[Qmail-scanner-general]Q-S tmp dir/file permissions

2004-11-08 Thread Ein Bielaczyc
on, 08 Nov 2004 14:07:24 EST:17871: p_s: skipping auto-generated file > 1099940844.17873-0.mxgate.walledlake.k12.mi.us > Mon, 08 Nov 2004 14:07:24 EST:17871: error_condition: X-Qmail-Scanner-1.23: > owner of unpacked files (uid=0) doesn't match UID of Qmail-Scanner (uid=503) > - can't expect this to work. Fix whatever is creating files with uid=0 I've Q-S script installed to normal, /var/qmail/bin, owner/group qscand. Spamd and clamav also set to run as qscand. Spool directory /var/spool/qmailscan permissions/owner/group set by Q-S installation script. The message appears to be unpacked into 2 (1099940844.17873-0.mxgate.walledlake.k12.mi.us the message body and orig-mxgate.walledlake.k12.mi.us109994084448217871 the entire message) files but the owner and permissions 1099940844.17873-0.mxgate.walledlake.k12.mi.us of one is set incorrectly, e.g. root:qmail , rw- --- ---. Why? Any assistance would be appreciated. Ein Bielaczyc signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[Qmail-scanner-general]Password Protected Attachments

2004-03-03 Thread Ein Bielaczyc
e had very favorable results, with this one exception. I really like that my users are compressing and requesting things be compressed before they are sent. But having the Worm.Bagle stuck inside a ZIP I can't truly scan poses a serious problem. Ein Bielaczyc Network Administrator Walled Lake Conso