Wolfgang Waser wrote:
> I subjected each of about 50 critters (about 10 each in 5 distinct
> populations) to 4 consecutive treatments (exposure to increasing
> concentrations), with one measurement per treatment and individual.
> ...
> Since I'm dealing with 'paired' data, and also with
I'm still working on my problem, which also occurs with the predict.lm()
function. - Providing newdata, which is a data.frame with all variables
being "numeric", as str() shows, R tells me the following:
ar1.xpred.test.pred <- predict(ar1.xpred.fitted, regdata.test, se.fit =
What kind of filter are you using? Since your models are expressed in state
space form I suggest that you fit your models by maximizing the log likelihood
function of the Kalman filter output (see e.g. FKF-package). Using the obtained
log likelihood values you might perform a likelihood ratio te
On 10/08/2009 01:15 PM, darrenh65 wrote:
I am attempting to create a polar chart (using plotrix polar.plt) and I need
to colour a segment of the grid to indicate an area of interest, say from
90-120 degrees, for arguments sake. Is this possible? I can colour the whole
grid by passing the grid
Ken Ervin wrote:
> for (i in 1:2858) {
> ...
> write.table(Data_frame_name,file="~/file/goes/here.csv", append
> = FALSE, sep = "\t",row.names = FALSE, col.names = c("Calc_1", "Calc_2",
> "Calc_3"),qmethod = "double")
> }
use something like
filename = paste("~/fi
Dear Albyn,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes "A" and "B" are unknown. I was just thinking to assign -
A = min(amounts) and B = max(amounts).
The actual loss data I am dealing with is large. I am trying to fit some
statistical distributions to this data. I already have done with R code
Thanks in advance for reading my question.
This is my first time working with R, though I have some intro-level
experience with other languages.
I am writing a program that performs a certain set of calculations on
each row of a list of data, and here's what I have so far:
for (i in 1:2858) {
sorry for y
y=rnorm(20,mean= rep(th[1:2],10),sd=th[3])
th=c(0, 0.5, 1)
gcheer3 wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
> But I don't think it will really help. My problem is as follows:
> I have 20 observations
> y <- rnorm(N,mean= rep(th[1:2],N/2),sd=th[3])
> I have a loglikelihood functi
Hi Everybody,
Thanks in advance for your help.
This is my first time using the foreach statement and I cant get it to work
properly so here is what i have
repeat {
Thanks for your reply.
But I don't think it will really help. My problem is as follows:
I have 20 observations
y <- rnorm(N,mean= rep(th[1:2],N/2),sd=th[3])
I have a loglikelihood function for 3 variables mu<-(mu1,mu2) and sig
loglike <- function(mu,sig){
Check out:
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Jason Rupert wrote:
> I am a big fan of NotePad++
> (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm), which allows users to
> develop an XML schema that allows NotePad++ to be more Language aware. Thus,
> I'm
I am a big fan of NotePad++ (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm),
which allows users to develop an XML schema that allows NotePad++ to be more
Language aware. Thus, I'm curious if there are any R users out there that may
have developed the XML user defined language for NotePad++.
Can somebody help recommend some good introductory textbooks on robust
estimation (graduate school level)?
I found this one, but the reviews on this are quite diverse.
I am attempting to create a polar chart (using plotrix polar.plt) and I need
to colour a segment of the grid to indicate an area of interest, say from
90-120 degrees, for arguments sake. Is this possible? I can colour the whole
grid by passing the grid.bg parameter through to radial.plot but I
another possibility is to use skew-t distributions, from package:
fGarch, for instance.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Ravi Varadhan wrote:
> Take a look at the `rstable' function in the "stable" package to simulate
> random deviates from a stable distribution.
> Ravi.
I believe i did last night: a cran site in Pittsburgh, with a
"Install" link that I believe you are referring to, it just didnt
work, unless you are referring to a different web site. The r site,
eventually leads to a list of install choices ( download from
different locations , such as michigan, p
this blog entry
, if credible , would seem to suggest that there is no good reason to
choose Suse.
I really don't have time for such nonsense, maybe I'll just reinstall as Ubuntu.
Also, noticed that GCC was not installed when S
see below:
Robert Wilkins wrote:
Can't figure out how the install works, it is certainly not automatic.
