Dear R community,
Package bit version 1.1-3 and ff version 2.1.2 is available on CRAN and should
be useful to handle large datasets.
It adds convenient utilities for managing ff objects and files (see ?ffsave)
and removes some performance bottlenecks.
In case you experience unexpected perform
Hi Steve and Liviu,
Thanks for the pointer to your posts.
Steve can you share your elegant solution ?
Up to now I have not had any answer from R-Help ...
Best, JL
On Sun, 24 Jan 2010 18:24 +0200, "Steve Sidney"
> Dear Liviu / Jean-Louis
> As the original poster I did find what I thi
I have a data.frame obj with 5 columns whose colnames match the fields
in my "contact" table. The only other field my MySQL table has is an id
field which is the PK and is set to auto increment.
I'd like to load this data.frame using something like:
dbWriteTable(con, "contact", dat, append=TRUE
I'm trying to work through the examples and code in Loader's
LOCAL REGRESSION AND LIKELIHOOD, and have run into a problem
with the code for one sided smoothing and change point analysis
(p. 110-112).
The code, after loading locfit:
fitl<-locfit(thickness~left(year), dat
Hi, all
I have a question on mgcv and ns. Now I want to compare the results from
glm, gam and ns. Take a simple model y~x for example.
glm1 = glm(y~x, data=data1)
gam1 = gam(y~s(x), data=data1)
ns1 = glm(y~ns(x),data=data1)
In order to confirm the result from glm1 is consistent to those from gam
Thanks! So frustrating to self-teach a new language sometimes!
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
On 25/01/2010, at 2:15 PM, Seth wrote:
Is there a code that will return the appropriate values/structure for
arguments within a function? I seem to remember a code that will
detailed info about a function within the R console, but now can't
find it
anywhere. Thanks. Seth
Is there a code that will return the appropriate values/structure for
arguments within a function? I seem to remember a code that will return
detailed info about a function within the R console, but now can't find it
anywhere. Thanks. Seth
View this message in context:
Thank you all very much:)
problem fixed:)
2010/1/24 Uwe Ligges
> On 23.01.2010 01:35, æé丰 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how to compile with tcl/tk support ? command line options?
>> thank you:)
> There is a manual called "R Installation and Administration" you are
> obviously
Hi all,
I'm trying to perform a functional linear regression with functional response
(comprising 14 coordinates) and 4 scalar covariates.
When I create a list containing the scalar covariates (with 14 replications
each), I keep getting the following message:
[1] "Vector in XFDLIST[[ 1 ]] has
I have added a FAQ to the r-bc home page which should help address
your problems in getting bc to work.
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:24 PM, kayj wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if R can deal with high precsion numbers, below is an
> example that I tried on using R and Maple where I got differ
Notice that 'nc' is multivalued (nc<-x$Label[61:308]). If you want to
check if x$Label[i] is one of the values in 'nc', then use %in%:
if (x$Label[i] %in% nc)
The error happens because 'if' can only have a single conditional
expressions and your original 'if' statement would have resulted i
On 25-Jan-10 00:12:29, William Dunlap wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of kayj
>> Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:24 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [R] problem with the precision of numbers
Try this also:
sapply(file.path(parent.dir, sapply(folders, get)), dir.create)
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Steven Kang wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I would like to create the following 3 folders (FUND1, FUND2, MARINE) within
> the 'parent.dir' as defined below.
> FUND1 <- "FD1 Q4 2009"
The same error for me:
"Not Found
The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you
followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been
instructed not to let you have it. Please inform the site
administrator of the referring page."
