E-mail: r-help@r-project.org
I have a quenstion on "gam()" in "gam" package.
The help of gam() says:
'gam' uses the _backfitting
algorithm_ to combine different smoothing or fitting methods.
On the other hand, lm.wfit(), which is a routine of gam.fit() contains:
I ran a bayesian simulation sometime ago and it took me 1 week to finish
on a debian box (Dell PE 2850 Dual Intel [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6GB). I think it
depends on the setting of the experiment and whether the code can be
Simon Blomberg wrote:
> I've been running R on a quad-core using
E-mail: r-help@r-project.org
I have a quenstion on "gam()" in "gam" package.
The help of gam() says:
'gam' uses the _backfitting
algorithm_ to combine different smoothing or fitting methods.
On the other hand, lm.wfit(), which is a routine of gam.fit() contains:
Dear List,
Following the below question I have a question of my
Suppose that I have large matrices which are produced
sequentially and must be used sequentially in the
reverse order. I do not have enough memory to store
them and so I would like to write them to disk and
then read them. This r
David Winsemius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> "Armin Goralczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
>> I tried the above function with simple search terms and it worked
>> fine for me (also more output thanks to Martin's post) but when I use
>> search
Hi Wayne,
I have two suggestion to you.
1. You add some random noise on both x and y data or
2. You graph bubble points, where the size is proportional to the frequence of
the xy combination.
I am fond of the bagplot (think 2D box plot) to replace scatter plots
for large N. See
http://www.wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de/~wolf/software/aplpack/ and aplpack
in CRAN.
Jim Porzak
Responsys, Inc.
San Francisco, CA
On Dec 17, 2007 5:14 PM, Wayne Al
If x is the result of your read.table, it is a double
precision number (matrix, data.frame, etc.), but by
default only up to 7 decimal digits of x are printed,
so you do not see the rest of x.
Try for example
and see how your x look then.
--- Wojciech Gryc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wayne Aldo Gavioli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 02:14:23AM CET]:
> Is there anyway to indicate the frequency of such points
> on such a graph? Should I be using a different command than "plot"?
Johannes H�sing There is something fascinating about sci
I'm running a cluster analysis with many observations (approx. 7,000) using
both continuous and categorical variables. PAM is a theoretically appealing
approach however I believe the number of observations makes its use untenable.
CLARA, which uses the PAM algorithm seems like the algorithm to u
What are you intending to do with the data? How big is 'm'? How do
you want to access the data? You can always put it in a SQL database
that R can access and then pull out the rows that you are interested
in. If 'm' is 100, then if you are just keeping numeric data, this
will only require 16MB
I've been running R on a quad-core using Debian Gnu/Linux since March
this year, and I am very pleased with the performance.
On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 20:13 -0500, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Dec 2007, Kitty Lee wrote:
> > Dear R-users,
> >
> > I use R to run spatial stuff and it tak
On 17/12/2007 8:14 PM, Wayne Aldo Gavioli wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to graph a scatterplot of a large (5,000 x,y coordinates) of data
> with the caveat that many of the data points overlap with each other (share
> the
> same x AND y coordinates). In using the usual "plot" command,
I am writing a program in which the input can be multidimensional. As of
now, to hold the input, I have created an n by m matrix where n is the
number of observations and m is the number of variables. The data that I
could potentially use can contain well over 20,000 observations.
Use 'hexbin' from bioconductor to show how many points are in a grid
on the graph.
On Dec 17, 2007 8:14 PM, Wayne Aldo Gavioli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to graph a scatterplot of a large (5,000 x,y coordinates) of data
> with the caveat that many of the data poin
Hi, Gabor and Charles:
Thanks very much for two simple alternatives to 'str(obj)':
Best Wishes,
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> On Dec 16, 2007 9:44 PM, Spencer Graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How can I
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007, Kitty Lee wrote:
> Dear R-users,
> I use R to run spatial stuff and it takes up a lot of ram. Runs can take
> hours or days. I am thinking of getting a new desktop. Can R take advantage
> of the dual-core system?