Also , the "Install" option on the R web site for Suse 11.1 does not work.
And the install software native to Suse, cannot figure out.
Does Suse have more problems installing software than Fe
I have two DLM model specifications (x[t] and y[t] are univariate):
y[t] = b[t]x[t]+e[t], e[t] ~ N(0,v1^2)
b[t] = b[t-1]+eta[t], eta[t] ~ N(0,w1^2)
y[t] = a[t]+e[t], e[t] ~ N(0,v2^2)
a[t] = a[t-1]+eta[t], eta[t] ~ N(0,w2^2)
I run the filter through data recursively to obtain
Can't figure out how the install works, it is certainly not automatic.
Also , the "Install" option on the R web site for Suse 11.1 does not work.
And the install software native to Suse, cannot figure out.
Does Suse have more problems installing software than Fedora or Ubuntu?
Or is this a hassle
Dear R-help lists:
I ran WinBUGS under R using the function "bugs".
But I kept having the following error message:
Error in FUN(X[[3L]], ...) :
.C(..): 'type' must be "real" for this format
Why did I have the error message?What's the problem?How to get rid of the error
> tmp <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=32))
> tmp
[1] X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17
X18 X19
[20] X20 X21 X22 X23 X24 X25 X26 X27 X28 X29 X30 X31 X32
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
> names(tmp) <- c(letters, LETTERS[1:6])
> tmp
[1] a b c d e f g h i j k l
Hi R-helpers,
I would like to make a blank dataframe, i.e. a dataframe without any rows.
I would like the blank dataframe (which is to be called merged) to have 0
rows and 32 columns. Once I've made the dataframe, I'll specify the column
names using:
Here is another way of creating the legend using layout
layout(cbind(1,2), width=c(7,1))
# now create legend
old.par <- par(mar=c(3, 0, 3, 0))
legend('left', legend=c('line 1', 'line 2'))
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:01 PM, McDonald, Grant
> Dea
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:01 PM, McDonald, Grant
> Dear Sir,
Well, I'm not a "sir" but perhaps I can help anyway.
> Is it possible to place the legend out side of figure axes on the white area
> around all three panels?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Like this:
On Oct 7, 2009, at 2:01 PM, McDonald, Grant wrote:
Dear Sir,
I am using the following cos which creates a 3 panel figure on one
image. However the legend function i am using only allows the
legend to be placed within the axes of one of the graphs.
The plots however do not allow for a log
> Suppose there are 4 variables
> d is a function of a , b and c
> I want to know how a, b and c change will make d change
> It will be straightforward to see it if we can graph the d surface
> if d is only a function of a and b, I can use 'persp' to see the surface of
> d. I can easily see a
Dear Sir,
I am using the following cos which creates a 3 panel figure on one image.
However the legend function i am using only allows the legend to be placed
within the axes of one of the graphs.
The plots however do not allow for a logend to be places within the axes do to
the location
Hi Friends,
I have a data frame d. Let vars be the column indices for a subset of
the columns in d (e.g., vars <- c(1,3,4,8))
For each row r in d, I want to collect all the other rows in d that
match the values in row r for just the columns in vars.
The naive way to do this is to have a
We use it on Linux - here's our how-to:
Kevin Wright wrote:
Frank (or anyone else), can you offer any comments comparing runjags,
R2jags, rjags ?
I couldn't find any vignettes, nothing except a brief mention on Task Views.
I'm puzzled by the following problem. It occurs while trying to predict
responses in a test-dataset using a linear model fitted with regFit from
the rMetrics "fRegression"-package.
All goes well when I call "predict" using the training dataset. However,
a call using the test-dataset re
On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Peter Ehlers wrote:
> Deepayan,
> Is something similar needed in the last example in ?xyplot? I don't
> see panel.linejoin producing any lines.
You are right (I never noticed because that example doesn't get run).
I'll hard-code the type="l" in panel.average/line
Whoa -- wait a minute here! The poster said that "one of the regressors" had
a P-value of .01," and asked if this was believable. One of how many? -- 3?