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Pete
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of kayj
> Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: [R] problem with the precision of numbers
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if R can deal w
On 24-Jan-10 22:24:10, kayj wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if R can deal with high precsion numbers,
> below is an example that I tried on using R and Maple where
> I got different results. I was not able to use the r-bc
> package in R, instead I used the Rmpfr package, below are
> both
I misread the initial problem, sorry (fixing that one with more red
bull)... Try this:
FUND1 <- "FD1 Q4 2009"
FUND2 <- "FD2 Q4 2009"
MARINE <- "MARINE Q4 2009"
folders <- c(FUND1, FUND2, MARINE)
[1] "FD1 Q4 2009""FD2 Q4 2009""MARINE Q4 2009"
for (i in 1:length(folders)) {
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Cedrick W. Johnson <> wrote:
> Try:
> for (i in 1:length(folders)) {
> dir.create(paste(parent.dir,folders[i], sep="/"))
> }
> The above creates FUND1, FUND2 & MARINE folders whereas the desired folders
to be created are "FD1 Q4 2
for (i in 1:length(folders)) {
dir.create(paste(parent.dir,folders[i], sep="/"))
Steven Kang wrote:
Dear R users,
I would like to create the following 3 folders (FUND1, FUND2, MARINE) within
the 'parent.dir' as defined below.
FUND1 <- "FD1 Q4 2009"
FUND2 <- "FD2 Q4 2009"
Really thanks very much, with your help i was able to write a prober code to
count the aminoacids in all the cleaved and noncleaved and then to display
the results in a matrix with 8 column, i used only two loops instead of
three. The code is working but i still have warning telling me that:
Hi All,
I was wondering if R can deal with high precsion numbers, below is an
example that I tried on using R and Maple where I got different results. I
was not able to use the r-bc package in R, instead I used the Rmpfr
package, below are both R and Maple results
> library(Rmpfr)
> s<-mpfr
Dear R users,
I would like to create the following 3 folders (FUND1, FUND2, MARINE) within
the 'parent.dir' as defined below.
FUND1 <- "FD1 Q4 2009"
FUND2 <- "FD2 Q4 2009"
MARINE <- "MARINE Q4 2009"
parent.dir <- "D:/."
folders <- c("FUND1", "FUND2", "MARINE")
for (i in 1:
You might want to use a binomial generalized linear mixed model, for which
lme4 package and the functions lmer() and glmer() could come in handy. Since
is a dedicated list to mixed models, future questions on this particular
topic should
be sent there (subscribe to sig-mixed-models).
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:40 PM, jean luc picard wrote:
> Running R --vanilla
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
> Error in : figure margins too large
> In addition: Warning messages
The use of %in% may be more what you want. Consider the following (data
because your data set could not be conveniently read into R...and Bill
Dunlap is
right, why would you want these to be matrices? But I digress...):
# Generate gene names
gene1 <- paste(c(3884, 3491, 3709, 3371, 3594
I am trying to analyze a data set when nematodes were killed after a
drug administration.
We have counted the number of nematode died and the number of nematode
survival at three time points.
So, there are 100% died in some plot and could be found zero percent
in another. Then, the data set
Thank you for your reply, Yes, this is what I want to do. I am
working on Windows.
The data files is located in a folder on a data server. Each time the
data collectors put the new data on the
data server once they get new data. What I want to do is my R program
will process those new data files
Running R --vanilla
> plot(1:5,1:5)
> plot(1:5,1:5)
> plot(1:5,1:5)
> plot(1:5,1:5)
> plot(1:5,1:5)
> plot(1:5,1:5)
> plot(1:5,1:5)
> plot(1:5,1:5)
Error in : figure margins too large
In addition: Warning messages:
1: Display list redraw incomplete
2: Display list redraw incomplete
Hi, all
I have a question on mgcv and ns. Now I want to compare the results from
glm, gam and ns. Take a simple model y~x for example.
