I have a logistic regression model
contrasts(z) = contr.helmert(4)
mylogit = glm(binvar~x+y+z,
where x is a ratio variable, y is categorical with two levels, z
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 29.03.2010 08:41:15:
> Hi Leo,
> see the matrix function e.g.
> m <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=3)
> then you can use functions like rbind or cbind to create bigger ones.
> I am a newbie so double check everything :)
> HTH,
> Best regards,
bRotheRs (and sisteRs who might have responded after I posted this),
My heartfelt thanks to you all. I had interpreted "figure*" as "the
command 'figure' with a wildcard after it", and assumed that I had to
discover what arcane suffixes might be appended to "figure". The
following lines got th
Hi Leo,
see the matrix function e.g.
m <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=3)
then you can use functions like rbind or cbind to create bigger ones.
I am a newbie so double check everything :)
Best regards,
On Mar 29, 2010, at 8:37 AM, leobon wrote:
> Hello all,
> I want to creat a sp
Hello all,
I want to creat a space for a matrix.
For example, I have a matrix with the dimension of 1(row)*3(col), which is
(2,3,4). Then I want to put this matrix into a new and larger matrix. The
dimension of the new matrix is 3*3. So what I want is creating a new larger
matrix which allows me
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 27.03.2010 11:53:30:
> Hi:
> Does this do what you want?
> # Create some fake data...
> df <- data.frame(id = factor(rep(c('cell1', 'cell2'), each = 10)),
> cond = factor(rep(rep(c('A', 'B'), each = 5), 2)),
This is about the covariates, not the dependent variable. So a polynomial
logistic regression seems hardly appropriate.
David is right with his latest statement, just because they are ordered does
not assure that the effect is monotonic. If the "low", "medium", and "high"
groups had even spaci
"Jessica Cathro" napsal dne 26.03.2010 15:33:19:
> Hi
> Can you explain what the purpose of the cut function is, and how I would
> use it?
cut(x, breaks=seq(0,300,50), labels=letters[1:6])
> Thanks
> Jessica
> _
Just because a covariate is ordered does not ensure that the
relationship will be monotonic.
On Mar 28, 2010, at 11:09 PM, C.H. wrote:
?polr of the MASS package.
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Ravi Kulkarni
How do I use the "extra" information that two of my predic
On 03/29/2010 02:34 PM, Mike Prager wrote:
Hi Mike,
I wrote too soon, for there was one combination that I had not tried:
All you need to know to get started with figures (and even up to
intermediate level)-
Keith Reckdahl's Using Imported Graphics in LATEX and pdfLATEX
Duncan Mackay
Department of Agronomy and Soil Science
University of New England
Email home: mac...@northnet
>This was *very* useful for me when I dealt with a 1.5Gb text file
Two hours is a *very* long time to transfer a csv file to a db. The author
of the linked article has not documented how to use scan() arguments
Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 29/03/2010, at 4:21 PM, Sharpie wrote:
>> There are a bunch of caveats such as the figure/table will only appear at
>> the top or bottom of a page and will not appear on the same page as the
>> point at which it was declared in the source. That is to
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 12:21:40 +1100, Jim Lemon
>bRotheRs & sisteRs,
>I am once again attempting to learn enough Latex voodoo to get something
>done, and failing comically. The document "RJAuthorguide.pdf"
>mentions that one can get page width figures through the use of the
>"figure*" or "
On 29/03/2010, at 4:21 PM, Sharpie wrote:
> There are a bunch of caveats such as the figure/table will only appear at
> the top or bottom of a page and will not appear on the same page as the
> point at which it was declared in the source. That is to say, when you
> declare a figure* i
Jim Lemon wrote:
> bRotheRs & sisteRs,
> I am once again attempting to learn enough Latex voodoo to get something
> done, and failing comically. The document "RJAuthorguide.pdf"
> mentions that one can get page width figures through the use of the
> "figure*" or "table* environments, but des
?polr of the MASS package.
