Re: [Qmail-scanner-general]Qmail-scanner-1.22 vs qmai-scanner-1.23

2004-10-05 Thread Drew Broadley
but > unfortunately there is no qms patch yet for it. > I am using Spamassassin 3.0 > any body has a solution for this? I found that it does not visually display that it has found SpamAssassin 3.0, yet it has spamassassin as a scanner in the file when you look at the installed qmail-s

Re: [Qmail-scanner-general]Corrected qmailstats Script - Now the times work!

2004-05-31 Thread Drew Broadley
Mark Teel wrote: echo "~~ L a s t 2 4 H o u r s ~~~" >> $EMAILMSG cat /var/spool/qmailscan/qms-events.log | qms-analog 24 >> $EMAILMSG qms-analog: file not found. I have qmailanalog installed and do not have this binary anywhere. - Drew

[Qmail-scanner-general]Issues with env QMAILQUEUE + Solution (FBSD)

2004-04-01 Thread Drew Broadley
See "Issues DrewBroadley had with QmailScanner" FYI: Output of SYSDEF --- Version: 1.20 Perl:Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.