glm1 = glm(y~x, data=data1)
gam1 = gam(y~s(x), data=data1)
ns1 = glm(y~ns(x),data=data1)
In order to confirm the result from glm1 is consistent to those from gam
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:15 PM, jean luc picard wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have received the following error message since R 2.10.1 for the first
> time and I am not able to draw graphics any more:
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
>> plot(1:5,1:5)
> Error in : figure margins too large
> In addition:
Dear all,
I have received the following error message since R 2.10.1 for the first
time and I am not able to draw graphics any more:
> plot(1:5,1:5)
> plot(1:5,1:5)
Error in : figure margins too large
In addition: Warning message:
Display list redraw incomplete
> sessionInfo()
R vers
Hello guys, I am having a hard time at trying to avoid loops to get my
position vector from my signal one. My exit decision is based on the
cumulated return over the trade or the number of holding days. I am sure
there is a way to do this with a couple a function and avoid a loop but my
I have compiled and linked a 64 bit version of R (R 2.9.2) and the
corresponding unix ODBC 64 bit package
When issuing a SqlQuery, I get the following error
> library(RODBC)
> channel <- odbcConnect("OraLSH", , )
> sqlQuery(channel,"select sysdate from dual")
Error in .Call(C_RODBCFetchRows, att
> -Original Message-
> From: Amit []
> Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:23 AM
> To: William Dunlap
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [R] fetching columns from another file
> I do not want to merge these data frames. But, wish to pick each pair
I have compiled and linked a 64 bit version of R (R 2.9.2) and the
corresponding unix ODBC 64 bit package
When issuing a SqlQuery, I get the following error
> library(RODBC)
> channel <- odbcConnect("OraLSH", , )
> sqlQuery(channel,"select sysdate from dual")
Error in .Call(C_RODBCFetchRows, att
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:05 PM, jlfmssm wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working on a project. The new data files is coming as the data
> collectors get data, then
> the data collectors put these new data files in a folder. I need to
> read these new data files when they are in folder.
> so far, I did th
I have tried to redownload the zipped folder form the following link , windows is not giving me a
permission to extract the files.did anyone try it?
View this message in context:
### The following is very helpful #
listOfFiles <- list.files(pattern= ".txt")
d <-, lapply(listOfFiles, read.table))
but what if each file contains information corresponding to a different
subject and I need to be able to tell where each
Could you tell us something more about your infrastructure? Windows? Linux?
On Unix/Linux you could use cron to have a R process to read all the
files in the given directory, process them one by one and archive them
in another place.
On Windows, no idea.
Alternatively, you could perh
You can read the status of every file in a directory and make the
decision to process it. One technique is to create a file in the
directory the last time that you processed information from the
directory. You could schedule an R script to first read in your
'flag' file and determine the date it
I am working on a project. The new data files is coming as the data
collectors get data, then
the data collectors put these new data files in a folder. I need to
read these new data files when they are in folder.
so far, I did this job manually, that is to say, each time I go to
that folder
On 23/01/2010, at 4:28 PM, Brad Patrick Schneid wrote:
I have many files which look like this:
2009/02/07 12:30:10.0 5.0161 13.208
2009/02/07 12:45:10.0 5.0102 13.350
2009/02/07 13:00:10.0 5.0044 13.473
2009/02/07 16:30:10.0 4.9366
On 24/01/2010 2:12 PM, jim holtman wrote:
If you are using readBin and want to read binary (and not 'character')
data, then use 'raw' which will return a value if it encounters a
binary zero and not think it is the end of a character string.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by reading b
On 24/01/2010 12:15 PM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:56 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 23/01/2010 10:40 PM, rn00b wrote:
I am using readBin to continuously read characters from the binary file.
trying to figure out how many characters are in the file. What I would
I do not want to merge these data frames. But, wish to pick each pair
of Gene1 & Gene2 from 'ptable' and their corresponding other columns
from 'table'.
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:01 PM, William Dunlap wrote:
> Have you tried using merge? E.g., something
> like
> PCC <- merge(ptable[c("Gene1",
If you are using readBin and want to read binary (and not 'character')
data, then use 'raw' which will return a value if it encounters a
binary zero and not think it is the end of a character string. It is
easy enough to setup a test file and try out a couple of the options
to see what happen. No
You can check
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Amy Hessen wrote:
Could you please tell me whether there are feature selection algorithms in R or not such as genetic algorithms? If so, could you please tell me i
Have you tried using merge? E.g., something
PCC <- merge(ptable[c("Gene1", "Gene2"),], table, suffices=c("",""))
By the way, why do you convert the output of
read.table to a matrix? Since you have both
character and numeric data columns I think it
would make more sense to leave the datas
You can always use
df <- subset( df, select = -c(x, y, z) )
Best regards,
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Dimitri Shvorob wrote:
If I want to drop columns x, y, z from dataframe df, is there a better
alternative to
df$x = NULL
df$y = NULL
df$z = NULL
There are suf
Use a version of bc that supports the -l argument (which is used for
defining the standard math library). There are links on the r-bc home
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 1:10 PM, kayj wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am hoping that someone have an answer for this. I have downloaded the bc
> package form
Hi! All,
I am trying to fetch rows from a data frame which matches to first 2
columns of another data frame. Here is the example what I am trying to
> ptable=read.table(file="All.txt",header=T,sep="\t")
> ptable=as.matrix(ptable)
> dim(ptable)
[1] 92756
> head(ptable)
Gene1 Gene
Hi All,
I am hoping that someone have an answer for this. I have downloaded the bc
package form the following link
from "on windows" and saved the file under R/library
I am using R form windows vista, when I open R, bc does not appear under
load packages.
