Thank you for your helpfull advice. Yet the par-command has to be placed
before frame().
Yours, Leberl
Am Samstag 25 Oktober 2008 04:18:30 schrieb andystats:
> Pretty simple- use the par() function
> pdf("rotondje.pdf",width=m, height=m)
> frame()
> par(bg="yellow")
> #your stuff
You may want to try the odfWeave package. It uses openoffice which can read
and write MSWord documents. This is an alternative to the HTML > Excel > Word
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
> -Original Mes
If the goal is to embed one (or more) plot into another plot, then the subplot
function in the TeachingDemos package may help.
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
> -Original Message-
You can use strheight and strwidth to find the height and width of a string in
user coordinates, current font, cex=1. From that you can figure out how much
to change the size to fit within the area of interest. You may also want to
look at the textplot function in the gplots package. It adjus
Is this what you want?
mydata <- c(268,251,254,250,244,246,247,243,241,243)
plot(mydata, type="o")
polygon( c( 1, 1:length(mydata), length(mydata) ), c(0,mydata,0), col='red')
I could not see your original plot since we don't know what ppp is.
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Ce
Pretty simple- use the par() function
pdf("rotondje.pdf",width=m, height=m)
#your stuff
Hope that helps
Mag. Ferri Leberl wrote:
> Dear eveerybody,
> I am making a .pdf, starting:
> pdf("rotondje.pdf",width=m, height=m)
> frame()
> How can I set the b
I am dealing with a seasonal time series data. In order to ger rid of the
nonstationarity of the variance, i need to perform power tranformation to
the data and choose the best lambda value. In Mass package, there is a
function called 'boxcox' to do power tranformation but it only deals with
if i want to plot the chi-square distribution with a different degree of
freedom how can i plot it in the graph?Sometimes i plot the histogram and
cut it in a lot of piece.It's distribution like a chi-square.So i want to
plot the chi-square with a different degree of freedom to compare it .
Hi Henrik,
It would be great if you could help me out with my following problem.
I am trying to create a class like :
extend(Object(), "MyPTCM",
.gamma = 0.0,
.rho = 0.0,
.phi = 0.0,
.tokenslist = tokenslist,
Or if you want the plots to not all be the same size and line up in various
ways (boxplots as margins of scatter plot, etc.) then look at the layout
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
> -Original Message
I suspect there's a deeper issue here.
sum(exp(yi)) when large yi occur is
problematic. exp(yi) for yi>710 is
just a huge number, and summing additional
values only makes the overall sum larger as all
components of the summation are positive.
There's no way around that.
You could try this with Ro
If you are using regular R graphs
(i.e. not lattice or other library
graphics) try setting the margins
with the mar argument to par()
par(mar = c(5, 10, 5, 1))
The four numbers specify the amount
of margin room on the bottom, left, top, right
respectively. Set the left margin value large
On 24/10/2008 1:55 PM, Dani wrote:
Dear list,
I'm using the function "movie3d" in the package "rgl" to create a .gif
animation of a 3d graphic. The program "ImageMagik" is working
properly, R packages are working, basic examples available in the
manual also working fine.
Problem Solved: when I
On 24/10/2008 12:42 PM, A.Noufaily wrote:
Dear all,
I would be grateful if anyone can help me with the following:
My aim is to compute explicitely the sum S=A+B where A=sum(exp(c_i/d)),
B, c_i, and d are real numbers with -Inf0.
The problem is that when c_i/d >710 (for some i) R is s
On 24/10/2008 7:52 AM, Rita. A wrote:
Hello All,
I get the following error when i run the following script in Rgui
Rgui.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x7c9109f9" referenced memory at "0x". The
memory could not be "read"
Click on OK to terminate the program
The script is
Hi Hadley,
thanks a lot for your quick answer.
> You should be able to replicate any dodging layout with facetting
You mean instead of facetting by years, facetting by months? I will try
this an see how the plot looks.
> shift the second layer across a bit
> with aes(x=as.numeric(CommitMont) +
the parameter all.x=TRUE is required.
greetings, el
On 24 Oct 2008, at 21:24 , Daniel Malter wrote:
It looks though that your "iso" has no identifier variable whereas the
"rawdata" has, so you probably cannot merge it unless/until you have
identifier in "iso".
It's Complicated® :-)-O
I pull the data from a postgresql table, but I am getting
there, thank you the help.
Another question, I am barplotting the continents horizontally,
ie the more participants the lrger the bars are. I have managed
the make the labels (names of the nontinents) to be horizon
comments below.
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Aditya Udas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Henrik,
> I'm sorry to be bothering you, but there is something that I have been
> stuck with for a while now.
