It says the value is *missing* (NA), not that the length is wrong.
My quess is that term*bexp is NaN, but you have given us no context to go
On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Redding, Matthew wrote:
Hi R-Gurus,
I've been cutting along quite nicely with nlm, until
I threw in the following condition in
On Mon, 2 Jun 2008, Tokuyasu, Taku wrote:
I am interested in performing a 2D loess smooth on microarray data, i.e.
log2 ratios on a 2D grid, using different spans in the horizontal and
vertical directions (the immediate reason being that replicate spots are
laid out in the horizontal dir
Either you have a corrupt .RData file in the directory you are starting R
in or the file is being read incorrectly (e.g. because of a corrupted file
system or hardware issues).
Reinstalling etc will not remove the .RData file, and you need to do so
Starting R with --vanilla is alwa
Hi R-Gurus,
I've been cutting along quite nicely with nlm, until
I threw in the following condition in the function that nlm is
if (((term*bexp) < 0.0001)) {
#warning(term*bexp, "=term*bexp",psi,"=psi")
Now when I run this function anywhere
I am interested in performing a 2D loess smooth on microarray data, i.e.
log2 ratios on a 2D grid, using different spans in the horizontal and
vertical directions (the immediate reason being that replicate spots are
laid out in the horizontal direction). Is it possible to do this in R?
Assuming that your data is in a data.frame d, you could do the following:
for (i in 1:999)
df <- d[564*(i-1)+(1:564),]
g <- paste("group",i,sep="")
group <- rep(g,564)
newdf <- data.frame(group,df)
filename <- paste("file",i,".csv",sep="")
--- On Tue, 3/6/08, joshga
I am continually amazed at how many ways there are to skin a cat in R!
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> In the following cs increases by 1 for each nonzero
> entry in x. Thus the zeros plus the preceding nonzero
> form runs in cs. seq(cs)-match(cs,cs) assigns 0
> to the first element of each suc
feathersea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> I loaded the LARS package,and input: data(diabetes),load the
> embedded data then I found the varialbes are in this form:
> x.age,x.bmi..(10 of them),X2.age,X2.bmi(64 of them)
> When I input x,R gave me all 10 varialb
In the following cs increases by 1 for each nonzero
entry in x. Thus the zeros plus the preceding nonzero
form runs in cs. seq(cs)-match(cs,cs) assigns 0
to the first element of each such run, 1 to the next,
2 to the next and so on. Thus shifting it forward and
adding 1 gives the number of prece
In the following cs increases by 1 for each nonzero
entry in x. Thus the zeros plus the preceding nonzero
form runs in cs. seq(cs)-match(cs,cs) assigns 0
to the first element of each such run, 1 to the next,
2 to the next and so on. Thus shifting it forward and
adding 1 gives the number of prece
I loaded the LARS package,and input: data(diabetes),load the embedded
then I found the varialbes are in this form:
x.age,x.bmi..(10 of them),X2.age,X2.bmi(64 of them)
When I input x,R gave me all 10 varialbes,and input X2,it gave me 64
variables,but if I input
For such a large chunk of code, you might profit greatly from
constructing an R package containing your functions. This will avoid
the need to parse in the entire set every time, since the functions
will be "pre-parsed" during the package installation.
On Jun 2, 2008, at 5:45PM , Dunca
Since Frederico indeicated he was running a script, rather than a
function, I suspect that he would be better served by the
Jun 2, 2008, at 5:15PM , Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 3/06/2008, at 1:18 AM, Federico Abascal wrote:
> > Hi,
> > This is likely an stupid
I'm trying to read a file containing html markup (discussion board
posts) and output the various parts of each post to an field in a record
in an output file (date, author, title, body). This is a one-off job
and I'm trying to use R to do it.
The file looks something like this:
Wittner, Ben, Ph.D. wrote:
> Hadley, In my application the leaf viewports will not overlap, but I guess
> that
> would not necessarily be the case for all applications. In any event, do you
> happen to know how to transform coordinates in the top-level viewport to
> coordinates in another vie
Just a correction - it should be:
> x <- c(3,2,0,1,0,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,4,1)
> y <- rep(NA,length(x))
> z <- which(x != 0)
> l <- z - c(0,z[-length(z)])
> y[z] <- log(x[z]/l)
> y
[1] 1.0986123 0.6931472 NA -0.6931472 NA 0.000
NA NA -1.0986123
[10] NA
Dear John,
Assuming that your information is in the list x, does
work for you?