300? What about multiplicity? How was the regression model selected -- P
Values are essentially meaningless when computed **after** model selectio
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but I would
generally create an interaction plot using the lattice 'dotplot' with
type = c("p","a") so I get both the original data and the lines
joining the averages for the different factor levels. I also prefer
the horizontal orientation
Take a look at the `rstable' function in the "stable" package to simulate
random deviates from a stable distribution.
Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, The Center on Aging and Health
Division of
## Paul
## I think you are looking for interaction2wt
y <- rnorm(36)
f1 <- rep(c("after", "before"), 18)
f2 <- rep(1:3, 12)
f3 <- rep(1:2, each=18)
## your definition of ff was faulty. It gave a constant.
f3.f1 <- interaction(f3, f1)
interaction.plot(f3.f1, f2, y)
f2 <- factor(f2)
f3 <- facto
Frank (or anyone else), can you offer any comments comparing runjags,
R2jags, rjags ?
I couldn't find any vignettes, nothing except a brief mention on Task Views.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
> Have you tried the rjags package which uses the jags system? It
Muhtar Osman wrote:
> Dear All,
> There are two things about mle() that I wasn't so sure.
> 1) can mle() handle vector based parameter? say
> ll<-function(theta=rep(1,20)){..}
>I tried such function, it worked for "optim" but not for "mle".
No. mle2, in the bbml
I have been trying to read in a variable from a netCDF file. It has - as
a "missing value". When I read in the file using open.ncdf, the missing
values are set to 1e+30 (probably the default in R). I tried different
approaches; using the syntax from the ncdf documentation and from a UC
When I use the choose.files command to read files a large number of file
names to a character vector inside a function, used to access these files
one after the other, there appears to be a limit. I do not know whether it
is arbitrary, but in this case the limit was 991 files. The file
Hi there,
I haven't been able to locate a way to get at this information in the manual
or tutorial. Does anybody know how to retrieve it? Or amount of variance
View this message in context:
I have some data in my C code, I want to execute chi-square test on those
data. I tried implementing pchisq() function making use of header files R.h,
Rhead.H and Rinternals.h, but it neither gave me the result nor threw any
errors. It just returned 0 or 1.
Could you please help me how can I imp
Hi guys
Is there a way in R to simulate/generate random numbers from a negative
skewed and fat
tailed distribution ? I would like to simulate a set of (discrete) data.
Carlos http://www.nabble.com/file/p25783889/graph.png graph.png
View this message in context:
Thanks Simon for the help.
Simon Blomberg-4 wrote:
> The short answer is Yes. If you reject the null hypothesis based on that
> p-value, then by definition you had enough power to do that. This is
> because there is a precise inverse relationship between the p-value and
> the "observed" pow
Hi All,
I came across this problem which is more a statistical question, I am hoping
that some one can clarify this for me
Is there a rule of thumb to determine how large your sample size should be
before you perform multiple regression. I have search the web and I found
some online tools where
Dear All,
There are two things about mle() that I wasn't so sure.
1) can mle() handle vector based parameter? say
I tried such function, it worked for "optim" but not for "mle".
2) is there a general suggestion for the maximum number of parame
Dear R users,
I think that the question I posted yesterday was not specific enough.
Apologies for this.
The question should have been: why does MCMClogit stop working if I a) set a
normal prior for the intercept and b) remove all variables except for the
intercept as explanatory?
Example code:
RSearch is your friend! (Do we need an LMRSTFY.org?)
Had the OP used the RSearch facilities restricting the search to only
functions, he would have found an astonishingly large number of
functions (219) that mention arrows:
I'm interested in plotting a y with an x factor as the combination of 2
factors and colour with respect to a third, which the code below does with
interaction.plot(). However, this is because I redefine the x to be 1
factor. Is there a way of getting it to plot without redefining it, and
Le mer. 7 oct. à 09:41, Stephen Eglen a écrit :
Frank Liu wrote:
I and some students built an "Emacs + ESS + R" installer, which
users to download and install the newest version of Emacs, ESS, and R
with little pain.The size of the installer is about 8Mb.
I assume that you are trying to fit the sinusoidal model, with an error
term, to data:
y = a * sin(b*x) + error
Here you can use the `nls' function for non-linear least-squares.