> I have a dual-core computer at work. But it seems that r
Hello all,
I'm trying to graph a scatterplot of a large (5,000 x,y coordinates) of data
with the caveat that many of the data points overlap with each other (share the
same x AND y coordinates). In using the usual "plot" command,
> plot(education, xlab="etc", ylab="etc")
it seems that the
try this:
> x <- data.frame(month=as.character(sample(1:12,1000,TRUE)),
+ year=as.character(sample(c(0:7, 95:99), 1000, TRUE)),
> # convert to integer
> x$Year <- as.integer(x$year)
> # now add the century
> x$Year <- ifelse(x$Year < 10, x$Year+2000, x$Year+1900)
Without actually running the code, one problem seems to be that the line
is comparing a character vector to 90 and not the numbers that you are
You could try this instead:
database$year <- as.numeric(database$year)
ifelse(database$year > 90, database$year + 1900,
"Armin Goralczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> On Dec 15, 2007 6:31 PM, David Winsemius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> > pm.srch<- function (){
>>med&term=" query <-as.charact
I have a data frame, where two last columns - "month" and "year" - are
character vectors. The "year" vector is made of two numbers (i.e. "97"
for 1997, "07" for 2007, etc)
What I want to do is to create a variable "Year" that is mode numeric
and where each record is a four-figure number (1997, 2007
yes, that's it, thank's a lot to all respondents!
Am Montag, den 17.12.2007, 18:12 -0500 schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
> On 17/12/2007 4:19 PM, Albert Greinoecker wrote:
> > Am Montag, den 17.12.2007, 21:22 +0100 schrieb Scionforbai:
> >>> My question: is there a way to add axes the usual way (as tried
On 17/12/2007 4:19 PM, Albert Greinoecker wrote:
> Am Montag, den 17.12.2007, 21:22 +0100 schrieb Scionforbai:
>>> My question: is there a way to add axes the usual way (as tried for
> the
>>> first graphic), but to erase the margin, so that the axes start at
> point
>>> (0/0) in my case.
>> Not re
> I'm using the tweedie distribution package and I cant figure out
> how to run a model using an identity link. I know I can use a log
> link by having link.power=0 and I think identity would be
> link.power=1, but I'm not sure.
Yes, that is correct.
> Furthermore when I try running it
Ciao Giovanni,
Try this.
uno capoeirista brasiliano
- Mensagem original
De: giovanni bacaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 17 de Dezembro de 2007 14:03:34
Assunto: [R] convert table
Never mind, it works under R2 .6.0. Sorry, for not checking it earlier .
- Forwarded Message -
From: " Vadim Ogranovich " < vogranovich @ jumptrading .com>
To: r-help @ r-project .org
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 3:43:24 PM ( GMT-0600 ) America/Chicago
Subject: nam
I seem to have a problem when passing named parameters to R via Rscript
(R2.5.1, bash shell). As soon as I name elements of a list Rscript generates an
I will appreciate if someone could point to me a correct way of doing this.
## This works
bash-3.2$ Rscript.ex
Am Montag, den 17.12.2007, 21:22 +0100 schrieb Scionforbai:
> > My question: is there a way to add axes the usual way (as tried for
> > first graphic), but to erase the margin, so that the axes start at
> > (0/0) in my case.
> Not really sure if this is what you ask, but maybe you shou
> I have a question regarding colors in bar plots. I want to stack a
> total of 18 cost values in each bar. Basically, it is six cost types and
> each cost type has three components- direct, indirect, and induced
> costs. I would like to use both solid color bars and bars with the
> slanted lines
> This has nothing to do really with the question that Troels asked,
> but the exposition quoted from the AA paper is unnecessarily
> confusing.
> The phrase ``Because X0 and X1 have identical marginal
> distributions ...''
> throws the reader off the track. The id
after upgrading my R install from 2.5 -> 2.6.1 and performing multiple
iterations of update.packages(), I am getting an odd error when trying to
plot a calibration curve from the val.prob() function in package Design.
when running this function (which used to work) I get the following error
I have a question regarding colors in bar plots. I want to stack a
total of 18 cost values in each bar. Basically, it is six cost types and
each cost type has three components- direct, indirect, and induced
costs. I would like to use both solid color bars and bars with the
slanted lines
Dear R-users,
I use R to run spatial stuff and it takes up a lot of ram. Runs can take hours
or days. I am thinking of getting a new desktop. Can R take advantage of the
dual-core system?
I have a dual-core computer at work. But it seems that right now R is using
only one processor.
The new
I'm running a cluster analysis with many observations (approx. 7,000) using
both continuous and categorical variables. PAM is a theoretically appealing
approach however I believe the number of observations makes its use untenable.