> I am trying to create a class like :
> setConstructorS3("MyPTCM",function(tokenslis
Try using gsubfn from the gsubfn package:
# test data based on builtin iris data set
mod <- summary(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris))
library(R2HTML); library(gsubfn)
HTML(mod, file = textConnection("out", "w"))
out2 <- gsubfn("[0-9]+[.][0-9]+", ~ round(as.numeric(x), 2), out)
cat(paste(out2, "\n"), "\
I am using R 2.7.2 for Windows. I have been using chron() to convert from
Julian to calendar dates. How do I ignore leap years? Thanks.
Michael I. Westphal, PhD
Africa Region Water Resource
Hi Henrik,
I'm sorry to be bothering you, but there is something that I have been
stuck with for a while now.
I am trying to create a class like :
extend(Object(), "MyPTCM",
.gamma = 0.0,
.rho = 0.0,
.phi = 0.0,
Is this what you want:
mydata <- c(268,251,254,250,244,246,247,243,241,243)
plot(mydata, type="o")
# choose a min y value
minY <- 240
polygon(c(1, 1:10, 10), c(240, mydata, 240), col='red')
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Alastair Andrew
> Hi,
> I'm sure this sho
Dear R fans,
I am preparing a lecture discussing the paper of Wilkinson and APA
Task Force on Statistical Inference (1999, American Psychologist, 54,
594-604.) I'd like to demo their Figure 3B (p. 602) with R. That is to
add plotMeans(...) with dots of BHH2::dotPlot(...) . Is there any
elegant scr
I think you should try one X for A/X=sum(exp(c_i/d -log(X)))
The optional X could be as the following ...
## to test ### C = c(c_i/d; i=1,2,...,n)
M<-1;while (2*M < Inf) M<-2*M;
X<- exp(max(C) - log (M/n));
Dear eveerybody,
I am making a .pdf, starting:
pdf("rotondje.pdf",width=m, height=m)
How can I set the background-colour of the frame yellow?
Thank you in advance.
Yours, Leberl
__ mailing list
At the moment I am teaching a course on the use of R for data analysis.
Part of course requirements involves the transfer of results from R to
something that resembles the APA (American Psychological Associations)
type tables to MS Word. Until now I have used the HTML function in the
It looks though that your "iso" has no identifier variable whereas the
"rawdata" has, so you probably cannot merge it unless/until you have an
identifier in "iso". If you know that all data is already ordered
accordingly, you can just bind the columns together in a new object like
I've noticed that RODBC seems to be an order of magnitude slower in
retrieving rows from a table than ODBC (or JDBC) access in other tools.
I'm wondering why that is, and whether there are things I can do to
improve performance beyond what I've tried. I've checked the
documentation, and have tried
Dear all,
I would be grateful if anyone can help me with the following:
My aim is to compute explicitely the sum S=A+B where A=sum(exp(c_i/d)),
B, c_i, and d are real numbers with -Inf0.
The problem is that when c_i/d >710 (for some i) R is setting
exp(c_i/d) to be equal to +Inf and h
I'm sure this should be fairly simple to do but I haven't found an example.
I have 10 data points which are plotted as a line, I want to shade under
this line with a colour. Other examples have shading under curves where
there are two sets of data use polygons.
mydata <- c(268,251,254,250,2
Hello All,
I get the following error when i run the following script in Rgui
Rgui.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x7c9109f9" referenced memory at "0x". The
memory could not be "read"
Click on OK to terminate the program
The script is
channel <- odbcConnect(
Hi all,
I have a manuscript nearly ready to go looking at a factorial analysis (inside
and outside a Caribbean marine reserve) of how the biomass of predatory fish
affects the proportion of survey transects containing urchins (more predators
leads to fewer urchins). I would like to add some regr
I managed to get it to work this way (changing the file) with
R2.7.2. I then made the mistake of updating to R2.8, and it stopped working.
Now changing the file does nothing, and sending a block of
code gives me the "Error in source(.trPaths[5], echo = T) : object
2008/10/24 Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> NA and "NA" are not the same:
>> DF <- data.frame(x = c("a", "NA", NA))
>> DF
> x
> 1a
> 2 NA
> 3
> [1] TRUE
> [1] FALSE
Yes, but unless you tell it otherwise, read.table will think Namibia
is an NA,
Dear list,
I'm using the function "movie3d" in the package "rgl" to create a .gif
animation of a 3d graphic. The program "ImageMagik" is working
properly, R packages are working, basic examples available in the
manual also working fine.
Problem Solved: when I tried to create more complex movies,
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This looks very cool.