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Ravi Kulkarni wrote:
> How do I use the "extra" information that two of my predictors are ordinal?
> (I did not know I could do that.)
> Thanks,
> Ravi
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://n4.nabble.com/Coding-of-categor
Tom La Bone gforcecable.com> writes:
> I can take the results of a simulation with one random variable and generate
> an empirical interval that contains 95% of the observations, e.g.,
> x <- rnorm(1)
> quantile(x,probs=c(0.025,0.975))
> Is there an R function that can take the re
How do I use the "extra" information that two of my predictors are ordinal?
(I did not know I could do that.)
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list ar
I asked the question in Rmetrics subforum, but for some reason, almost two
weeks later, it keeps saying I haven't been approved to post yet there.
I'll try again here on the open forum.
I wanted to have a script that tabulates results by trade. I.e. instead of
tabulating each day as a trade even
sorry - I use many abbreviations and I try to remove them before I post
questions/answers - 'set' is my abb. for subset
On 3/28/2010 8:27 PM, Jeff Brown [via R] wrote:
> What is the function "set()"? Is that a typo? When I type ?set I get
> nothing, and when I try to evaluate that code
bRotheRs & sisteRs,
I am once again attempting to learn enough Latex voodoo to get something
done, and failing comically. The document "RJAuthorguide.pdf"
mentions that one can get page width figures through the use of the
"figure*" or "table* environments, but despite considerable searching
When I tried ??tree, I found something called "dendrogram" that looks like it
might be what you want.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
The message tells you everything - there is no function 'set' in the
workspace you are using. Did you forget to load a library? What is the
context in which you are trying to use it?
On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Jeff Brown wrote:
> What is the function "set()"? Is that a typo? When I ty
On 29/03/2010, at 1:27 PM, Jeff Brown wrote:
> What is the function "set()"? Is that a typo? When I type ?set I get
> nothing, and when I try to evaluate that code R tells me it can't find the
> function.
Yeah, it's a typo. (S)he meant ``subset''.
Rolf Tu
What is the function "set()"? Is that a typo? When I type ?set I get
nothing, and when I try to evaluate that code R tells me it can't find the
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabb
On 03/29/2010 04:17 AM, Charles C. Berry wrote:
Argh! Sorry for the 'thinko' (like a 'typo', but a misapplication of the
brain rather than the fingers)!
Well, a typo is the _result_ of a misapplication of the fingers to a
keyboard, so I would expect that if the result of thinking can be cal
This should do it:
> x <- read.table(textConnection(" Id Father Mother
+ 123 0 0
+ 124 0 0
+ 125 123 124
+ 126 123 0
+ 127 125 126
+ 128 0 127
+ 130 123 125"), header=TRUE)
> # convert to matrix
> x <- as.matrix(x)
> closeAllConnections()
> # map numbers to a new sequence
> allNums <- sort(unique(
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I can take the results of a simulation with one random variable and generate
an empirical interval that contains 95% of the observations, e.g.,
x <- rnorm(1)
Is there an R function that can take the results from two random variables
and generate an empirical
On Mar 28, 2010, at 5:59 PM, Mark Heckmann wrote:
Hi Paul,
unfortunately this did not work out.
I use the following now:
childgrobs <- c(gl1, gl2)
class(childgrobs) <- "gList"
This seems to work for me.
What about?:
gl3 <- gl1
gl3[length(g1)+1] <- gl2
Bests, Mark
Am 28.03.201
Thank you for your quick response. You are right the ls two rows were not
correct. Typ error.
Is it possible to add the original ID number as a cross reference as well
Id Father Mother Original ID
[1,] 1 0 0 123
[2,] 2 0 0 124
[3,] 3
Hi Paul,
unfortunately this did not work out.
I use the following now:
childgrobs <- c(gl1, gl2)
class(childgrobs) <- "gList"
This seems to work for me.