CLARA, which uses the PAM algorithm seems like the algorithm to u
On Dec 15, 2007 6:31 PM, David Winsemius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > pm.srch<- function (){
> <-"http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&term=";
>query <-as.character(scan(file="",what="character"))
>doc <-xmlTreeParse(paste(srch.stem,query,se
> My question: is there a way to add axes the usual way (as tried for the
> first graphic), but to erase the margin, so that the axes start at point
> (0/0) in my case.
Not really sure if this is what you ask, but maybe you should call
your first plot() with xaxs="i" and yaxs="i". It reduces the d
Hi useRs,
in the following graphic...
I drawed a function and added two axes afterwards with "axis". I could
not find a way to erase the margin between the axes and the plotting
region, so I solved the problem with "text" and "segments", which looks
On 12/17/2007 2:29 PM, Todd Remund wrote:
> I have looked through the documentation and have not been able to find a way
> of using an xlim, ylim, or zlim type option on rgl.surface. I know that
> persp3d has the option, but seems to only be able to expand the axes not
> reduce them. Is there
On 18/12/2007, at 2:33 AM, Elke Moons wrote:
> Dear forum,
> I would like to use the kernel2d or spkernel2d in the Splancs-
> package, but
> it does not recognize my polygon data.
> "Error in kernel2d(as.points(ptsbin), polygonprov, h0 = 2, nx =
> 100, : " is
> the error message.
Armin Goralczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 11:07:25AM CET]:
> I tried it:
> > y<-c(1,2,3,4,5);x<-c(10,15,10,5,0)
Are you sure you don't have x and y wrong? Normally the x values
should be monotonically increasing.
Johannes H�sing There is something fas
I have looked through the documentation and have not been able to find a way of
using an xlim, ylim, or zlim type option on rgl.surface. I know that persp3d
has the option, but seems to only be able to expand the axes not reduce them.
Is there anyone who has an idea of how to do this? Thank
On 18/12/2007, at 7:32 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 12/17/2007 1:21 PM, Troels Ring wrote:
>> Dear friends, regression towards the mean is interesting in medical
>> circles, and a very recent paper (The American Statistician November
>> 2007;61:302-307 by Krause and Pinheiro) treats it at lengt
On Dec 17, 2007, at 1:47 PM, Jonas Malmros wrote:
> factor.names <- c("Factor1", "Factor2")
> factor.pvalue <- c("SigF1", "SigF2")
> results <- numeric()
> vector <- matrix(0, ncol=(length(factor.names)*2+2), nrow=1)
> colnames(vector) <- c("No.obs", factor.names, factor.pvalue)
If you look at "v
Dear Charilaos,
Thanks, I see what you mean, but I just simplified the real code here
and I made a mistake by putting +2, it is +1. :-)
On Dec 17, 2007 8:02 PM, Charilaos Skiadas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2007, at 1:47 PM, Jonas Malmros wrote:
> > factor.names <- c("Factor
Obviously, A cannot assign a row name because the dimensions do not
agree. I can use rownames(vector) <- x$Name[1] though.
then things get calculated (I saw it with browser()) but rbind does
not do what I want it to do, "results" remains numeric().
Jonas Malmros
Stockholm University
Thanks Gabor!
On Dec 17, 2007 3:22 PM, Gabor Csardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> paste(rep(c("Factor", "Sign Factor"), 5), rep(1:5, each=2))
> Replace '5' with the desired number,
> Gabor
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 03:08:09PM +0100, Jonas Malmros wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a vector of n
I have a data frame named "database" with panel data, a little piece
of which looks like this:
Symbol Name TrialFactor1 Factor2
1 548140 A 1-3.87
-0.32 0.01
2 547400 B
Knut Krueger wrote:
> Christian Schulz schrieb:
>> I think you should use the newest DBI Version with 2.6.1.
>> regards, christian
> I run *actualice packages*,
> this should update to the newest DBI, shouldn't it?
> Knut
I'm not sure, perhaps you are on an old "branch"? Try f
Troels Ring wrote:
> Dear friends, regression towards the mean is interesting in medical
> circles, and a very recent paper (The American Statistician November
> 2007;61:302-307 by Krause and Pinheiro) treats it at length. An initial
> example specifies (p 303):
> "Consider the following example
On 12/17/2007 1:21 PM, Troels Ring wrote:
> Dear friends, regression towards the mean is interesting in medical
> circles, and a very recent paper (The American Statistician November
> 2007;61:302-307 by Krause and Pinheiro) treats it at length. An initial
> example specifies (p 303):
> "Conside
I can't quite understand what you're having difficulty with (is it
constructing the array, or coping with the different 'matrices' having
different column names, or something else?)