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:07 PM, john.polo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello all,
> i want to split a list into smaller lists. the list looks like this:
> CW-W730 CW-W720 CW-W710 CW
kayj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I have two data sets data1 and data2 with no column names( No
> header). The first coluimn in both data sets represents the case ID.
> How can I tell R to merge the two data sets by the case ID if there
> is no header? Also, In data1
zhijie zhang wrote:
Thanks for the above mentioned methods. I will try them one by one.
Thanks again.
On 6/3/08, Sarah Goslee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The production of "publication-quality graphics" has been discussed at
great length on R-sig-eco over the past week or so. The archive is
A simpler solution would be:
> x <- c(3,2,0,1,0,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,4,1)
> y <- rep(NA,length(x))
> y
> z <- which(x != 0)
> l <- z - c(1,z[-length(z)])
> y[z] <- log(x[z]/(l+1))
> y
[1] 1.0986123 0.000 NA -1.0986123 NA -0.405465
hello all,
i want to split a list into smaller lists. the list looks like this:
CW-W730 CW-W720 CW-W710 CW-W700 CW-W690 CW-W680 CW-W670 CW-W660
CE-W997 CE-W987 CE-W977 CE-W967 CE-W956 CE-W944 CE-W934 CE-W924
7W-W760 7W-W750 7W-967W-941 7W-932 7W-923 7W-914 7W-905
This might give you a hint of how to do it. BTW, were the dimensions
test <- matrix(runif(100*4),ncol=4)
# create groups of 10 rows
group <- rep(1:10, each=10)
new.test <- cbind(test, group=group)
# now get indices to write out
indices <- split(seq(nrow(test)), new.test[, 'group'])
# no
Is there anyone have some experience in the boost package. I used the
logitboost function to do the two-class classification.
This is the format I used.
logitboost(xtrain, ytrain, xtest, presel = 2, mfinal = 100) # with feature
logitboost(xtrain, ytrain, xtest, presel =
I'm having issues operating R under Ubuntu (Hardy 8.04) though I suspect
this is not necessarily the malady. I have attempted to run R in ubuntu
as is which worked for awhile and then stopped (using RKWard as the
windowing environment). I tried removing then re-installing the software
I have a large dataset [536436,4]
I'd like to partition the dataset into 999 groups of 564 rows and output
each group as a CSV files... Obviously I could do this longhand but I know
it is somehow possible to write a loop to do the same thing...
I'd like to group such that the first grou
I have two data sets data1 and data2 with no column names( No header). The
first coluimn in both data sets represents the case ID. How can I tell R to
merge the two data sets by the case ID if there is no header? Also, In data1
I have more cases and I would like the result of the merge to have al
Thanks for the above mentioned methods. I will try them one by one.
Thanks again.
On 6/3/08, Sarah Goslee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The production of "publication-quality graphics" has been discussed at
> great length on R-sig-eco over the past week or so. The archive is
> available here:
I can't comment on problems with RJDBC but I can say that if you want to
access MySQL from R, I have had very little difficulty doing it with
RODBC. The only difficulty I have experienced is in getting the MySQL 5.0
server started, which after hours of trying I avoided by using MySQL 5.1.
If there are more than one item having the same value, how can i use R to
take the average of the position. E.g:-
131 22.2 3.4 4.4
132 20.0 3.4 4.4==>Position 2 if queried
150 20.0 12.2 4.5 =>Position 3 if queried
134 20.0 3.4 4.4 ==> Position4 if queried
159 20.0
I would like to set up a Windows XP environment with R and MySQL.
This set-up was recommended by a friend who uses this set up, but I
have been unable to get RJDBC to work. I have installed all of the
software today (June 2 2008), first deleting and then replacing old
versions of software.
The er
Hi the list.