I have
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:56 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 23/01/2010 10:40 PM, rn00b wrote:
>> I am using readBin to continuously read characters from the binary file.
>> I'm
>> trying to figure out how many characters are in the file. What I would
>> like
>> to do is something like
>> (while
That's not the case for me:
Not Found
The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you
followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been
instructed not to let you have it.
Firefox 3.6
-Peter Ehlers
Velappan Periasamy wrote:
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Liina Pilv wrote:
> Dear adviser,
> I am fond of R, and enjoy it very much. But...
> I have great problems. I have saved the data before quitting but when
> I return to the R session I can not find my saved Data again.
> It is said: "Data which is saved
Dennis Fisher wrote:
> Using R 2.10.1 in OS X (Snow Leopard), I created JPEG documents that
> were intended to include italicized text. In the JPEG versions, the
> italics appear in bold-face. The identical code (except for the call
> to the device) yields italics in PDF. A minimal
Hichem Ben Khedhiri wrote:
Dear R-helpers,
I have been trying to carry out some variance ratio tests such as
Lo-MacKinlay test and Chow-Denning test. However, When I write the
function LM <- Lo.Mac(y,kvec)
or any other functions I don�t get the results displayed. The only
sign I get is <
I don
where did you save it to; what directory? did you restart in the same
directory? most likely a procedural error.
What is the problem you are trying to solve?
Sent from my iPhone.
On Jan 24, 2010, at 9:46, Liina Pilv wrote:
Dear adviser,
I am fond of R, and enjoy it very much. But...
I h
Hichem Ben Khedhiri wrote:
> I have been trying to carry out some variance ratio tests such as
> Lo-MacKinlay test and Chow-Denning test. However, When I write the
> function LM <- Lo.Mac(y,kvec)
> or any other functions I dont get the results displayed. The only
> sign I get is <
It is i
On Sun, 24 Jan 2010, Amy Hessen wrote:
Could you please tell me whether there are feature selection algorithms
in R or not such as genetic algorithms? If so, could you please tell me
in which package?
I can!
By following the _posting guide_, I see in the 'Do Your Homework' section
Le dimanche 24 janvier 2010 à 04:25 -0800, robbert blonk a écrit :
> Dear All,
> I try to invoke a second program (called "gencont") within a R script.
> However this second program needs some time to finish. After finishing the
> output should be read into R and used for further calculation.
Dear R-helpers,
I have been trying to carry out some variance ratio tests such as
Lo-MacKinlay test and Chow-Denning test. However, When I write the
function LM <- Lo.Mac(y,kvec)
or any other functions I dont get the results displayed. The only
sign I get is <
I dont understand whats wrong (is
Dear adviser,
I am fond of R, and enjoy it very much. But...
I have great problems. I have saved the data before quitting but when
I return to the R session I can not find my saved Data again.
It is said: "Data which is saved will be available in future R
sessions". ... is not TRUE.
I work w
Dear Liviu / Jean-Louis
As the original poster I did find what I think is an elegant solution.
The only remaining problem is that I have not been able to get it to work in
Lyx, but it does work using a LaTeX editor (in this case WinEdt) and MikTex.
I would still like to resolve why I can't re
Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends - please give me a hand.
