I am trying to implement Higham's algorithm for correcting a non positive
definite covariance matrix.
I found this code in R:
I managed to understand most of it, the only line I rea
Might there be a limit ?
> c <- matrix(1:1, ncol=200)
> dim(c)
[1] 50200
> c <- matrix(1:10, ncol=200)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.7 Gb
A R learner.
View this message in context:
Sorry - I figured that this to be a more common defined error than anything
specific to the data/function... Thanks for looking at this.
The data and function are below. Creating a single line of the data.frame at
a time will work (i.e. fold(s))
For multiple line data.frames, an error is genera
I have a list of 100, each list has 20 elements, and I would like to
select the first 7 elements in each list.
Let's take the alphabet as an example.
x <- lapply(1:100, function(i) sample(LETTERS))
I tried x[[1:7]], but it doesn't work. Can anyone enlighten me on how
to do such selections?
On Sat, 22 May 2010, Waverley @ Palo Alto wrote:
I am thinking about using R to create a database, then create table in
MySQL server. Can I do that using RMySQL package?
Maybe: it is done by SQL commands which you can use *if* you have the
correct privileges.
However, this is R-help,
Yes, it should be. Thank you for pointing that out. Apologies for the noise.
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 1:07 AM, Berend Hasselman <> wrote:
> Jorge Ivan Velez wrote:
> >
> > # The same using a function foo
> > foo <- function(A, B){
> > rA <- 1:nrow(A)
> > rB <- 1:nrow(B)
Jorge Ivan Velez wrote:
> # The same using a function foo
> foo <- function(A, B){
> rA <- 1:nrow(A)
> rB <- 1:nrow(B)
> grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rA, rB))
> t(apply(grid, 1, function(x) abs(A[x[1], ] - B1[x[2], ])))
> }
> foo(A, B)
> foo(A, B1)
> As usual, there might be be
Hi Carrie,
Use the first approach:
n <- 5
p <- c(0.2, 0.9, 0.15, 0.8, 0.75)
rbinom(n, 1, p)
# [1] 0 0 0 1 1
rbinom(n, 1, p)
# [1] 1 1 0 1 1
To check, replicate the analysis 5000 times and then estimate the
probability for each subject:
rowMeans(replicate(5000, rbinom(n, 1, p)))
# 0.2002 0.9026
Carrie Li wrote:
Dear R-helpers,
I would like to generate a variable that takes 0 or 1, and each subject has
different probabilities of taking the draw.
So, which of the following code I should use ?
I don't think either.
Try this:
probs <- seq(0,1, by = .1)
sapply(probs, function(x) samp
Dear All,
I have an array some thing like this:
> avglog
January February March April May June July
August September
60102 83397 56774 48785 49010 40572 38175
47037 51402
The class of "avglog" array.
> class(avglog)
[1] "array"
> str(avglog
Dear R-helpers,
I would like to generate a variable that takes 0 or 1, and each subject has
different probabilities of taking the draw.
So, which of the following code I should use ?
suppose there are 5 subjects, and their probabilities of this Bernoulli
variable is p=c(0.2, 0.9, 0.15, 0.8, 0.7
I'm looking for a function or package that will allow me to get a list of
the files at an ftp site.
RCurl looks promising. Are there other packages that have similar
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R-help@r-project.org mail
I am thinking about using R to create a database, then create table in
MySQL server. Can I do that using RMySQL package?
I am familiar with RMySQL, and in the online help most of the sample
code assumes the database exists and transact with the table inside
the database.
Can someone provide
Dear R users,
I know, this is the second time i return on this topic. Sorry, but this
analysis is of great value for me, and i hope someone can help me.
I need to model a time-varying effect in a Cox model. Briefly explained
On 05/22/2010 02:19 PM, Robin Jeffries wrote:
I would like to run a logistic regression on some factor variables (main
effects and eventually an interaction) that are very sparse. I have a
moderately large dataset, ~100k observations with 1500 factor levels for one
variable (x1) and 600 for anoth
After trying again your solution finally it worked with the collate field
in the DESCRIPTION file. The Warnings disappeared.