However, your sample data looks like it has a mixture of factor (region)
and numeric data (Qty), so you're probab
Dear friends, regression towards the mean is interesting in medical
circles, and a very recent paper (The American Statistician November
2007;61:302-307 by Krause and Pinheiro) treats it at length. An initial
example specifies (p 303):
"Consider the following example: we draw 100 samples from a
Wojciech Gryc wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently working with data that has values as large as 99,000,000
> but is accurate to 6 decimal places. Unfortunately, when I load the
> data using read.table(), it rounds everything to the nearest integer.
> Is there any way for me to preserve the information o
Did you set the the character used in the file for decimal points?
dec = "." or dec = ","
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.
Hi Armin --
See the help page for esearch
especially the 'retmax' key.
A couple of other thoughts on this thread...
1) using the full path, e.g.,
ids <- xpathApply(doc, "/eSearchResult/IdList/Id", xmlValue)
is likely to lead
I'm currently working with data that has values as large as 99,000,000
but is accurate to 6 decimal places. Unfortunately, when I load the
data using read.table(), it rounds everything to the nearest integer.
Is there any way for me to preserve the information or work with
arbitrarily large fl
>> I have a table like this:
>> coor v1 v2 v3
>> x1 12 33 123
>> x2 1 123
>> x3 12
>> x4 33 1
>> and I'd like to tranform this matrix in presence/absence data.frame
>> coor 1 12 33 123
>> x1 0 1 1 1
>> x2 1 0 0 1
> I have a table like this:
> coor v1 v2 v3
> x1 12 33 123
> x2 1 123
> x3 12
> x4 33 1
> and I'd like to tranform this matrix in presence/absence data.frame
> coor 1 12 33 123
> x1 0 1 1 1
> x2 1 0 0 1
> x3 0 1 0 0
> x4 1 0 1
On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 16:27 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear Marc and R-list,
> thanks for your help. I
> have checked Bland-Altman help
> page about repeatability, and I learnt that instead of
> reproducibility,
> I was talking about repeatability. Although I am not sure whether they
Dear R user, a very simple question:
I have a table like this:
coorv1 v2 v3
x1 12 33 123
x2 1 123
x3 12
x4 33 1
and I'd like to tranform this matrix in presence/absence data.frame
coor1 12 33 123
x1 0
Hi there,
I'm using the tweedie distribution package and I cant figure out how to
run a model using an identity link. I know I can use a log link by
having link.power=0 and I think identity would be link.power=1, but I'm
not sure. Furthermore when I try running it with link.power=1 it
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 12/17/2007 10:50 AM, Richard M. Heiberger wrote:
> > fortune("help") ## or any quoted string
> >
> > gives a warning
> > Warning message:
> > In grep(which, fort, useBytes = TRUE) :
> > argument 'useBytes = TRUE' will be ignored
> >
> > in version
On 12/17/2007 10:50 AM, Richard M. Heiberger wrote:
> fortune("help") ## or any quoted string
> gives a warning
> Warning message:
> In grep(which, fort, useBytes = TRUE) :
> argument 'useBytes = TRUE' will be ignored
> in version.string R version 2.6.1 (2007-11-26)
This is a problem in a
I've got a long-running project whose data fits nicely into data.frame
objects in R. As I accumulate more and more functions, I decided to switch
to an OO approach so I can organize things better.
Looking around at the various approaches to OO R, I came across R.oo, which
seems nice.
One way is to turn the 'warnings' into 'errors' and then trap the error:
> library(survival)
> time= c(4,3,1,1,2,2,3,3,2)
> status=c(1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1)
> TIME=Surv(time,status)
> x= cbind(c(0,2,1,1,0,0,0,2,0),c(0,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0))
> results=matrix(NA,ncol=3,nrow=ncol(x))
> colnames(results)=c(
Thanks. I usually don't fail to google though .. I really appreciate your
answer. It is exactly what i needed.
