> When using Horde/IMP-cvs, I get the following message sent back to me
> ---perlscanner results ---
> problem 'Illegal MIME chars found in header'
You can disable the MIME checks in the config file, but I would recommend
you report it to the IMP developers. Does this occur with a non-cvs r
>If I try to execute 'su qmaild -c "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.
>pl -g"', I get an error:
>perlscanner: generate new DB file from /var/spool/qmailscan/quarantine-
>X-Qmail-Scanner-1.16:[] cannot open for write /var/spool/qmailscan/quarantine-
>attachments.db.tmp - Permissi
> I think other people on here mentioned off list that their qmail doesn't
> accept blank MAIL FROM: RCPT TO: so how have you achived this?
There is a patch on qmail.org, released by Nagy Balazs, that verifys the
envelope sender is a valid domain.
This is probably what you're looking for.