> But I must still make a plan with regards to country = "NA" (Namibia)
> or continent = "NA" (North America)
> But there are the vignettes.
> el
NA and "NA" are not the same:
> DF <
Dear all,
Through the following code, I wanted to perform correlation test repetedly
(through loop) on different combinations of variables of a data set.
nm = names(x)
# nvr=Total no. of variables in th
Dear colleagues,
I am relatively new to R and time series and so I am experiencing
difficulties in interpreting the output of "arima" in MA models (but not
in AR models). I cannot make sense of the 1st innovations returned by
In an AR(1) model I expect data[t]=phi1*data[t-1]+a[t] an
R List,
I am seeking help in the area of kernel smoothing. I am attempting to use LSCV
values to conduct 2d and weighted 2d kernel smoothing (imported from an ArcMap
shapefile), and have been unable to find tools to conduct such analysis in R.
My biggest problem is determining the LSCV value an
Thank you,
On 24 Oct 2008, at 17:16 , Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
Here are two solutions. The first uses the R merge command
and the second uses the R sqldf package. See ?merge
Note that alter is an sql keyword so I have changed it
to alt for the second e
Hi all,
I'm writing a function that will automatically generate a report based
on answers to a questionnaire. The exact questions and answers to the
questionnaire can vary. One of the question types is in a "matrix"
format, where the agreement to several statements can be indicated on
a scale.
Here are two solutions. The first uses the R merge command
and the second uses the R sqldf package. See ?merge
Note that alter is an sql keyword so I have changed it
to alt for the second example:
> merge(iso, rawdata)[c("alt", "sex", "country")]
alter sex count
I have two tables:
> iso
continent code code3 codenum country
1 EU AD AND 20 Andorra, Principality of
2 AS AE ARE 784 United Arab Emirates
3 AS AF AFG 4 Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of
Subject: Re: [R] Is there anyway to clip the bottom of a barplot?
This information is being sent at the recipient's requ
Thanks for reply. I have worked out what it was. It was the fact that I was
creating the files within functions, doing assign() within the function and
then returning the result. I have changed it so that the image file is
assigned globally within the function and now it can be saved and loaded
It must have been a Northern Hemisphere patch that conflicted with the
Coriolis effect--just put a different spin on your email and that should
correct it.
Air Dispersion Modeler INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECT
Subject: Re: [R] plotrix and prettyR
This information is being sent at the recipient's request or with their
specific u
hadley wickham wrote:
>> Fee structure (EUR, Academic/Non-Academic/Student)
>> Early: 170/270/90
>> Full: 200/300/100
>> On the Day: 220/330/110
>> ("Students" not including Ph.D. students.)
> This is new, isn't it? I don't think PhD students make any more money
> than other students so it see
Fernando Marmolejo Ramos> writes:
> Dear R team
> Vista offers a so-called Multiple Visualisation (MV) of the output of a
> bootstrap (it shows on the same window scatter plots for a particular variable
> showing the bootstrapped CI, a scatter plot of
> the evolution of the b
Did you hear about Scour? It is the next gen search engine with
Google/Yahoo/MSN results and user comments all on one page. Best of all we
get rewarded for using it by collecting points with every search, comment
and vote. The points are redeemable for Visa gift cards. It's like earning
credit card
> Post-processing the contents
> Error in .Call("RS_XML_Parse", file, handlers, endElementHandlers,
> as.logical(addContext), :
> attempt to apply non-function
Can you do these three things?
1. Send the results of sessionInfo()?
2. Try to run the code in the code chunks outside of odfWeav
Jim Lemon> writes:
> Remember, it is your whingeing and
> moaning that have helped to make these packages what they are today.
> Jim
Is there a :-) in there somewhere?
Ben Bolker
__ mailing list
Try this:
rle(y)$len[c(1, length(rle(y)$len))]
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 10:34 AM, gallon li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a list of {0,1} values, say
> y<-c(0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1)
> I want to compute the first few zeros and the last few ones. So the output
> I
> expect is 3 and 4 fo
Stefan Uhmann wrote:
> Dear list,
> are there any (late) sugestions on this issue? I'm trying to produce a
> bad example for my students and I am not able to produce it using R!
> Would not have been a problem with SPSS. Mighty R ..
Yes we do have the problem that occasionally we'd like to hav
I have a list of {0,1} values, say
I want to compute the first few zeros and the last few ones. So the output I
expect is 3 and 4 for this vector. Is there a fast way to match the numbers
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Dear list,
are there any (late) sugestions on this issue? I'm trying to produce a
bad example for my students and I am not able to produce it using R!