Monica> Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:50:30 -0500> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [R] cor.test formula> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: [EMAIL
PROTECTED]> > Monica Pisica wro
Monica Pisica wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am interested in seeing how the p value is calculated for a t test for a
> correlation coefficient. I know that cor.test delivers the correlation
> coefficient and the t-test, p-value and the 95 confidence interval. I am
> interested in how the p-val
fortune("help") ## or any quoted string
gives a warning
Warning message:
In grep(which, fort, useBytes = TRUE) :
argument 'useBytes = TRUE' will be ignored
in version.string R version 2.6.1 (2007-11-26)
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Ptit_Bleu wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a vector called nfichiers of 138 names of file whose extension is .P0
> or P1 ... to P8.
> The script is not the same when the extension is P0 or P(1 to 8).
> Examples of file names :
> [128] "Output0.P0"
> [129] "Output0.P1"
> [130] "Output0.P2
Hi everybody,
I am interested in seeing how the p value is calculated for a t test for a
correlation coefficient. I know that cor.test delivers the correlation
coefficient and the t-test, p-value and the 95 confidence interval. I am
interested in how the p-value is calculated.
Usually if i
Dear Marc and R-list,
thanks for your help. I
have checked Bland-Altman help
page about repeatability, and I learnt that instead of
I was talking about repeatability. Although I am not sure whether they
focuse on agreement of two different measurement methods, and not
On 12/17/2007 9:34 AM, Ptit_Bleu wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a vector called nfichiers of 138 names of file whose extension is .P0
> or P1 ... to P8.
> The script is not the same when the extension is P0 or P(1 to 8).
> Examples of file names :
> [128] "Output0.P0"
> [129] "Output0.P1"
I want to fit multiple cox models using the coxph() function. To do
this, I use a for-loop and save the relevant results in a separate
matrix. In the example below, only two models are fitted (my actual
matrix has many more columns), one gives a warning message, while the
other does not. Right
I am trying to make a predicted vegetation map using the predict ( )
function and am running into an issue with memory size
Specifically I am building a random forest classification (dataframe = "
vegmap.rf") using the randomForest library and then am trying to apply
results from that to construct
I got something to work...thanks for the help.
Herez the code -
xyplot(MeanScore ~ PointsInTime, d2, groups=cat, type='o',
xlab = "Points in Time", ylab = "Mean Score", aspect = 0.7,
auto.key = list(points = TRUE, lines = TRUE, space = "right"),
panel=function(x, y,..
Thank you, getobject is a roundabout, but solves the issue. BTW I
discovered that
system("taskkill /f /im Excel.exe") # kills the process just fine.
The second problem is not due to the backslash vs slash, you can try
and see that using the forward slash works fine from ESS. The q. is how
I have a vector called nfichiers of 138 names of file whose extension is .P0
or P1 ... to P8.
The script is not the same when the extension is P0 or P(1 to 8).
Examples of file names :
[128] "Output0.P0"
[129] "Output0.P1"
[130] "Output0.P2"
[131] "Output01102007.P0"
paste(rep(c("Factor", "Sign Factor"), 5), rep(1:5, each=2))
Replace '5' with the desired number,
On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 03:08:09PM +0100, Jonas Malmros wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a vector of names, say :
> names <- c("Factor 1", "Factor 2", Factor 3")
> I am creating a dataframe and
On Dec 15, 2007 6:31 PM, David Winsemius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After quite a bit of hacking (in the sense of ineffective chopping with
> a dull ax), I finally came up with:
> pm.srch<- function (){
> srch.stem<-"http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&term
I have a vector of names, say :
names <- c("Factor 1", "Factor 2", Factor 3")
I am creating a dataframe and I want the column names to be mixed like this:
"Factor 1" " Sign Factor 1" "Factor 2" "Sign Factor 2" "Factor 3"
"Sign Factor 3"
How can I automate the creation of such a mixed vect
Dear forum,
I would like to use the kernel2d or spkernel2d in the Splancs-package, but
it does not recognize my polygon data.
"Error in kernel2d(as.points(ptsbin), polygonprov, h0 = 2, nx = 100, : " is
the error message.
Invalid poly argument
The data are defined as follows:
I put bmp() before the plot() syntax ,
then the code worked.
Bin Yue wrote:
> Dear all:
> I hope that the file in which the picture is stored has the same name
> as the " main" title of the picture . But it turns out that , the name of
> the file is :names(spl.sp)[i].bmp,while the mai
S Ellison schrieb:
> .. but don;t forget to add checkBuilt=TRUE , otherwise you may find (as
> I did) that you update packages for your current version, but not those
> built for a previous version of R.
