great product for free.
regards mandy
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Jason Haar wrote:
I see there appears to be a newer version of AVP out there now that
Q-S doesn't work with
Can the AVP users out there get back to us via this list if the
changes Mandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made are appropriate - so
that the Q-S module can be updated.
Hi Group
I've got a q-s running with Kaspersky 5.0.4 and ClamAv 0.80.
Is there a way to make Kaspersky first scanner ??
In the Moment even ClamAv get the mail first.
regards Mandy
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Read h
Qmail-scanner-general mailing list
you have to change sub-avp.
Here is my one using aveclient .
pls test it before using
regards mandy
sub avp_scanner {
#Kaspersky AVPLinux sca
Jason Haar wrote:
The only way I can think of files hanging around under working (if you are
using 1.2x) is if you have set the debug level over 100. And that's a
feature - not a bug.
Any other error (e.g. SMTP timeout or antivirus scanner that crashes) is
auto-cleaned as long as $DEBUG < 100...
It seems that qss didn't delete the mails in this folder.
Today my Server crashes because of nomore discspace :-(
What can i do to fix this ?
regards mandy
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, it should work the same way.
regards mandy
Daniel Duclos wrote:
Is it possible for me to run a qmail+Qmail-Scanner on a machine
calling an AV running on another machine?
I explain: I have one machine running a qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin
just fine. The machine does not have
Jesse Guardiani wrote:
I would run clamav as the FIRST scanner. That way you can get a feel for
what is getting past clamav but getting caught by kaspersky and tell us
if ClamAV is any good.
*gg .
i'll set it up this night (because my customer don't like down servers
is found installed in the syste,.
all to is to setup a where the retruncodes and
infected strings are set-up.
if you now a bit of perl, simply use another sub-pl file and modify it.
regards mandy
Jason Haar wrote:
On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 05:52:48PM +0200, Mandy wrote:
if i add a second scanner how it's handle by qmail-scanner ?
is every mail scanned by the 2 scanners or only if the first scanner is
down ?
Nope. If you have two virus scanners, then the message must pass th
Jason Haar wrote:
On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 05:56:49PM +0200, Mandy wrote:
mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a virus inside --> scanned
--> mail to virusadmin -> mailto notexcistinguser --> bounced because
user does not excist -> bounced to postmaster
is there a way to
i use the default line for filering PIF files. but this rule didn't work
if i disable the virusscanner temp. then mails contens pif attenment
pass the server :-(
( i rebuild the scanner after changes)
any ideas ?
if i add a second scanner how it's handle by qmail-scanner ?
is every mail scanned by the 2 scanners or only if the first scanner is
down ?
regards mandy
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
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ailto notexcistinguser --> bounced because
user does not excist -> bounced to postmaster
is there a way to fix this issue ?
regards mandy
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel R
regards mandy
Ondrej Svoboda - WEBMADE wrote:
John Johnson wrote:
I use tmda it will protect your from this type of spam.
is there a howto anywhere how to setup this tools with
qmail,vpopmail,qmailscanner,spamassasin or didn't work this config with
this tool ?
Here is the doku :
Note: Returncodes from kavscanner undaveclient are diffrent.
regards mandy
Jason Haar wrote:
On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 06:20, Mandy wrote:
How did you called
How did you called AVP ?
If you use aveclient there ar other returncodes. in theis case you have
to add 6 then 10.
regards Mandy
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins
Hi Group,
i know it's a bit OT now but i hope you will anwser ;-)
Is there
a) a way to use some other SPAMtool as Spamassassin
b) is there a way to configure it better?
In the last even more spam passes my Spamassassin :-(
Any Ideas ?
regards mandy
Rajkumar S wrote:
Chuck wrote:
n contact my, than i send you me changed .
regard mandy
T. Albert wrote:
I'm about to buy commercial anti virus. and i'm considering Kaspersky.
which one should i buy (the one which is can be used with
qmail-scanner 1.20)?
is it Kaspersky® Anti-Vi
(all except Test #24), so I guess that setting redundant scanning on on
qmail-scanner would do it for all tests but #24.
regards mandy
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins
sorry, my fault.
therefor isolog is your friend. nice logfiles and stats.
but you have to run it everytime, logfiles from the past can't
(actually) be handled.
regards mandy
Michael Menefee wrote:
but quarantine.log only contains information on mes
for virus logs i use the quarantie.log file and parse it ones a day and
write the output the a mysql-tables,
Michael Menefee wrote:
This may be the wrong group for this question, but may be useful, so I'll
post it. I am using a hacked up version of qmail-scanner (v 1.16) which logs
information t
Did you updated the virus-database of f-secure ?
In my tests, he find the Virus .
regards Mandy
Jeff Koch wrote:
We use Norton AV on our local PC's. We are finding that a few emails
with MyDoom seem to get through our mailserver (qmail-scanner with
F-Secure) and then get picked up by N
I had exactly the same problem. I updated Kaspersky to V Client
Server (kavscanner also work)
But notice that you have to reconfigure qmail-scaner because of changed
exitcodes from avp.
regards mandy
The SF.Net email is
tempdir. otherwise avp will crash.
The avp return codes (2,3,4) are listed in the manual of avp ;-)
regards mandy.
sub avp_scanner {
#Kaspersky AVPLinux scanner
&debug("kasp: starting scan of directory \"$ENV{'TMPDIR'}\"...");
my ($start_avp_time)=[gettimeofday];
same problem here :-(
the fault is in
if ($DD =~ /\n[\s|] (LINFECTED) (.*)\n/) {
I'm trying to probe some other lines. the sub-fprot looks nice for me.
If i have some news, i'll tell you
Peter Mikeska wrote:
I get also new AVP 5 , vith kavscaner its working
I also t
same problem here :-(
the fault is in
if ($DD =~ /\n[\s|] (LINFECTED) (.*)\n/) {
I'm trying to probe some other lines. the sub-fprot looks nice for me.
If i have some news, i'll tell you
Peter Mikeska wrote:
I get also new AVP 5 , vith kavscaner its working
I also t
/var/spool/qmailscan/quarantine/new/foobarmailfile INFECTED
Would some Perl-Guru help me to refresh the ??
Everything i get in the moment ist the sad errormessage that there is a
fault with the scanner.
This works fine for me and kav 4.5
just replace the file with these one.
regards mandy
sub avp_scanner {
#Kaspersky AVPLinux scanner Version 4.5
&debug("kasp: starting scan of directory \"$ENV{'TMPDIR'}\"...");
my ($start_avp_time)=[gettimeofday]
How did your configure SA to delete the messages ?
The only way i know is to mark them ..
Really cool will be a way to move them in a seperate Mailfolder.
regards Mandy
Michael Menefee wrote:
Wondering if there's a way to modify to quarantine
hi ken. tnx allot. this is a great idea.
it works fine.
tnx you very much.
Ken wrote:
I was never able to get SA to work through qmail-scanner myself. I just did
a work-around by running the spamc client before QS. In my case,
QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/script" which is a bash script that just doe
Erik Wasser schrieb:
On Wednesday 05 November 2003 13:05, Mandy wrote:
I fixed it myself ;-)
Good work, but I got a few questions/comments.
Which version of kaspersky are you using?
sub avp_scanner {
#Kaspersky AVPLinux scanner
I fixed it myself ;-)
For people, having the same problem, just replace existing
with the following code.
Maybe the Admin can add it to the files.
Regards Mandy
sub avp_scanner {
#Kaspersky AVPLinux scanner
&debug("kasp: starting scan of directory \"$ENV{'T
scanner on my Servers.
What can i do ? How can i find and solve the error ???
Regards Mandy
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