Would not have been a problem with SPSS. Mighty R ..
Arthur Roberts schrieb, Am 29.07.2008 06:23:
Hi, all,
I need to show o
The sixth international workshop on 'Distributed Statistical Computing'
(DSC 2009) will take place at the the University of Copenhagen, Denmark,
13th-14th of July 2009. This conference follows on from the successful
DSC 1999, 2001, and 2003 conferences at the Vienna University of
Technology, DSC 20
Dear R team
Jim Lemon recently said regarding new improvements in PrettyR and plotrix:
Remember, it is your whingeing and moaning that have helped to make these
packages what they are today.
So, this is my whinge: out there is a freeware called Vista, which runs, among
other things, bootstrap a
Hi everybody,
well I'm trying to use barplot for the first time. I get a suitable graphic but
I'm having a weird problem.
My graphic is generated from a matrix with several species (rowNames) and two
abundance columns.
So each species will have two bars, and the species name should appear at left
Yes, this is a bug. The line
if ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <= nrow(x))
should actually read
--> fixed upstream.
The write.matrix.csr() function of the e1071 p
Dear friends
Hope you all are fine. Suppose we have a list of arrays.
a1=c(4,4,4,4,0,4,4,4,0,3,3,0,0,0,0,0); a1=array(a1,dim=c(4,4));
a2=c(4,4,4,4,0,4,4,4,0,3,3,0,0,0,0,0); a2=array(a2,dim=c(4,4));
a3=c(4,4,4,4,0,3,3,4,0,4,4,0,0,0,0,0); a3=array(a3,dim=c(4,4));
Thank you for all answers! The function works!
fload.from.folder <- function(pattern) {
fname <- list.files(pattern=pattern)
flist <- sapply(fname, read.table, header=FALSE)
for(i in seq_along(fname)) {
flist[[i]] <- t(read.table(fname[i], header=FALSE))
Hi folks,
Both plotrix and prettyR have been updated. plotrix now has the "Matlab"
style dotplot that was requested not long ago on the list, provided by
that intrepid duo, Barry Rowlingson and Rolf Turner. Mike Cheetham has
contributed an implementation of the Piper diagram, also in response t
On 10/24/2008 5:02 AM, Daniel Brewer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to do a power calculation for a difference in proportions
> test where I want to estimate the sample size required. I know (well
> estimate) that group one (n1) is 10% of the population and group 2 (n2)
> is 90% of the population.
Also I wud like to add that in this addin the rput command never works
Rahul Agarwal
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of David Seres
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 2:46 PM
Subject: [R] R D COM Excel Add-Ins
That works just fine.
Thank you.
ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature
and Forest
Cel biometrie, methodologie en kwaliteitszorg / Section biometrics,
Hello All!
I have a question regarding the package RDCOMClient. I want to start an
Excel file with R and it works flawlessly except the fact, that Add-Ins are
not loaded. Can someone please explain me how to load one? Does it work with
[[alternative HTM
Dear R Users,
Does anyone know if I can somehow "right" align the loess function, so it
only uses data points up to a certain date, and not around it ? Sort of
like rollmean(...align="right") in the rollmean function.
Generally, this communication is for informational purposes
if you do below, then d[[1]] is the first, d[[2]] is the second etc.
d <- lapply(1:50,function(.index) {
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:36 AM, tedzzx wrote:
Dear R users,
I want to creat a group of data frames, such as:
one way is the following:
for (i in 1:50) {
dd <- data.frame(x = gl(2, 1), y = rnorm(2))
assign(paste("d", i, sep = ""), dd)
However, I would suggest to put all these data.frames in list, e.g.,
df.list <- lapply(1:50, function (i) data.frame(x = gl(2, 1), y = rnorm(2)))
I am trying to do a power calculation for a difference in proportions
test where I want to estimate the sample size required. I know (well
estimate) that group one (n1) is 10% of the population and group 2 (n2)
is 90% of the population. I know the effect size (h). pwr.2p2n.test
only allows
Dear R users,
I want to creat a group of data frames, such as:
How can I use the loop to simply my procedure?
Thanks advanc
Dear Greg,
So it appears I was wrongly (not surprising) thinking "toplef" was a
xy.coords behaviour, when it is only a legend quirk. I didn't know about
the grconvert(X|Y) functions, and they do a very nice job indeed!
So I ended up with the following:
panel.annot <- function(x, y, ...) {
just to add to ted's explanation in case it helps to fix the email
server problem: below are the two Recipients and one of the two is
always contained in the repeated emails that I'm receiving. Also, of
course i don't mean to claim that the names contained in below are
doing anything to cau
75 matches
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