Thanks, adiidional packages were loaded but
I tried this in 2.2.0 / 2.4.0 and 2.6.1 ist only f
Burton Rothberg wrote:
> I'm thinking of getting one of these lightweight linux laptops for
> traveling. Does anyone know if / how R runs on it?
The eee is getting good reviews but an in-depth review in
linuxtoday.com yesterday makes me want to wait. Battery life and heat
production are proble
Dear Simon,
Sorry for an incomplete listing of the question.
#mgcv version is 1.3-29, R 2.6.1, windows XP
The above program's the core codes in my following loop programs.
It wo
livia wrote:
> Hello everyone, I would like to construct a datafram with the following
> command.
> eval(parse(text=paste("df=data.frame(", cmd, ")", sep="")))
> But it comes out " Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt, srcfile, encoding)
> :
> syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expe
.. but don;t forget to add checkBuilt=TRUE , otherwise you may find (as
I did) that you update packages for your current version, but not those
built for a previous version of R.
>>> Knut Krueger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 17/12/2007 11:10:51 >>>
Christian Schulz schrieb:
> I think you should use the
>I am sorry I have to bother you again. I am trying your conmmands
> and until the "cmd" part, it looks fine.
>So I call "cmd", it gives the following output:
> [1] "cbcDummy10to12 = 1,cbcForeWrld_Ret = 0.04,cbcYC10-2_wld = 64,
> cbcEP_us = 0.5,cbcDelta102YC_wld = 8,cbcGold = 2"
Christian Schulz schrieb:
> I think you should use the newest DBI Version with 2.6.1.
> regards, christian
I run *actualice packages*,
this should update to the newest DBI, shouldn't it?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Hello everyone, I would like to construct a datafram with the following
eval(parse(text=paste("df=data.frame(", cmd, ")", sep="")))
But it comes out " Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt, srcfile, encoding)
syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting ',' in
I think you should use the newest DBI Version with 2.6.1.
regards, christian
> It seems to be an 2.6.1 Version problem.
> I tried to use
> http://umfragen.sowi.uni-mainz.de/CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/2.2/DBI_0.1-10.zip
> with 2.6.1 and 2.2.0
> It is working with 2.2.0 (build under R Version 2.2.1)
Here's a slightly cleaner version:
showNonASCII <- function(x)
ind <- is.na(iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII"))
xxx <- iconv(x[ind], "latin1", "ASCII", sub="byte")
if(any(ind)) cat(which(ind), ": ", xxx, "\n", sep="")
used as
> showNonASCII(readLines("foo.Rd"))
On Sat, 15 Dec 2007,
Hi all
On Dec 17, 2007 9:57 AM, N. Lapidus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Armin,
> Do you know the rocr package ? This is very easy to draw ROC curves and to
> calculate AUC with it.
> http://rocr.bioinf.mpi-sb.mpg.de/
> Hope this will help.
I know ROCR although I am not familiar with ROC. I h
> Christian Schulz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i'm trying to replace different target variables in rpart with a
>> function. The data.frame getting always the target variable as last column.
>> Try below, i get the target variable in the explained variables, too!?
>> Have anybody an advice to
What mgcv version are you running (and on what platform)?
n Thursday 13 December 2007 17:46, zhijie zhang wrote:
> Dear all,
> I run the GAMs (generalized additive models) in gam(mgcv) using the
> following codes.
> m.gam
> <-gam(mark~s(x)+s(y)+s(lstday2004)+s(ndvi2004)+s(slope)+s(elevation)+di
Hi Armin,
Do you know the rocr package ? This is very easy to draw ROC curves and to
calculate AUC with it.
Hope this will help.
On Dec 17, 2007 2:58 AM, Stephen Weigand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> RSiteSearch("AUC")
> would lead you to
> http://finzi.
Hi, this is a question about the R package kernlab.
I use kernlab as a library in a C++ program. The host application
defines a graph kernel (defined by me), generates a gram matrix and
trains kernlab directly on this gram matrix, like this:
where K is the n x
It seems to be an 2.6.1 Version problem.
I tried to use
with 2.6.1 and 2.2.0
It is working with 2.2.0 (build under R Version 2.2.1)
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Dear all:
I hope that the file in which the picture is stored has the same name
as the " main" title of the picture . But it turns out that , the name of
the file is :names(spl.sp)[i].bmp,while the main title of the picture is
It seems that the problem is related to the "d
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