3]]
> [1] 2 3 4
> and I want to save it as Matrix in Matlab mat format like :
> 0 1 2 3
> 0 1
[I found this message still sitting in my outbox - better late than never]
it should have been "K:" instead of "K" in those examples. However,
forget about what I said, because it (subst) turns out it will not
work with UNC paths, cf. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/218740.
Sorry for the no
Unless you are supplying analytic hessian code, you are almost certainly
getting an
approximation. Worse, if you do not provide gradients, these are the result of
two levels
of differencing, so you should expect some loss of precision in the approximate
Moreover, if your estimate of th
Take a look here: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v25/i05/paper
andy1234 wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> I am new to R, and I am looking at doing text classification on a huge
> collection of documents (>500,000) which are distributed among 300 classes
> (so basically, this is my training dat
On 02.09.2011 08:23, Katerina Karayianni wrote:
I am having the following error while calling an R script through PHP.
/usr/local/bin/R: line 227: /kk/Programs/R-2.13.0/etc/ldpaths: Permission
ERROR: R_HOME ('/kk/Programs/R-2.13.0') not found
I had compiled R from source and pla
I have not really looked into the details of the lengthy and almost
unreadable code below. In any case, there are good reasons why numerics
software typically uses Fisher scoring / IWLS in order to fit GLMs.
And if your matrix is that "singular", even the common numerical tricks
may not sa
On 03.09.2011 18:31, li li wrote:
Dear all,
I forgot to mention the values for the parameters in the first email.
u1<- -3
u2<- 4
alpha<- 0.05
p1<- 0.15
Thank you very much.
2011/9/3 li li
Dear all,
I have the following problem with the uniroot function. I want to find
roots fo
Your internet connection is flaky,
your first try just downloaded half the package, on the second try you
got almost nothing (your output says 2519 bytes). So this is your
connection rather than R or rJava.
Uwe Ligges
On 01.09.2011 15:37, R. Michael Weylandt wrote:
Good Morning,
I'm t
Hi Pete Pete,
# option 1 -- 100 files
sapply(1:100, function(i){
x <-sample(rnorm(1000, 100, 15), 12, replace = FALSE)
write.table(x, paste("sample", i, ".txt", sep = ""), row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE))
# option 2 -- all the information in one file
d <- replicate(100, sample(rnorm(1
Dear all,
I forgot to mention the values for the parameters in the first email.
u1 <- -3
u2 <- 4
alpha <- 0.05
p1 <- 0.15
Thank you very much.
2011/9/3 li li
> Dear all,
>I have the following problem with the uniroot function. I want to find
> roots for the fucntion "Fp2" which is
R glmmADMB question
I am trying to use glmm.admb (the latest alpha version
from the R forge website 0.6.4) to model my count data
that is overdispersed using a negative binomial family but
keep getting the following error message:
Error in glmm.admb(data$total_bites_rounded ~
I need to perform this simple sampling function several hundred times:
x1=as.character(rnorm(1000, 100, 15))
x2=as.character(rnorm(1000, 150, 10))
sample1=as.data.frame(sample(y1$x1, 12, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL))
write.table(sample1, "sample1.txt", sep="
Let me clear my last part
qt2 <- qtd[-1:-2]
# second function
myfun2 <- function(x) {
vydv <- sum(ydv)*0.25
sumD <- sum(ydv * x)
Rt <- vydv / sumD
# ignoring grouping with ped, the following is output
qt2 <- apply(qtd, 2, myfun2)
qtd1 <- qt2[-1:-2]
# The following result seems to p
Dear all,
I have the following problem with the uniroot function. I want to find
roots for the fucntion "Fp2" which is defined as below.
Fz <- function(z){0.8*pnorm(z)+p1*pnorm(z-u1)+(0.2-p1)*pnorm(z-u2)}
Fp <- function(t){(1-Fz(abs(qnorm(1-(t/2)+(Fz(-abs(qnorm(1-(t/2)}
Fp2 <- func
It is not possible to have one cutoff point unless you have a very strange
utility function. Nor is there a need for a cutoff when using a probability
It is not advisable to compare models based on ROC area as this loses power.
A likelihood-based approach is recommended.
Andra Isan
Dear R experts:
Thank you Dennis and David ...
As David indicated sorry of language and I have tried to explain what I
intend to do... I would this with Dennis's solution code:
ped <- rep(1:3, c(4, 3, 3))
> y <- rnorm(10, 8, 2)
> # This replaces all of your sample() statements, and is equivalen
On 09/02/2011 05:29 PM, Doussa wrote:
I have a matrix in wich there are two colmns( yp, yt)
Yp: predicted values from my model.
yt: true values ( my dependante variable y is a categorical;3 modalities
I don't know how to procede to calculate the misclassification rate and the
error Types.
I tried to figure out what you were doing...some of it I think I
grasped, other parts not so much.
On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Maya Joshi wrote:
> Dear R experts.
> I might be missing something obvious. I have been trying to fix this problem
> for some weeks. Please help.
Let's start
(please reply to the list, too, as it increases your chances of
getting a helpful answer)
On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 2:51 AM, loth lorien wrote:
> Hi Liviu,
> Thank you for your suggestions, but they didn't seem to work.
> I got R to estimate a fixed effects model for me:
> formula<-plm(RoE~RoA+
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