ggplot is on my list of things to learn before Hadley comes here to the
bay area
to give a session on interactive graphics in R
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Joshua Wiley wrote:
> Hi Steven,
> This is not, strictly speaking, the answer to your question (hopefully
> Tom already a
Hi, Phil,
Yes. That's what I am looking for. Thank you so much.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
My question is regarding the R package "randtoolbox". I was testing it for few
days for generating sobol sequences. As per my findings the numbers for higher
dimensions > 30 are prone to clustering. This might be due to bad choice of
initialization numbers or in some lingo called free dire
I know this is not a Bioconductor-specific question, but you may also want to
post it on BiC help list, as there may be more people there understand what you
want to do. I'm also curious about the answers to your question.
- Original Message
> From: Weiwei Shi
> T
Hi Steven,
This is not, strictly speaking, the answer to your question (hopefully
Tom already answered that). Rather, it is the answer to questions you
*might* have asked (and perhaps one of them will be one you wished you
had asked).
Barplots have a low data:ink are using an entire
Does this do it?
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 6:08 PM, steven mosher wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm really struggling with barplot
> I have a data.frame with 3 columns. The first column represents an
> "incident" type
> The second column represents a "month"
> Th
On May 27, 2011, at 8:56 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
but really, it's just a bug.
If you manually change that registry key, things are fine. If you
ask Windows dialogs to do it for you, it fails.
Most people pay infinitely more to Microsoft for Windows than they
pay to R Core for R.
On 11-05-27 5:51 PM, krusty the klown wrote:
lol, I'm having problems with texi2dvi as well...
The Rdlatex file says:
Hmm ... looks like a package
Error in texi2dvi("Rd2.tex", pdf = (out_ext == "pdf"), quiet = FALSE, :
pdflatex is not available
Error in running tools::texi2dvi
You may want
On 11-05-27 8:20 PM, John C Frain wrote:
I have checked my second proposal using Windows 7 and Duncan is
correct in saying that it will not work
.r and .Rdata files were not associated to any version of R in my set
up. On my system .r files are associated to the editor that I am
using at any pa
On May 27, 2011, at 7:08 PM, Weiwei Shi wrote:
> Please read my post carefully.
> I did search and found some functions I need for my purpose from
> network package, like layout and its different algorithm. I used
> pajek a couple of days and I found the "IO" part between R and pajek
> a
I have checked my second proposal using Windows 7 and Duncan is
correct in saying that it will not work
.r and .Rdata files were not associated to any version of R in my set
up. On my system .r files are associated to the editor that I am
using at any particular time. Currently this is either rS
I am writing to inquire about normality test given in nortest package. I
have a random data set consisting of 300 samples. I am curious about which
normality test in R would give me precise measurement, whether data sample
is following normal distribution. As p value in each test is different in
Please read my post carefully.
I did search and found some functions I need for my purpose from network
package, like layout and its different algorithm. I used pajek a couple of
days and I found the "IO" part between R and pajek a little inconvenient;
that's why I sent the question to find if net
Lisa -
Are you looking for this?
x <- list(list(matrix(sample(c(0,1), 4, replace = T), 2),
+ matrix(sample(c(2,3), 4, replace = T), 2)),
+ list(matrix(sample(c(0,1), 6, replace = T), 2), matrix(sample(c(2,3), 6,
+ replace = T), 2)))
[,1] [,2]
On May 27, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Jim Trabas wrote:
I tried again but I cannot get a valid expected number of death
directly from
the pyear function. Using cross multiplication from Lifetables I am
expecting in my cohort about 26 expected deaths (to match the 25
deaths). I have tried di
Dear all,
I just want to arrange a multi-level list to a one-level list. For example:
x <- list(list(matrix(sample(c(0,1), 4, replace = T), 2),
matrix(sample(c(2,3), 4, replace = T), 2)),
list(matrix(sample(c(0,1), 6, replace = T), 2), matrix(sample(c(2,3), 6,
replace = T), 2)))
> x
Thanks Sarah. Silly mistake. I wrote the syntax when testing the
correlation matrix, hence the symmetric = TRUE statement. I then
thought, hang on a minute; I better check that and forgot to unwind
the condition.
