I'm using a qmail/QS/spamassassin system.
I'd like to when my users receive an e-mail containing a virus, that
they are notified with an e-mail.
I've searched all over, but didn't nothing about this.
Any help would be appreciated.
Warm Regards,
Mário Gamito
I'm not sure if this is the right place to pose this questions, but it
seems that qmailmrtg7 doesn't have a mailing list.
So, i want to monitor SPAM and virus through qmailmrtg7.
Well, i'm unable to monitor both SPAM and virus.
Is it possible that when a user receives an e-mail containig a virus,
that besides sending it to quarentine, the user receives an e-mail
warning him to the fact and to contact the administrator, etc. you know
the drill...
I've searched the spamassassin docs, but found nothing about this.