Bests, Mark
Am 28.03.2010 um 23:44 schrieb Paul Murrell:
> Hi
> Mark Heckmann wrote:
>> I have to gList objects containing several grobs.
Mark Heckmann wrote:
I have to gList objects containing several grobs.
Now, I want to combine them into a single gList object as e.g. gTree()
does not take a nested gList as children argument.
gl1 <- gList(rectGrob(), rectGrob())
gl2 <- gList(textGrob("Text 1"))
Now I want to combine gl1
This is not really a "renumbering" and there is no builtin function. This
is a case where you want to do some special remapping of numbers and you
have to decide what it is in your case. Also use 'dput' to put data in
email since what you sent was not parseable. Also I think the last two
lines o
you can use mtext()
m <- c( 58, 47, 51, 57, 48)
plot(1:5, m, pch=19, col=1:5, axes=FALSE)
axis(1, at=1:length(m), labels=LETTERS[1:5], col.axis=FALSE) # color =FALSE
to make them disappear
at <- axTicks(1) # get Ticks from Axis 1
mtext(side = 1, text = at, at = at, col = (1:5), line = 1)
HI all,
Is there a renumbering function in R?
I would like to renumber the following id numbers
*Input file
Id Father Mother 123 0 0 124 0 0 125 123 124 126 123 0 127 125 126
128 0 127 130 123 125
Id Father Mother 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 1 2 4 1 0 5 3 4 6 0 7 7 1 2
Any help is h
I need a help in the following code. I could not find any hint at the help
m <- c( 58, 47, 51, 57, 48)
plot(1:5, m, pch=19, col=1:5, axes=FALSE)
axis(1, at=1:length(m), labels=LETTERS[1:5], col.axis=2)
The labels A B C D E appear in this case with the red color.
What I really want is tha
Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 28/03/2010, at 11:50 AM, Ben Bolker wrote:
>> Gang Chen gmail.com> writes:
>>> Anybody knows what functions can be used to calculate
>>> variance/covariance with complex numbers? var and cov don't seem to
>>> work:
>> How about:
>> y <- complex(real=5:1,imag=2:6)
I haven't seen an answer to this yet.
Your problem may stem from having defined a variable T.
I can replicate your error messages with:
T <- "hello"
So methinks that this probably indicates that there may be
a problem with using T for TRUE (when will Rusers finally
stop doing t
On Mar 28, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Muhammad Rahiz wrote:
something like this...
x1 <- as.matrix(read.table("input.txt"))[1:6,] # reads only header
x2 < -array(1:6,dim=c(2,3))
write() will process the matrix elements in their natural "vector"
something like this...
x1 <- as.matrix(read.table("input.txt"))[1:6,] # reads only header
x2 < -array(1:6,dim=c(2,3))
But the results print;
Ravi Kulkarni [Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 07:15:52PM CEST]:
> I am trying to do a logistic regression and have one predictor variable
> (x) that is ratio and two predictor variables (y and z) that are
> categorical. These have three levels each which I have called "High",
> "Medium" and "Low".
On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 28/03/2010 9:03 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 28, 2010, at 4:35 AM, ManInMoon wrote:
Is there a 64 bit R - and where can I get hold of it for Windows please?
For Windows XP?, Not that I know of. There are proprietary versions for
Vista an
Hi R gourmets,
I am trying to convert an HTML table into an xts object. The table has
six columns, with the data of interest in a single row with each cell
containing a long, \n-delimited character string. Initially, I work with
these strings as elements in a list. This is necessary because the
On Mar 28, 2010, at 1:15 PM, Ravi Kulkarni wrote:
I am trying to do a logistic regression and have one predictor
(x) that is ratio and two predictor variables (y and z) that are
categorical. These have three levels each which I have called "High",
"Medium" and "Low".