Here is an example:
a <- 0.5
b <- 0.2
x <- seq(0, 10, length=100)
eps <- rnorm(length(x), sd=0.1)
Are A and B known? That is, are there known upper and lower bounds
for this credit loss data? If not, you need to think about how to
estimate those bounds. Why do you believe the data have a beta distribution?
On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 09:03:31AM -0400, jlu...@ria.buffalo.edu wrote:
> Res
Suppose x and y are vectors whose elements are known. I know that there is a
sinusoidal relation between them. In other words,
y=a*sin(bx) where b is probably a function of pi.
How do I find a and b in R?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
I am trying do to a PCA analysis using princomp. I get a result, but I
wonder if I have the data in the correct format.
My data contains many stations where fish were sampled as well as
environmental information for each station (lat, lon, depth, temp and year).
the format is like this:
species 1|
Hi all,
after browsing the archives for hours I'm still not sure about the proper
analysis for my dataset.
I subjected each of about 50 critters (about 10 each in 5 distinct
populations) to 4 consecutive treatments (exposure to increasing
concentrations), with one measurement per treatment and
jlu...@ria.buffalo.edu wrote:
I am trying to install rjags. Although I can install the library, I
cannot load the package. See below.
Here is my session
R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
cls59 wrote:
> # recovering par('xaxp') uses the original x limits.
> plot.window( xlim = range( par('xaxp')[1:2] ), ylim = range( density(x)$y
> ))
Actually, I misspoke. I believe the following is the voodoo you want for
exactly recovering the original xlimit:
plot.window( xlim
hi everyone!
my inquiry with neural network is rather basic. i am just learning neural
network, particularly the VR bundle. i read the documentations for the said
bundle but still is struggling on understanding some arguments
- x is the matrix or data frame of x values for example
does this m
Rainer M Krug-6 wrote:
> Thanks - but if I want to have the histogram with counts (freq=TRUE), then
> I have exactly the situation I was talking about - sorry for not being
> clear:
> x <- rnorm(200)
> hist(x, col = "blue", freq = TRUE)
> lines(density(x), col = "red", lwd = 2)
> i.e.
I am trying to install rjags. Although I can install the library, I
cannot load the package. See below.
Here is my session
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
Hi all,
I just would like to notice a small problem of R on windows (XP at least).
If you execute the following lines
x <- rexp(1000)
write.csv(x, file="aux.csv")
the R GUI just loops for ever... this is due to the fact on windows, users
can create a file or directory with the name aux or aux.*.
See ?rbind.fill in the plyr package.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:32 AM, christiaan pauw wrote:
> Hallo Everyone
> I have the kind of problem that one should never have because one must
> always plan well and communicate with your team. But now I haven't so here
> is my problem.
> I have data comin
Frank Liu wrote:
> I and some students built an "Emacs + ESS + R" installer, which allows
> users to download and install the newest version of Emacs, ESS, and R
> with little pain.The size of the installer is about 8Mb.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/emacs-for-r/
> Please feel free t
Hallo Everyone
I have the kind of problem that one should never have because one must
always plan well and communicate with your team. But now I haven't so here
is my problem.
I have data coming in on a daily basis from surveys in 10 towns. The
questionnaire has 62 variables but some of the region
Worked perfectly. Thanks very Much
Uwe Ligges wrote:
Bill Halteman wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to figure out how to use R-Coda with the output from
OpenBugs. I have installed and loaded the packages BRugs and
R2WinBUGS. I have successfully run a simple Bayes model in WinBUGS
using R2Wi
I don't understand the context of the question.
Since the data is already in R, you should use it from within
R. What is the reason for translating it to XML and then back?
You take the risk of two levels of distortion.
I am guessing that you want continuity of your work over multiple
login sess
Hi All,
Can someone help me?The way to do this may be very easy but i do not know.
factanal() function produces the results in this way:--
*>fact1<- factanal(data_withNA,factors=1,rotation="none")
i1 0.784
i2 0.874
i3 0.7
Dear list,
I and some students built an "Emacs + ESS + R" installer, which allows
users to download and install the newest version of Emacs, ESS, and R
with little pain.The size of the installer is about 8Mb.
Please feel free to give me comments and s
Dear colleagues,
I am doing a little bit of work using the BMA package to examine
predictive models for types of pain - the outcome variable is a binary
(Yes/No) for the type of pain experienced by a patient.
