Strict, my, argument
lists, references and returned values are friends to portability. Of
course implementing those in the 1000s of existing lines of QS would be
a major rewrite for Jason.
Just food for thought.
Philip Chase * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 352-273-6190
University of Florida, College
>>> Jason Haar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8/24/03 7:03:34 PM >>>
> Would anyone mind if Q-S ran the AVs first and perlscanner last? The
> is that even if you block all PIF files, those with SoBIG would be
> correctly instead of being "policy" quarantines.
Please make this change. We are
I'd be happy to make the corresponding config files for Cricket.
I've done the same for the Inter7 qmailmrtg7 stuff. See for an example. I
guess I need to publish those files. :-)
Philip Chase * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 35
I have been looking for a tool to give me good mail receipt/rejection
stats for my qmail/qmail-scanner installation. I reject, bounce, or tag
mail based on RBLs, policies, uvscan, perscanner, and spamassassin. The
only qmail scanner stats system I have found is Qmail-Scanner Statics,
irus writers to package everything
in zip file or in a macro virus, so be it.
Philip Chase * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 352-273-6190
University of Florida, College of Health Professions
>>> "Jay Swackhamer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/27/03 3:47:25 PM >>>
On Friday,
be completely comfortable in not running a virus scanner on the
attachments I can't ban, it is powerful method of reducing your risk due
to delays between virii entering the wild and the release (and download)
of their signatures.
Philip Chase * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 352-392-0965
just can't imagine anything productive would come from telling the use about some
junk they didn't want sent by some unidentifiable person who didn't mean to send it in
the first place.
n the email so I can check the nature of false
positives immediately and make filter mods when appropriate. On the flip side I don't
yet have it in production for my users--just me. Only time and real world tetsing
will tell if verbose_spamassassin is really a problem.
Philip Chas
I just finished a write up on using the "-F 0" switch on Spamd to
prevent the addition of the "From " line, went to the FAQ to double
check it, and I see now that "the "-F 0" recommendation has already been
added to the FAQ. Kudos to whomever beat me to it.