My qu
On Mar 28, 2010, at 1:11 PM, Muhammad Rahiz wrote:
Yes, it works. Just wondering if the technique can be optimized...
David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 28, 2010, at 12:51 PM, Muhammad Rahiz wrote:
Dear Jannis,
Thanks for the tip. It works but I'd like to improve
On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Economics Guy wrote:
It is really the same thing. One of many possibilities:
theFrame <- data.frame(theValues=runif(150,-10,10))
exact <- diag(15)[1+ (rank(theFrame$theValues)-1)%/%10,]
not.so.exact <- diag(15)[1+
If wha
On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Gang Chen wrote:
Thanks a lot for the help, Ben Bolker and Chuck!
Chuck, it seems your version needs a little modification. Instead of this:
xri <- matrix(rnorm(1)+1i*rnorm(1),nc=2)
it seems to me it should be this (may
I am trying to do a logistic regression and have one predictor variable
(x) that is ratio and two predictor variables (y and z) that are
categorical. These have three levels each which I have called "High",
"Medium" and "Low".
My question: do I need to use a numerical coding scheme for
Yes, it works. Just wondering if the technique can be optimized...
David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 28, 2010, at 12:51 PM, Muhammad Rahiz wrote:
Dear Jannis,
Thanks for the tip. It works but I'd like to improve on the way I
did it.
x <- array(1:50,dim=c(10,10)) # data
h1 <- c("ncols
On Mar 28, 2010, at 12:51 PM, Muhammad Rahiz wrote:
Dear Jannis,
Thanks for the tip. It works but I'd like to improve on the way I
did it.
x <- array(1:50,dim=c(10,10)) # data
h1 <- c("ncols180") # header, line 1
h2 <- c("nrows 290") # header, line 2
h3 <- c(
Dear Jannis,
Thanks for the tip. It works but I'd like to improve on the way I did it.
x <- array(1:50,dim=c(10,10)) # data
h1 <- c("ncols180") # header, line 1
h2 <- c("nrows 290") # header, line 2
h3 <- c("xllcorner -20") # header, line 3
h4 <- c("y
Gang Chen gmail.com> writes:
> Thanks a lot for the help, Ben Bolker and Chuck!
> Chuck, it seems your version needs a little modification. Instead of this:
> > xri <- matrix(rnorm(1)+1i*rnorm(1),nc=2)
> > crossprod(xri-colMeans(xri))/(nrow(xri)-1)
> it seems to me it should b
have a look at the documentation of the different output functions
(write(),cat(),write.table()). Most of them have an argument like
"append". If you set this to TRUE, your command adds the lines you are
writing into the file to the lines already existent in that file. So if
you run this w
On Mar 28, 2010, at 9:36 AM, Severin Kacianka wrote:
Hello David and Dennis,
thank you two for your replies. You not only helped me solve my
problem, but also helper me to understand my problem better.
Here is my -now working- code:
g<-function(a,b) {
Sorting is unnecesssary. If column order is unimportant, identical() is
foo <- function(x,lookfor)apply(x,1,function(x)all(lookfor %in% x
will do. If column order is important,
will do.
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Statistics
On 28.03.2010 13:33 (UTC+1), Jim Lemon wrote:
On 03/28/2010 07:56 PM, Roslina Zakaria wrote:
Hi r-users,
Is there any quick way to write this label?
If it is not for graphics, p
On 28.03.2010 15:20, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 28/03/2010 9:03 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 28, 2010, at 4:35 AM, ManInMoon wrote:
Is there a 64 bit R - and where can I get hold of it for Windows please?
For Windows XP?, Not that I know of. There are proprietary versions
for Vista and
Am 28.03.2010 15:08, schrieb sdzhangping:
> I??m very interested in the analysis of survival data of leukemic patients,
> which involves competing risks and time-dependent covariates (infections or
> relapse of leukemia after BMT). In my present work, I??d like to estimate the
> risk of chemot
Hello David and Dennis,
thank you two for your replies. You not only helped me solve my problem,
but also helper me to understand my problem better.