At least I'm not going mad!
On May 27, 8:40 pm, Sarah Goslee wrote:
> Hi,
> Ho
lol, I'm having problems with texi2dvi as well...
The Rdlatex file says:
Hmm ... looks like a package
Error in texi2dvi("Rd2.tex", pdf = (out_ext == "pdf"), quiet = FALSE, :
pdflatex is not available
Error in running tools::texi2dvi
You may want to clean up by 'rm -rf
Dear David,
Thank you very much for your answer. I am going to try what you propose and
compare the two methods.
I have already done what I could to reduce the computation time of the
function by using apply functions and by doing most of the calculation on
matrices at once to avoid the use of
Dear Sir,
I am writing to inquire about normality test given in nortest package. I
have a random data set consisting of 300 samples. I am curious about which
normality test in R would give me precise measurement, whether data sample
is following normal distribution. As p value in each test is d
I tried again but I cannot get a valid expected number of death directly from
the pyear function. Using cross multiplication from Lifetables I am
expecting in my cohort about 26 expected deaths (to match the 25 observed
deaths). I have tried different variation of the pyears syntax but i get
I'm really struggling with barplot
I have a data.frame with 3 columns. The first column represents an
"incident" type
The second column represents a "month"
The third column represents a "time"
Code for a sample data.frame
incidents <- rep(c('a','b','d','e'), each =25)
months<- rep(c(1
On May 27, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Weiwei Shi wrote:
Hi there,
I need a network builder and it can change the node size and color;
I am not
sure if network package in R can do this or not. The other functions I
wanted have been found in that package.
When I type ??network at my console I get p
Hi there,
I need a network builder and it can change the node size and color; I am not
sure if network package in R can do this or not. The other functions I
wanted have been found in that package.
BTW, if there is another package in R relating to this, please suggest too.
I'll take your advise and go through the intro. Thanks
Thank You
Nathan Struckmeier
Supply Chain Planning
Office 541-864-5029
2500 S. Pacific Hwy, Medford OR, 97501
Daily Humor: Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door
-Original Message-
From: David Wi
Another angle. Calling your example data frame df,
df <- transform(df, Rank = with(df, ave(value, level, FUN = rank)))
df[with(df, order(level, value)), ]
value level Rank
3 2 A1
1 4 A2
2 5 A3
5 9 B1
410 B2
634 B3
On May 27, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Struckmeier, Nathanael wrote:
I tried command
as.numeric(Qty)#converting column"Qty" in object "demand" to
numeric. However it remains a non-numeric value.
Right. You didn't assign it to anything. AND since you are apparently
following the IMO misguided advi
I tried command
as.numeric(Qty)#converting column"Qty" in object "demand" to
numeric. However it remains a non-numeric value.
What is the best way to convert a column of data to a numeric value in
What is the best way to convert dates into a numeric format (or some
format able to be used i
This is not fancy or especially elegant, but
## so you can see each plot at a time before moving on
par(ask = TRUE)
## apply() the function plot() to each row of the
## rows of mtcars you extracted by name
apply(mtcars[c("Mazda RX4", "Merc 450SLC", "Maserati Bora"), ], 1, plot)
I use as
On May 27, 2011, at 3:34 PM, sunelav wrote:
I wrote a function that takes a matrix M and several numeric
parameters as
arguments. It returns a square matrix (same number of rows than M).
I need
to use this function n times (n>1000) with random parameters.
Just one matrix M and ma
> is.numeric(demand)
> is.numeric(Qty)
> is.numeric(Date)
Doesn't look like they are numeric. I'll try and convert them and check
back if I have problems. Thanks Gunter!
Thank You
Nathan Struckmeier
Supply Chain Planning
Office 541-864-5029
On May 27, 2011, at 3:12 PM, xin wei wrote:
hello, I have the following data manipulation issue. the following
is the
sample data:
value level
4 A
5 A
2 A
10 B
9 B
34 B
100 C
34 C
I hope to get the following result:
value level rank
2 A
Are Date and Qty numeric? Check.