So indeed I have to thank you very much. Best wishes... Dan
On Sun, 7 Feb 2010, Martin Morgan wrote:
On 02/06/2010 03:39 PM, Daniel Kosztyla wrote:
Hello R-Team,
Any suggestions on the following would be grateful.
I'm trying to impute data, where a fictitional dataset is defined as...
n <- 500
test <- data.frame(smoke_status = rbinom(n, 2, 0.6), smoke_amount =
rbinom(n, 2, 0.5), rf1 = rnorm(n), rf2 = rnorm(n), outcome = rbinom(n,
1, 0.3))
Hi thank you both for your answers.
I did verify that the number of rows in the csv is actually ~207,000,
both in the MySQL output and then directly in the csv file. The line
128328 looks exactly as all others above and below.
I tried the comment.char and quote parameters and it turns out that
Hi David,
Here are two suggestions, one that works for the example you provided and a
second one for a more general case.
# Your example
A <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
B <- matrix(c(7, 8, 9), byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
t(abs(t(A) - as.vector(B)))
# More general case
B1 <- structur
Hi list,
I would like to capture the console output of a Perl script by running the
script from R.
I have tried the following:
# Create perl script
cat( 'print "Hello World\n";',file="hello.pl" )
# Trial 1
system(command="c:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl hello.pl")
-I saw no output for the above command. I
Given a valid ftp address, is there a package that will allow me to get a
listing of the files/directory structure
on that site? RCurl looks to have this ability are there others?
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One possibility:
abs( kronecker(A,rep(1,n.B)) - kronecker(rep(1,n.A),B) )
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Shi, Tao wrote:
> One way to do it:
> apply(B, 1, function(x) t(apply(A, 1, function(y) abs(y-x) )) )
> - Original Message
> > From: D
I hope this will help.
### Find rows with minimum value from every 5 rows
## Create the data
mlb <- data.frame(mass_position=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
mass_value=c(9,2,3,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,2.1,12, 1,14,15,16,17,18,19,20),
One way to do it:
apply(B, 1, function(x) t(apply(A, 1, function(y) abs(y-x) )) )
- Original Message
> From: David Neu
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Sent: Sat, May 22, 2010 10:35:32 AM
> Subject: [R] Fast Matrix Computation
> Hi,
I have two (large) matrices A and B of dimensions
I would like to run a logistic regression on some factor variables (main
effects and eventually an interaction) that are very sparse. I have a
moderately large dataset, ~100k observations with 1500 factor levels for one
variable (x1) and 600 for another (X2), creating ~19000 levels for the
Could be FAQ#7.22.
-Peter Ehlers
On 2010-05-22 13:00, Lars Bishop wrote:
Dear R/LaTex user,
I'm simply trying to include a plot created with the Lattice wireframe
function into LaTex. I have no problems including other R plots into LaTex
by exporting as a Postcript and then including the grap
Ah, you are right, it is in one of my Rd file, not in my actual code.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, and thanks for the solution.
2010/5/22 Uwe Ligges
> On 22.05.2010 08:18, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
>> R version/sessionInfo()?
>> /H
>> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:08 PM, David
Dear R/LaTex user,
I'm simply trying to include a plot created with the Lattice wireframe
function into LaTex. I have no problems including other R plots into LaTex
by exporting as a Postcript and then including the graph in LaTex using
% Requires \usepackage{graphicx}
Looks like you have some numerical precision issues. Why not use the svd
function directly? (See below.)
x <- read.table(
"Sample1 0.7329881 0.76912670 2.45906143 -0.06411602 1.2427801
0.3785717 2.34508664 1.1043552 -0.1883830 0.6503095
Sample2 -2.0446131 1.727832
Dear R-Helpers,
If you know of any Stata users looking to learn R, our book "R for Stata
Users" finally shipped this week. A software snag delayed the printing
of all Springer books for quite a few weeks. A description of that book,
and reviews of its predecessor, "R for SAS and SPSS Users" is at
I have two (large) matrices A and B of dimensions (m,n) and (p,n) respectively.