Our observation is that BMA makes a lot of sense in this application, as
the data suggest
Rescale your data x to (x-A)/(B-A).
Maithili Shiva
Sent by: r-help-boun...@r-project.org
10/07/2009 08:39 AM
[R] Parameters of Beta distribution
Supose I have a data pertaining to credit loss as
amounts <-
Bill Halteman wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to figure out how to use R-Coda with the output from
OpenBugs. I have installed and loaded the packages BRugs and R2WinBUGS.
I have successfully run a simple Bayes model in WinBUGS using R2WinBUGS'
"bugs" and have used "read.bugs" to build the cod
try this -- the example you provided did not work, so I had to hack
together an example:
date<- seq(as.Date("1990-01-01"), as.Date("2000-12-31"), by = 1)
obs<-rnorm(length(date), mean = 10, sd = 2.5)
monthly<- function(date) as.Date(as.yearmon(date))
obs <- tapply(obs
Have you tried the rjags package which uses the jags system? It is much
more integrated into R and works quite well. It uses the same modeling
language as BUGS. It is also better supported than OpenBUGS.
Bill Halteman wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to figure out how to use R-Coda with
The rms package, a replacement for the Design package, has been updated
on CRAN. The most major change is the addition of smooth calibration
curves for externally (val.surv function) or internally (calibrate.cph,
calibrate.psm) validating a survival model with right-censored data.
The polsplin
David Winsemius wrote:
> Or:
> a = rpois (10, 0.1)
> b = rpois (10, 0.15)
> table(a>b, a==b, b>a)
comes to mind too (and table(a,b) is illuminative).
O__ Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO
wesley mathew wrote:
> I have one R program for writing data in XML File.
> suppose I can execute same program in different R section for writing
> different XML files but another R program need to read these data after i
> wrote in XML file.
It is a bit unclear for me what you mean with
Supose I have a data pertaining to credit loss as
amounts <- c(46839.50,31177.12,35696.69,21192.57,29200.91,42049.64,42422.19,
44976.18, 32135.36,47936.57,27322.91,37359.09,43179.60, 48381.02, 45872.38,
28057.30,44643.83,36156.33,16037.62, 45432.28)
I am trying to fit Beta distribution (two
Luca Braglia-2 wrote:
> I'd like to match exactly numbers from 1 to 27.
If you feel in masochistic mode, you can do it:
b = c("32","3","17","27","28","57","a13")
a = c("^([0-9]|[0-1][0-9]|2[0-7])$")
A much more flexible way would be to isolate the numeric part firs
See ?recordPlot
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 5:09 AM, Pradeep Raje wrote:
> Dear all:I am sorry if I have missed a solution posted earlier.
> My collaborator (sitting in a different time zone and not on R) wants to
> re-plot the charts that I have obtained after some complex processing. There
> are th
Hello everyone,
I have a data generated in a way similar to the following
date<- seq(as.Date("1990-01-01"),, as.Date("2000-12-31"), by = 1)
obs<- zoo(rnorm(length(date), mean = 10, sd = 2.5), order.by = date)
monthly<- function(date) as.Date(as.yearmon(Date))
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Petr PIKAL wrote:
> Hi
> Rainer M Krug napsal dne 07.10.2009 12:40:39:
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Petr PIKAL
> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Rainer M Krug napsal dne 07.10.2009 12:09:21:
> >
> > >
> >
> > In the meantime, what about
> >
> > x
I have a persp plot that I am generating which shows a growth trend
toward the 'rear' of the displayed box. I would like to have grid lines
visible on the plot to give a reference to the amount the values are
I have tried rotating the plot 180 degrees to put the growth in th
Rainer M Krug napsal dne 07.10.2009 12:40:39:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Petr PIKAL
> Hi
> Rainer M Krug napsal dne 07.10.2009 12:09:21:
> >
> In the meantime, what about
> x <- rnorm(200)
> hist(x, col = "blue", freq = TRUE)
> ddd<-density(x)
> lines(ddd$
On 10/07/2009 07:12 PM, ogbos okike wrote:
Good morning. I wish to plot two data on the same axis. I tried plot(x,y,
type = "l") for the first and tried to use lines or points(x,y, lty = 2, col
= 4) to add or plot the second data on alongside the first. However, what I
got was not encouraging.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Petr PIKAL wrote:
> Hi
> Rainer M Krug napsal dne 07.10.2009 12:09:21:
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Petr PIKAL
> wrote:
> > r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 07.10.2009 11:37:22:
> >
> > > On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Petr PIKAL
> >
nedmt60 wrote:
Hi all,
It's been a while since i've used R and I can't remember how to do the
i have
a = rpois (10, x)
b = rpois (10, y)
what is the code to show that a>b, b>a and a=b to show just the number of
at the moment when I type a>b I get a nice long lis
Rainer M Krug napsal dne 07.10.2009 12:09:21:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Petr PIKAL
> r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 07.10.2009 11:37:22:
> > On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Petr PIKAL
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > Try ?twoord.plot from plotrix package.