-- Bert
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Struckmeier, Nathanael
> -Original Message-
> From: Struckmeier, Nathanael
> Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 1:39 PM
> To: 'stephen's mailinglist account'
> Subject: RE: [R] Unable to Plot using headers.
> Th
This seems to work (although I have this sense that I am missing
something, but I cannot put my finger on it). There are undoubtedly
other ways:
## data in a form ready for copy and pasting (created using dput() )
dat <- structure(list(value = c(4L, 5L, 2L, 10L, 9L, 34L, 100L, 34L,
101L), l
-Original Message-
From: Struckmeier, Nathanael
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 1:39 PM
To: 'stephen's mailinglist account'
Subject: RE: [R] Unable to Plot using headers.
Thanks for the input. Despite both graphing directly and with "attach" I
am still getting a screwed up graphical output as
I wrote a function that takes a matrix M and several numeric parameters as
arguments. It returns a square matrix (same number of rows than M). I need
to use this function n times (n>1000) with random parameters.
I would like to increase the speed of this computation in order to increase
When you subset, the factors will carry along all the original levels.
You can remove them in your processing by:
x$fac <- factor(x$fac)
> x <- data.frame(fam=c('a','a','b'), grp=c('1','2','3'))
> # split
> x.s <- split(x, x$fam)
> # notice additional levels
> str(x.s$b)
'data.frame': 1 obs. o
Jeanna -
The family variable is being stored as a factor.
You could eliminate the NA values manually, or you
could try something like
x$family = as.character(x$family)
before subsetting. If neither of these solutions are
satisfactory, please follow the posting guide and provide
a repr
How about because of this:
> #calculate the eigenvalues
> eigen(testmatrix,symmetric = TRUE,only.value=TRUE)
Your matrix isn't symmetric. If you claim that it is, R discards the
upper triangle without checking. You really want this:
> testmatrix <- matrix(c(2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, -1, 1, 2), byro
On 27 May 2011 20:25, Jonathan Daily wrote:
> I would caution against using attach(), however, if you are not in an
> interactive session. In functions and scripts, errors can often cause
> the interpreter to exit before the detach(), leaving your data on the
> search path. 99% of all attach/detac
hello, I have the following data manipulation issue. the following is the
sample data:
value level
4 A
5 A
2 A
10 B
9 B
34 B
100 C
34 C
I hope to get the following result:
value level rank
2 A 1
4 A 2
5 A 3
I have a CSV-file (see image) that I would like to plot.
I want to make a plot-function where I only plot one row at the time. I want
to define which row to plot in the function based on the row-names
(non-numeric) in column 1 in the C
I've run into persistent problems with OpenBUGS crashing when using BRugs .53
and .71, and am hoping someone has suggestions. There is obviously something
unusual going on in my environment, but I'm at a loss as to where to begin to
try to solve it.
In a nutshell, what happens is that, as soon
I may have prematurely excited...
I ended up using the split method since my family indicators are
alphanumeric so my issue is as follows.
I'm applying this to different subsets of my main data set. The subsets do
not contain all families. When I run the method on one of my subsets I get
back a
Dear R helpers,
I would like to model temporal trend of biological remains in sediment cores.
All samples are temporally auto-correlated and I would like to take this effect
into account.
Initially I thought that I could use AR(1) or ARIMA functions but these
functions only work with regular tem
I'm trying to test if a correlation matrix is positive semidefinite.
My understanding is that a matrix is positive semidefinite if it is
Hermitian and all its eigenvalues are positive. The values in my
correlation matrix are real and the layout means that it is symmetric.
This seems to satisfy th
Dear all,
I'm modelling extreme rainfall,particularly those that lie above a threshold
& was searching for a suitable package in R which may enable a cluster
analysis on those extreme events and would really appreciate for any
Hello R-help!