I got a probleme with R CMD check. I run a package.skeleton on a very
simple code (four toy function, no probleme with the R CMD build). But
on the R CMD check packClassique, I get :
* checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... WARNING
Erreur dans .find.package(package, lib
On 02/06/2008 5:28 PM, Dennis Fisher wrote:
I have a script that contains ~ 10,000 lines of code. Most of it is
written as small functions. However, for various reasons, the final
function is ~1500 lines of code. I realize that this may not be
optimal but the code evolved th
I have a script that contains ~ 10,000 lines of code. Most of it is
written as small functions. However, for various reasons, the final
function is ~1500 lines of code. I realize that this may not be
optimal but the code evolved that way and breaking it into smaller
pieces i
On 3/06/2008, at 1:18 AM, Federico Abascal wrote:
This is likely an stupid question, but I cannot find the solution.
I am searching for an "exit" function, to end the execution of an R
script if some condition is not filled.
Any clue?
Others have suggested using stop(). It might be the c
An alternative way to draw the symbols (or some approximation of them) is to
use the my.symbols function from the TeachingDemos package along with ms.male
and ms.female (or your improvement of these, also from the TeachingDemos
package). See the 4th example from ?ms.male (or ?ms.female).
On 3/06/2008, at 2:56 AM, Daniel Brewer wrote:
I have some data with two categorises plus/minus (p53) and a
time (Time) and the outcome is a continuous vairable (Result). I
set up
a maximum model.
ancova <- lm(Result~Time*p53)
You are absolutely correct Marc; thank you for making this assumption!
While it will take some time for me to rightfully understand the logical
ordering of your proposed function, it certainly seems to produce the result
I was looking for, and economically at that. rle is indeed highly useful
Here is an alternative approach to saving the itterations:
testfunc <- function(data) {
ms.mat <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2)
f1 <- function(ms, data){
ms.mat <<- rbind(ms.mat, ms)
-sum( dnorm(data, mean=ms[1], sd=ms[2], log=TRUE) )
I'm trying to sample in Random Forests by a factor, but it is a regression
problem and I can't figure out how to do this (I can only see how to sample by
strata in classification).
Jesse Lasky
__ mailing list
Dear Paul,
can do the job easily.
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Paul Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello to everyone,
> I have gotten my file to print to screen but when I use read.table I am
> getting an error message that
> says there are" more colum
on 06/02/2008 01:30 PM T.D.Rudolph wrote:
I am trying to set up a function which processes my data according to the
following rules:
1. if (x[i]==0) NA
2. if (x[i]>0) log(x[i]/(number of consecutive zeros immediately preceding
it +1))
The data this will apply to include a variety of whole num
Hi Paul,
The easiest thing to to is to open the file using a text editor (Notepad
will do) and examine the first few lines. You can add add a column name
if needed.
Paul Adams wrote:
Hello to everyone,
I have gotten my file to print to screen but when I use read.table I am getting
Hello to everyone,
I have gotten my file to print to screen but when I use read.table I am getting
an error message that
says there are" more columns than column names."This is a file that was not
created by me so I am
not sure how to investigate and solve this problem.I looked in the help file
Dear R People:
I have updated the RcmdrPlugin.epack with new menus, and added:
additive decomposition;
Exponential smoothing.
Thanks to many for their help in the process!
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Hello all,
I used pushViewport to create a viewport with a 9*8 layout(using layout:
lay<-grid.layout(9,8).) In each cell, I used lattice to draw plots. In the final
output, if I used the trellis.device(),i.e., the default device, the 9*8 plots I
intend to draw seem ok in terms of the letter size
Dear Paul,
Probably what is happening is that the file is not located where you're
telling it to R (did you move it recently?). Do you have headers in your
data set? If so, you can try
mydata=read.table(file="C:\\Document and Settings\\All Users\\Desktop\\colon
And don't forget the " at the end of your filename
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Adams
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 2:34 PM
Subject: [R] print and read.table commands
Hello to everyone,
Try this:
path <- file.choose()
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Paul Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello to everyone,
> I am new to programming in R and am having trouble with the following
> two commands
> 1.I am running a simple 1 line script "re
Hello to everyone,
I am new to programming in R and am having trouble with the following
two commands
1.I am running a simple 1 line script "read.table(file="C:\\Document and
Settings\\All Users\\Desktop\\colon cancer.txt) and the error message I get is
"Error in file (file, "r"): cannot
I am trying to set up a function which processes my data according to the
following rules:
1. if (x[i]==0) NA
2. if (x[i]>0) log(x[i]/(number of consecutive zeros immediately preceding
it +1))
The data this will apply to include a variety of whole numbers not limited
to 1 & 0, a number of which
glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for linear, two-
and multi-class logistic regression
models with "elastic net" regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2
glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast.