I'd like to see if the is a fast way to compute a new matrix C with
dimension (m*p,n) in which each row in C is found by applying some
function f to each pair of rows (x,y) where x is a row in A and y is a
row in
This is not enough information to let us give a good example but perhaps ?lines
or ?points might help?
aa <- 1:5
bb <- 1:5
cc <- c(1.5,2.5,3.5,4.2,4.4)
points(aa,cc, col="blue")
--- On Sat, 5/22/10, khaz...@ceremade.dauphine.fr
> From: kha
I have installed RWinEdt but when I try to load it, I get the message :
Error in normalizePath(path) :
path[1]="C:\Users\yves\AppData\Roaming\WinEdt/R.ini": The specified file
cannot be found.
I have the problem with R 2.11.0 and R 2.10.1, since I have re-installed
Hi All,
I am trying to do an instrumental variables regression with time series data
in R 2.11.0. I am using the package AER and have so far used "ivreg" for
estimation. I would also like to do some postestimation tests: test for
endogeniety, test of overidentifying restrictions and test of weak
Dear R users,
How to find all single minima within each next part of analyzed vector (table)
Select all minima (mass_value=min & mass_value<2)
(many) in vector(table),
BUT first put mask on table in order to select
within one window mask (5 elements) only one local minimum, and next to search
On May 22, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Csaba Szigeti wrote:
I'm learning Mathematical Statistics at a hungarian university.
My teacher, who teaches these lessons, using the R to introduce some
I want to pass on the exam, and this exam contains some R questions
but the teacher doe
On 22.05.2010 08:18, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
R version/sessionInfo()?
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:08 PM, David Reiss wrote:
I am trying to check a package via R CMD CHECK and it is failing with
Error: '\s' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "\s"
The culprit looks
Tal Galili wrote:
After reading more, I understand I didn't formulate my last question
correctly, so please allow me to rephrase:
What I am looking for is a way to save the R console session output.
That is, a command that would combine the results of using:
?sink # And
I thi
I'm learning Mathematical Statistics at a hungarian university.
My teacher, who teaches these lessons, using the R to introduce some
I want to pass on the exam, and this exam contains some R questions too,
but the teacher doesn't thaught us too much about R, so I would like to
You might also try setting the following parameters on read.csv:
comment.char='', quote=''
If you have a "#", this might cause missing data; also an unbalanced
quote will cause missing lines.
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 2:12 AM, Erik Iverson wrote:
> Alex Ruiz E. wrote:
>> Dear R helpers,
Hi all,
As I wrote on other instances of this thread (that I think gotten split
because of me - my apologies for that!), I was able to use Greg Snow
solution to write something up for Faiz (and other blind R users), to help
direct R output into word.
I published it here:
Hello Duncan, David, and other R-help mailing list members.
I found the solution using Greg Snow answer to this thread.
I wanted to have that so to help a blind person who asked on the mailing
list how to direct R output to word.
I wrote up a solution, and wrapped it with words. It is now publi
Hello Faiz,
I just wrote an extended tutorial that (I believe) fully addresses your
question, here:
(It is based on Greg Snows answer on the other thread, coupled with
the article I once wrote on some of
I have two different sets of data from two different populations. I want
to plot these samples (for example: Line graph) by just one graph.
could you please help me?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Hello Greg,
This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much for both writing
the code and of replying here!
I'll publish a small hack that uses this with R2wd shortly, in the hopes it
will help Faiz request.
Thank you to all of those who are trying to help me.
I am using Windows XP, and using a screen reader called JAWS. When I type
something at the console, I hear once what I have typed, and then the focus
is on the next line. Then if I press the up arrow key I get to hear the
function I just typed,
After reading more, I understand I didn't formulate my last question
correctly, so please allow me to rephrase:
What I am looking for is a way to save the R console session output.
That is, a command that would combine the results of using:
?sink # And
My motivation for this is tha
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