A little more debugging here...
find /var/spool/qmailscan -type f ! -name '*.log' ! -name '*.txt' !
-name '*.db' ! -path '*/quarantine/*' -prune -mmin +2160
that's the command it says it's running... -type f is only going to
search for files.. but it's directories that are being left behind...
I do on both accounts...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] qmailscan]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl -z
[EMAIL PROTECTED] qmailscan]# ls -l
total 1392
drwx--2 qmailq qmail4096 Feb 7 2003
drwx--2 qmailq qmail4096 Feb 7 2003
On Wednesday 24 September 2003 08:36, Matt wrote:
> What can I do about /var/spool/qmailscan?
> There seem to be aLOT of directories like:
> servername29384792834
> I know those are suppost to be working file scans... but some of them go
> back to Feburary 7th... why are these stuck here?
What can I do about /var/spool/qmailscan?
There seem to be aLOT of directories like:
I know those are suppost to be working file scans... but some of them go back to
Feburary 7th... why are these stuck here?
This s