I am a systems administrator for the University of Southern California. I take
care of it's general-purpose research cluster, and have recently been asked to
provide access to a parallelized R platform. I do not have any previous
experience using R, and have only ever had to do an
Take a small subset of your program that would run through the
critical sections and use ?Rprof to see where some of the hot spot
are. How do you know it is not using the CPU? Are you using perfmon
to look what is being used? Are you paging? If you are not paging,
and not doing a lot of I/O, th
I would caution against using attach(), however, if you are not in an
interactive session. In functions and scripts, errors can often cause
the interpreter to exit before the detach(), leaving your data on the
search path. 99% of all attach/detach cases can be handled by ?with
and ?within. The issu
Thanks for sharing the idea, Walmes.
I am also trying to add err bars to the plots. So instead of using plot(), I
use errbar() from Hmisc package. Everything seems to work fine except I
couldn't find the argument to control the color of error bars. If I specify
col='red' in the errbar() it only co
>> My data is a 2 column 8000 row table (saved as .txt file) imported into
>> R.
>>>demand=read.delim("C:\\Documents and Settings\\E066582\\My
>> Documents\\R\\R-2.13.0\\bin\\demand.txt")
>> First rows with headers are as shown:
>>> demand[1,]
>> Date Qty
>> 1 12/31/2006 1
You need to tell R where to find them, since they aren't R objects.
(You can see all the actual objects with ls().)
Two of the many options:
with(demand, plot(Qty, Date))
plot(demand$Qty, demand$Date)
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Struckmeier, Nathanael
> Hello List!
Hello List!
Thank you for your input so far. I have successfully imported my data
into R but have hit a snag in plotting. Simple plot commands are unable
to find my headers when I try and plot my data on an x/y scatter.
My data is a 2 column 8000 row table (saved as .txt file) imported int
This is a very open ended question that depends very heavily on what
you are trying to do and how you are doing it. Often times, the
bottleneck operations that limit speed the most are not necessarily
sped up by adding RAM. They also often require special setup to run
multiple operations/iterations
Are there some basic things one can do to speed up a R code? I am new to R
and currently going through the following situation.
I have run a R code on two different machines. I have R 2.12 installed on
Desktop 1 is slightly older and has a dual core processor with 4gigs of R
Thanks Ravi,
It worked.
trying to understand the features.R :)
On 27 May 2011 21:21, Ravi Varadhan wrote:
> I am attaching a function that I have written sometime ago for extracting
> some of the features of a noisy, discretely sampled times series. In order
> to extract the features,
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Albyn Jones wrote:
> Me too, or three!
The compo page says:
"Every submitted design must be the property of the submitter, who
grants permission to the useR! 2011 conference to use the design on
the front of T-shirts distributed to conference participants if it
Me too, or three!
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:47:45PM -0400, Carl Witthoft wrote:
> More important question: can us non-attendees buy one?
> I made myself a "UseR" t-shirt a couple yrs ago and wouldn't mind
> adding to my collection.
> __
More important question: can us non-attendees buy one?
I made myself a "UseR" t-shirt a couple yrs ago and wouldn't mind adding
to my collection.
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the po
It took me some time to realize this annoying behavior was coming from
Perhaps this behavior is unexpected a result of cursory knowledge of it
## The expected behavior
> sometimes=c(0,1,2,3)*60*60*24
> as.POSIXct( sometimes, origin='1970-01-01', tz='GMT')
[1] "1970-01-01 GMT" "1970-
On 5/26/2011 11:54 PM, Marius Hofert wrote:
Dear Prof. Ripley,
many thanks for your quick reply.
A character matrix (although clearly not very elegant) would be no problem,
xtable deals
with that.
I tried before, but if one wants to have the same rows
as in ft, one has to use a
Thanks, of course I am familiar with your work. I've read 63 but I think my
answer may be in 81 (reading now). I've tried running the examples I've
found in the help of the survival package, they seem to work fine, but when
I parse my own variables everything gets mixed up. pyears wotks fine but
I am attaching a function that I have written sometime ago for extracting some
of the features of a noisy, discretely sampled times series. In order to
extract the features, I first estimate the smoothed function and smoothed
(first and second order) derivatives.
Here is a simple demo of how t
Okay, great, thanks :-)
On 2011-05-27, at 10:56 , wrote:
> Hi,
> Is this what you want ?