Some of the features of glmnet:
* by default
Hola Borja,
Creo que vas a tener muy pocas respuestas a menos que escribas a la
lista en inglés. Lamentablemente yo conozco poco de Java y no puedo
responder tu pregunta.
Borja Soto Varela wrote:
Hola, es la primera vez que mando un correo a cualquiera de las listas de
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
On 02.06.2008, at 17:27, Ng Stanley wrote:
I would like to replace "A B" by "A-B" and "AA
(DD)" by
"AA" using a single gsub. Is that possible besides using two
gsub ?
Could you be a bit more precisely?
If you are dealing with two fix strings then you can write
On 6/2/2008 11:12 AM, zhijie zhang wrote:
Dear Rusers,
My manuscript has been conditionally accepted recently. The problem to
generate the high resolution figures in R for the manuscript cannot be
solved by me.
The journal editor ask me to generate the figures with a minimum resolution
of 500
The production of "publication-quality graphics" has been discussed at
great length on R-sig-eco over the past week or so. The archive is
available here:
and the thread is very near the bottom. Very detailed recommendations
have been
Dear Charles,
the sample code you cite has an additional "as.dendrogram" compared to
your code. Hence, dend1 is of class dendrogram (class(dend1)) and if you
call plot(dend1) the method for dendrograms (i.e., plot.dendrogram) is
executed which has a horiz argument; confer ?plot.dendrogram.
This was already answered by two people when you posted
it the first time.
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Thorsten Muehge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello R Freaks,
> I calculate the difference in days between two events with the following
> litte R expresseion:
> T1a <- strptime(T1,"%m/%d/%
Dear Rusers,
My manuscript has been conditionally accepted recently. The problem to
generate the high resolution figures in R for the manuscript cannot be
solved by me.
The journal editor ask me to generate the figures with a minimum resolution
of 500 dpi. I have tried the *menu-driven method* t
On Mon, 2 Jun 2008, Dani Valverde wrote:
I have carried out an lda analysis using the lda function of MASS package. I
have plotted the LD1xLD2 to represent the data. Now I would like to get the
centroids for each group of data and plot it on the LD1xLD2 graph. How can I
get the centroi
Hello R Freaks,
I calculate the difference in days between two events with the following
litte R expresseion:
T1a <- strptime(T1,"%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S");
T2a <- strptime(T2,"%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S");
T1b <- as.Date(T1a);
T2b <- as.Date(T2a);
days <- T2b-T1b;
time <- T2a - T1a;
In the project I would lik
Sébastien wrote:
Thanks Erik and Gabor for this precision,
I guess that my misunderstanding of these concepts came from some bad
habits I took during my self-learning experience of R (especially,
copy/paste of old codes where <- was used for function arguments and did
not produce error mess
François Aucoin> writes:
> I would like to solve the following function in R:
> G <- function(k) (2*(1 - k)*(1 + 2*k)^.5)/(1+3*k)
G <- function(k) (2*(1 - k)*(1 + 2*k)^.5)/(1+3*k)
GZero <-function(k,G0) G(k)-G0
Dear all:
I am searching for a regression model (e.g. y=Xb+e) in which dummy-coded events
(to time point t) on different regressors in X exhibit an effect on subsequent
responses in the vector y (to time-points t+1, t+2,… t+n). My aim is to
estimate how long the memory effect is and how strong
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 4:31 PM, François Aucoin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to solve the following function in R:
> G <- function(k) (2*(1 - k)*(1 + 2*k)^.5)/(1+3*k)
> I want to be able to find "k" for a given "G"
Consider G(k)-g. With plot look for intervals where the roots lie
Dear R users,
I'm looking for a function to align multiple waveforms that contain
random phase shifts.
The "Woody Average" is one such method -- is there any comparable
function already coded for R?