On 10/07/2009 01:05 AM, Ashta wrote:
Days<- matrix(c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat",
Hi Ashta,
Are you looking for something like this:
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Petr PIKAL wrote:
> r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 07.10.2009 11:37:22:
> > On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Petr PIKAL
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > Try ?twoord.plot from plotrix package.
> > >
> > >
> > Thanks Petr - I was not aeware of this comm
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 07.10.2009 11:37:22:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Petr PIKAL
> > Hi
> >
> > Try ?twoord.plot from plotrix package.
> >
> >
> Thanks Petr - I was not aeware of this command.
> But I would prefer a more general solution. An example on where I
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Petr PIKAL wrote:
> Hi
> Try ?twoord.plot from plotrix package.
Thanks Petr - I was not aeware of this command.
But I would prefer a more general solution. An example on where I am using
is, to plot a histogram overlayed by its density estimate (easier to di
On Tue, 2009-10-06 at 11:03 +0200, Kim Vanselow wrote:
> Dear R-community, dear Jari Oksanen!
> I use metaMDS (package vegan) to calculate NMDS.
> In a lot of papers I read that it is recommended to use previous best
> solutions as a new starting configuration to get better results and to avoid
Hi all,
I am sending you again the links for the R Conferences in Spain, I think in
the previous message they where not correct:
Web page: www.ereros.org
Email to send talk proposals: comunicaciones2...@ereros.org
Information of the Spanish R community:
Try ?twoord.plot from plotrix package.
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 07.10.2009 10:29:53:
> Hi
> is there an alternative to par(new), for ading data to a plot for a
> different y-axis?
> My problem with par(new=TRUE) is, that it re-defines all axis and labels
Hello everybody
I'd like to match exactly numbers from 1 to 27.
I've tried a character class like [1-27], but it matches 1,2 and 7.
How to tell R (pcre) to interpret 27 "correctly"?
Have been fastly looking throughout pcre man pages, without success.
Many thanks
Hi all,
I would like to announce that the firsts *R Conferences for the Spanish R
community* will be taken place in University of Murcia on 26 and 27th of
You can have all the information in the web page:
http://www.ereros.org/where you can also subscribe and send your talk
proposals t
Dear All
I am very beginner in R
I need to communicate between R programs.
I have one R program for writing data in XML File.
suppose I can execute same program in different R section for writing
different XML files
but another R program need to read these data after i wrote in XML file.
Could yo
Your two data sets have a different year so I'm not sure what you want
to do with the x axis.
The code below plots both data sets on the same graph, with a range of
two years,
d1 <- read.table("~/Downloads/2005.txt")
d2 <- read.table("~/Downloads/2006.txt")
cleanup <- function(d){
You did not provide enough information of what and how you want to do the
> summary(temp)
V1 V2 V3 V4
Min. :5 Min. : 1.000 Min. : 1.00 Min. :3300
1st Qu.:5 1st Qu.: 3.000 1st Qu.: 8.00 1st Qu.:3947
Median :5 Median :
is there an alternative to par(new), for ading data to a plot for a
different y-axis?
My problem with par(new=TRUE) is, that it re-defines all axis and labels (as
in example 1) and one has to use xlim=... to fix the x-axis.
I am looking for something, which simply resets the y-axis, so that a n
1 - 100 of 110 matches
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