I have a dataset of 40 patients in two groups observed on three
occasions. I only want to plot a line
for each patient in the two groups. I use the ltext function to put the
patient number but fail to make lattice understand the numbers
On 1/24/10, Jean-Louis Abitbol wrote:
> I have to print a dataframe with >1000 rows and 2 columns for a report
> done with Sweave.
> I could use Hmisc latex function with longtable option.
> However it is a waiste of space and paper given that I have only 2 (or
> sometime 3) columns
If I understand you correctly, then what you propose makes
very little sense to me. In your barley2 example, I certainly
would want to see the empty space for 'Velvet'. If you want a
separate plot for each site, with no common 'variety' axis,
then just build separate plots. Of course you would los
subset(df, select = - c(x, y, z))
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Dimitri Shvorob
> If I want to drop columns x, y, z from dataframe df, is there a better
> alternative to
> df$x = NULL
> df$y = NULL
> df$z = NULL
> There are sufficiently many columns remaining to make
> df
I use lattice package and 'barchart' to build a chart. I have a
problem with setting different x-axes. Some x categories are missing
but they are display and I don't want. I use scales = list(y =
"free",x="free") but it works only for y-axes. Simple example:
barchart(yield ~ varie
Dimitri Shvorob wrote:
If I want to drop columns x, y, z from dataframe df, is there a better
alternative to
df$x = NULL
df$y = NULL
df$z = NULL
There are sufficiently many columns remaining to make
df = subset(df, select = c(a,b,c,d[etc]))
You can use subset with the select
On 24/01/2010 7:25 AM, robbert blonk wrote:
Dear All,
I try to invoke a second program (called "gencont") within a R script.
However this second program needs some time to finish. After finishing the
output should be read into R and used for further calculation.
Under windows, it perfectly work
Dear All,
I try to invoke a second program (called "gencont") within a R script.
However this second program needs some time to finish. After finishing the
output should be read into R and used for further calculation.
Under windows, it perfectly works:
result<-shell("gencont < yn.txt",intern=T
Dear R-Helpers,
I have to print a dataframe with >1000 rows and 2 columns for a report
done with Sweave.
I could use Hmisc latex function with longtable option.
However it is a waiste of space and paper given that I have only 2 (or
sometime 3) columns in the dataframe.
So it came to my mind that
If I want to drop columns x, y, z from dataframe df, is there a better
alternative to
df$x = NULL
df$y = NULL
df$z = NULL
There are sufficiently many columns remaining to make
df = subset(df, select = c(a,b,c,d[etc]))
Thank you.
View this message in context:
Try this:
L <- lapply(flist, function(fname) {
DF <- read.table(fname, skip = 44, comment = "e")
transform(DF, site_name = fname)
allData <-"rbind", L)
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 2:00 AM, Brad Patrick Schneid
> Hi,
> I have many .txt files which look like this:
On 23/01/2010 10:40 PM, rn00b wrote:
I am using readBin to continuously read characters from the binary file. I'm
trying to figure out how many characters are in the file. What I would like
to do is something like
(while! EOF)
charRead <-.Internal(readBin(con,"character",1L,NA,TRUE,swap))
After accusing someone of typing 'install.packages("weather")' instead
of 'install.packages("webmaps")', I discovered that R-forge really is
currently returning the wrong source tarball for packages after
'Repitools' in the alphabet.
The data returned from available.package in install.packages goe
sqldf answered my prayers and more. Thanks a lot!
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
I have many .txt files which look like this:
2009/02/07 12:30:10.0 5.0161 13.208
2009/02/07 12:45:10.0 5.0102 13.350
2009/02/07 13:00:10.0 5.0044 13.473
2009/02/07 16:30:10.0 4.9366 13.788
2009/02/07 16:45:10.0 4.9397
On 01/24/2010 04:37 AM, David Lubbers wrote:
I have 6 or 7 nice constants (for example 1852 meters per nautical mile)
I would like to have available to 4 or 5 functions in an R package. In
C this would just be a header .h file and I would just "include" I am
stuck trying to figure out how to
81 matches
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