Matlab code for this type of average exists
Hello, this is the first time I send a mail to r-help mailing list.
Mi problema es el siguiente: I'm developing a program in java with calls in
R and I can`t use jri 0.4-1 with R 2.7 or 2.6 .but it runs with 2.4.
The problem that I get when using the latest version of R is as follows:
Cannot fin
Thanks Erik and Gabor for this precision,
I guess that my misunderstanding of these concepts came from some bad
habits I took during my self-learning experience of R (especially,
copy/paste of old codes where <- was used for function arguments and did
not produce error messages).
Indeed, but note that both %in% and intersect() are essentially wrappers for
match() .
Bert Gunter
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Philipp Pagel
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [R] I
I would like to replace "A B" by "A-B" and "AA(DD)" by
"AA" using a single gsub. Is that possible besides using two gsub ?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing list
I am using hclust and plot to produce dendrograms. Using my input data I am
able to complete an analysis and obtain a vertical plot.
I want to be able to plot the dendrogram horizontally.I am using version 2.6
of R and have updated my packages recently.
Using the sample script for dendrograms I c
I have carried out an lda analysis using the lda function of MASS
package. I have plotted the LD1xLD2 to represent the data. Now I would
like to get the centroids for each group of data and plot it on the
LD1xLD2 graph. How can I get the centroid value from the lda object?
I would like to solve the following function in R:
G <- function(k) (2*(1 - k)*(1 + 2*k)^.5)/(1+3*k)
I want to be able to find "k" for a given "G"
Francois Aucoin
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing
I have some data with two categorises plus/minus (p53) and a particular
time (Time) and the outcome is a continuous vairable (Result). I set up
a maximum model.
ancova <- lm(Result~Time*p53)
> summary(ancova)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.05919
Chip Barnaby:
> My question is: How does one learn the specifics? For the case at
> hand, what are the specialized methods associated with class "by"?
The methods for the (S3) generic function 'by':
$ methods(by)
[1] by.default
Functions for objects of class 'by':
$ methods(clas
When using anova method, all of the printed results are scaled by the RSS for
the top node. Therefore the relative error measures for the trees already are
tfit <- rpart(time ~ ., lung)
CP nsplit rel error xerror xstd
1 0.03665178 0 1.000
No function accepts <- in place of =. In the first
of the 4 examples below we are simply setting
variable b to 10 and then passing it to f as its
first argument. f(b = 10) would be different since
that specifies that we want argument b to take
on the value of 10.
f <- function(a=1, b=2) a-b
# th
I would like to know if there's a package in R that enables to get a
non-parametric regression (OLS, not quantile) that would have a positive (or
negative) convexity constraint, as well as monotonicity.
Right now, I have only found two packages (fdrtool and cir) that enable to
impose only monoto
To discover the available methods use the methods function, e.g.
example(by) # script creates a variable tmp of class by
class(tmp) # "by"
methods(class = "by") #
Also try this:
> by # by is S3 generic since it uses UseMethod
function (data, INDICES, FUN, ...)
Sébastien wrote:
Dear R-users,
I have written a short VB application to clean and format my R code.
Everything works fine except one small issue that I did not expected; it
is related the automatic replacement of assignment signs from "=" to
"<-". Most functions or arguments seem to accept
Hi Petr,
Thanks for your reply. See below.
At 05:58 AM 6/2/2008, Petr PIKAL wrote:
I did not see any response yet so I try a kick. Each object in R has some
attributes which can be revealed by
Some of them are useful for methods and tell R how to handle particular
Dear R-users,
I have written a short VB application to clean and format my R code.
Everything works fine except one small issue that I did not expected; it
is related the automatic replacement of assignment signs from "=" to
"<-". Most functions or arguments seem to accept either = or <-, but
Hola, es la primera vez que mando un correo a cualquiera de las listas de
correo de R y no se si esta consulta se ajusta al próposito de la r-help
list o debería haberlo mandado a otra de las listas que hay.