> ft <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars=1:3)
> xtable(format(ft))
> Best,
> david
> Marius Hofert
> Envoyé par :
> 27/05/2011
Dear R-List member,
tried implement the foreach loop. It works fine, when I'm using %do%,
but not when I'm using %dopar%.
I always receive one of the following error messages:
error in { : task 1 failed - "Objekt 'S3' not found" - could the
.export be an solution for this??
Any help is muc
> -Original Message-
> From: Duncan Murdoch []
> Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 5:23 AM
> To: Albert-Jan Roskam
> Cc: William Dunlap; Marc Schwartz; R Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [R] NaN, Inf to NA
> On 11-05-27 4:27 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
> > Aha! Thank
Jonathan et. al:
Yes, of course, but I'd say Type III error: Right answer to wrong question.
The real question (imho only obviously) is: "What data structure
should be used?" -- and the standard answer for this sort of thing in
R is: "A list, of course."
That is:
myparams <- list(EMAX, EC50,KOU
> Duncan Murdoch
> on Fri, 27 May 2011 08:23:14 -0400 writes:
> On 11-05-27 4:27 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
>> Aha! Thank you very much for that clarification! It would
>> be much more user friendly if R generated a
>> NotImplementedError or something similar. The 'g
yes, it is possible using sapply
Am 27.05.2011 16:58, schrieb Jun Shen:
> Hi, Jonathan,
> It surely worked. I was only thinking how to do it within lapply and didn't
> look at the pr
Hi, Jonathan,
It surely worked. I was only thinking how to do it within lapply and didn't
look at the problem outside the box? Thanks.
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Jonathan Daily wrote:
> Does this work for you?
> dat <-
> lapply(c('EMAX','EC50','KOUT','GAMMA'),function(x)confint(lm(g
Does this work for you?
dat <-
names(dat) <- c('EMAX','EC50','KOUT','GAMMA')
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Jun Shen wrote:
> Dear list,
> I am running some linear regressions through lapply,
However if we have some discrete data set like daily temperature etc
how can we can differentiate it
because as.expression(D()) will not work then
On 27 May 2011 16:52, nandan amar wrote:
> Thanks Dennis.
> I got you.
> My main consern was how to differentiate a series correctly.
> I think the fi
Dear list,
I am running some linear regressions through lapply,
I got results like
2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 0.6595789212 0.8821691261
RR0 -0.0001801771 0.0001489083
or even shorter
TEXT<- c("", "bbb|cc", "|ddd")
Am 27.05.2011 00:24, schrieb Phil Spector:
> Dennis -
> Here's one way, using a somewhat obscure feature of perl
> regular expressions, i.e. the \U and \L escape characters which
> modify the case o
I have a large data set containing travel records for a para-transit
system. There is one record for each person transported, that contains
the following information:
W36 1 2009.07.01
thank you.
On my friends computer I did get a popup message regarding matlab which made
sense (since he does not have matlab installed). I will check out the
"Dependency Walker".
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 2:12 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> On Thu, 26 May 2011, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 1
On 27.05.2011 11:55, Felix Bach wrote:
Hi dear R users,
I am using the function errorest from the libbrary ipred to estimate the 10
fold and bootstrap classification error rate using regularized discriminat
function analysis (functiopn rda from library klaR). Is it possible to set my
own va
I do not know what problem might be. But I recommend to go back to the excel
file, import it into MS Access. Then make an ODBC connection to the access
file. From which you will connect from R using RODBC.
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:59 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On May 26, 2011, at 5
>I am having a (really) hard time getting pyears to work together with a
> ratetable to give me the number of expected events (deaths).
The most complete discussion of pyears and rate tables is in a
technical report from the Biostatistics group at Mayo
I try to do multiple mediation model where is two mediators but one
dependent and one independent variable: <- mediate(c(model.m1,model.m2), model.y, treat="skill",
boot=TRUE, sims=1000,mediator=c("dev","irr"))
but it isn't work! Could anyone help me?
On May 26, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Lisa wrote:
Thanks for your comments and suggestion. I didn’t show all my own
here because it has many lines. “x” is the results of another
function. I am
calling summary because I want to extract some values from the
Some of the summary fun
If you want to extract values from without printing, use indexing.