Here is my -now working- code:
g<-function(a,b) {
dmvnorm(x=cbind(a,b),sigma=matrix(c(4,2,2,3), ncol = 2))
Am 28.03.2010 15:06, schrieb sdzhangping:
> Dear friends:
> I'm interested to make a stacked plot of cumulative incidence.
> that's, the cuminc model is fitted [fit=cuminc(time, relapse)] and cumulative
> incidence is in place. I'd like to stack the cuminc plots(line 1: relapse of
> lue
On 28/03/2010 9:03 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 28, 2010, at 4:35 AM, ManInMoon wrote:
Is there a 64 bit R - and where can I get hold of it for Windows
For Windows XP?, Not that I know of. There are proprietary versions
for Vista and I believe Professor Ripley is working on an
Dear friends:
I’m very interested in the analysis of survival data of leukemic patients,
which involves competing risks and time-dependent covariates (infections or
relapse of leukemia after BMT). In my present work, I’d like to estimate the
risk of chemotherapy, BMT or gvhd on the onset and
Dear friends:
I'm interested to make a stacked plot of cumulative incidence. that's,
the cuminc model is fitted [fit=cuminc(time, relapse)] and cumulative incidence
is in place. I'd like to stack the cuminc plots(line 1: relapse of luekemia and
line 2: treatment related mortality, for e
On Mar 28, 2010, at 4:35 AM, ManInMoon wrote:
Is there a 64 bit R - and where can I get hold of it for Windows
For Windows XP?, Not that I know of. There are proprietary versions
for Vista and I believe Professor Ripley is working on an experimental
version for the 64 bit versi
On Mar 28, 2010, at 3:19 AM, Severin Kacianka wrote:
I try to create a persp-plot for the bivariate normal distribution.
There are a few solutions online ([1],[2]), but I did not want to
hard-code the formula like [2] did or use a kernel density estimate
like [1].
My plan was to
> It is really the same thing. One of many possibilities:
>> theFrame <- data.frame(theValues=runif(150,-10,10))
>> exact <- diag(15)[1+ (rank(theFrame$theValues)-1)%/%10,]
>> not.so.exact <- diag(15)[1+
>> (rank(theFrame$theValues+runif(150,0,3))-1)%/%10,]
> If what you actually wanted was one
Tom La Bone wrote:
I have looked through the new "Complex Surveys" book and the documentation
for the "survey" package and it appears to me that there are no functions in
"survey" that help one to design a sampling scheme. For example, in the book
section 2.8 discusses the design of stratified s
I have looked through the new "Complex Surveys" book and the documentation
for the "survey" package and it appears to me that there are no functions in
"survey" that help one to design a sampling scheme. For example, in the book
section 2.8 discusses the design of stratified samples, but there is
On 03/28/2010 07:56 PM, Roslina Zakaria wrote:
Hi r-users,
Is there any quick way to write this label?
Hi Rosalina,
I'm going to take a leap in the dark and guess that you want t
On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Roslina Zakaria wrote:
> Hi r-users,
> Is there any quick way to write this label?
> c("0","50","100","150","200","250","300","350","400","450",
> "500","550","600","650","700","750","800","850","900")
Not sure what you mean by 'write this label'. But to gener
Hi r-users,
Is there any quick way to write this label?
Thank you.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Is there a 64 bit R - and where can I get hold of it for Windows please?
Your sizes function is useful thanks - but is there some R parameter to
allow maximum usage of memory?
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing
Chuck thank you very much for help. I will follow your advice and see
what happen.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide
I try to create a persp-plot for the bivariate normal distribution.
There are a few solutions online ([1],[2]), but I did not want to
hard-code the formula like [2] did or use a kernel density estimate like
My plan was to use dmvnorm, and use outer to calculate the z-dimension
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