Mi problema es el siguiente: Estoy desarrollando un programa en java con
llamadas a R y no
on 06/02/2008 08:45 AM Jason Lee wrote:
I have a data frame which format is like below:-
131 22.2 3.4 4.4
150 20.0 12.2 4.5
And I have sorted the data frame. However, I would like to grab one of these
elements in the data frame. Also, i would like to number
Jason Lee:
> I have a data frame which format is like below:-
> X Y Z
> 131 22.2 3.4 4.4
> 150 20.0 12.2 4.5
> etc...
> And I have sorted the data frame. However, I would like to grab one of
> these elements in the data frame. Also, i would like to number these rows
> so that w
I had no on-list replies, so I cobbled up a function for the simplest
method I could think of -- iterative multivariate trimming, following
Gnanadesikan, Kettering & Wilks, assigning 0 weights to observations
based on the Mahalanobis D^2 of residuals.
But I'm getting an error I don't understand,
I have a data frame which format is like below:-
131 22.2 3.4 4.4
150 20.0 12.2 4.5
And I have sorted the data frame. However, I would like to grab one of these
elements in the data frame. Also, i would like to number these rows so that
when i grab a particul
On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 12:29:06PM +0200, Marce wrote:
> Hi Dirk, now I'm using R and OpenMPI in a cluster. Could you link me
> some pages of information about this? I'm interesting about the
> installation, all the pages i've seen it's with LAM..
> Really i've just installed R and Rmpi, but I have
On 2 Jun 2008, at 15:18, Federico Abascal wrote:
This is likely an stupid question, but I cannot find the solution.
I am searching for an "exit" function, to end the execution of an R
script if some condition is not filled.
Any clue?
f <- function() {
if (1 == 1) return(WHATEVER)
try this:
Federico Abascal schrieb:
This is likely an stupid question, but I cannot find the solution.
I am searching for an "exit" function, to end the execution of an R
script if some condition is not filled.
Any clue?
Thank you in advance!
on 06/02/2008 08:18 AM Federico Abascal wrote:
This is likely an stupid question, but I cannot find the solution.
I am searching for an "exit" function, to end the execution of an R
script if some condition is not filled.
Any clue?
Thank you in advance!
See ?stop and ?stopifnot
on 06/02/2008 08:00 AM dat wrote:
I have a problem with the ylabs in barplot. When I draw the bars
horizontal the text for the y axis is not drawn horizontal too.
The text remains vertical. How can I change that. Thank's for your advice.
There is an example below.
jib <-
This is likely an stupid question, but I cannot find the solution.
I am searching for an "exit" function, to end the execution of an R
script if some condition is not filled.
Any clue?
Thank you in advance!
__ mailing l
I'm trying to da an optimization for the followig function
Zwischenwert <- function (x)
Mittelwert <-0;
for(t in 0:(T-1))
for(i in 0:(n-1))
Dear dat,
Try this:
barplot(jib, horiz=TRUE,las=1)
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 9:00 AM, dat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem with the ylabs in barplot. When I draw the bars horizontal
> the text for the y axis is not drawn horizontal too.
> The text remains vertical. Ho
Try this:
bp <- barplot(jib, horiz=TRUE, yaxt = 'n')
axis(2, at = bp, labels = colnames(jib), tick = FALSE, las = 2)
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:00 AM, dat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem with the ylabs in barplot. When I draw the bars horizontal
> the text for the y axis is not d
I have a problem with the ylabs in barplot. When I draw the bars
horizontal the text for the y axis is not drawn horizontal too.
The text remains vertical. How can I change that. Thank's for your advice.
There is an example below.
jib <- data.frame(c(1:15),c(11:25),c(15:1
That works perfect.
Thanks a lot Paul!
Paul Smith wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Birgitle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Paul.
>> I am not sure if I understood well, but when I do it then I have only two
>> columns left:
>>> L3 <- LETTERS[1:3]
>>> (> writes:
> Here is a clean version. I did this with nls and it works (see below), but
> I need to do it with optim. Keun-Hyung
Great that you got it to work! Just curious if there is any reason why one
should use optim when nls works fine? If this should be on a reviewer's reques
on Mon, 2 Jun 2008 13:19:35 +0200
CLG> Hi.
CLG> I am trying to load the package fSeries, in order to load
CLG> the package
CLG> fGarch after.
CLG> However, it says the following message.
Dear Celine,
Please make su
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