Check ?`[` for various ways to extract values. These, of course,
depend on what x is, which you have still not provided.
This is also fairly basic and covered in the introduction to R. Have
you read it? If not, you should do so bef
On 11-05-27 4:27 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
Aha! Thank you very much for that clarification! It would be much more user
friendly if R generated a NotImplementedError or something similar. The 'garbage
results' are pretty misleading, esp. to a novice.
I think that's a good idea. The default m
On 2011-05-27 0:48, Coen van Hasselt wrote:
I would like to change the background color in only -one- of the strips in a
multipanel lattice xyplot, from the default yellow-brown color.
Until now, I only managed to change the background strip color in all of the
strips using the par.settin
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
> Aha! Thank you very much for that clarification! It would be much more user
> friendly if R generated a NotImplementedError or something similar. The
> 'garbage
> results' are pretty misleading, esp. to a novice.
> I wanted to recode
Thanks very well
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
__ mailing list
Dear all,
I would like to fit growth data to a smooth curve (preferably using a
Stineman interpolation).
Then I would like to find the intersection of the curve with a horizontal
line (e.g. 0). See below for a coding example.
The root finding using 'uniroot' works fine if I fit the data with
Hi dear R users,
I am using the function errorest from the libbrary ipred to estimate the 10
fold and bootstrap classification error rate using regularized discriminat
function analysis (functiopn rda from library klaR). Is it possible to set my
own values for gamma and lambda?
Any help will b
David Firth wrote:
Dear R users:
It is planned that participants in the R User Conference, useR! 2011
(August 16-18, will each receive a
Better :
__ mailin
Does anyone know how to plot mismatch distributions in R, in order to look
similar to :
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing
What you are probably looking for is the %in% operator:
with(mydata, sum(table(X1[X2 %in% 5:8])))
Read up on how operations are vectorized and how variables are
recycled if not long enough
> x <- 1:10
> x == 1:2 # compares first two fine
Dear R users:
We are looking for a new design for the front of the "useR! 2011"
conference T-shirt, and we invite submissions by June 13.
It is planned that participants in the R User Conference, useR! 2011
(August 16-18, will each receive a
T-shirt, thanks to th
I'm looking to hire someone -- sorry for not having been more precise!
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 11-05-27 3:23 AM, Michael Haenlein wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have written a relatively brief R-Code to run a series of simulations.
>> Currently the code
On 11-05-27 3:23 AM, Michael Haenlein wrote:
Dear all,
I have written a relatively brief R-Code to run a series of simulations.
Currently the code runs for a very long time (up to several days, depending
on the conditions) and I expect this to be the case because it might not be
very efficiently
Thanks Dennis.
I got you.
My main consern was how to differentiate a series correctly.
I think the first procedure is more accurate.
On 27 May 2011 16:27, Dennis Murphy wrote:
> Hi:
> A function and its spline approximation are not equivalent functions,
> hence neither are their corres
I have some code that looks like this:
with(mydatalocal, sum(table(Service[Time==5:8])))
This is designed to add up the numbers of responses between the Time
codes 5 to 8 (which are integers and refer to quarters). Service is
just one of the variables, I'm just trying to count the number
Aha! Thank you very much for that clarification! It would be much more user
friendly if R generated a NotImplementedError or something similar. The
results' are pretty misleading, esp. to a novice.
I wanted to recode every NaN and Inf value of an entire data.frame to NA. The
Use can use dcast() from the reshape2 package:
> dcast(ft.df, Class + Sex + Age ~ Survived)
Using Freq as value column: use value_var to override.
ClassSex Age No Yes
11st Male Child 0 5
21st Male Adult 118 57
31st Female Child 0 1
Dear All,
I tried following for getting derivative of a polynomial in R
i<- -10:10
lines(x,fx_spline(x, deriv=1), col='green')
lines(x,fx_spline(x, deriv=2), col='green')
Now when I plot
3*i*i + 6*i and 6*i + 6
the plot was not same for
1 - 100 of 104 matches
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