As I'm a unfamiliar with regular expression matching, can some one give
me an example of a quarantine-attachments.txt line which would match the
following two headers?
Something along the lines of this?
\"\".* Virus-From: Empty From H
Thanks for your help so far Doug. I will upgrade ClamAV as soon as
possible. One question though, if I look through the qmail-queue.log, it
looks like ClamAV finds it ...
Wed, 03 Mar 2004 13:20:59 -0500:12952: --output of clamscan was:
Wed, 03 Mar 2004 13:20:59 -0500:12952: There be a virus! (Wo
Thanks guys! (!!!)
I work nights, and was woken up yesterday afternoon, my boss wanted to
know if qmail-scanner scanned inside of archives ;-) Should have thought
to check this list sooner... Philip's version of the FFS is working
great here with QS 1.20, clamscan 0.67.1, f-prot and spamassass
I have QS 1.20 with SA, ClamAV and Trend.
When Email arrive it's scan whith ClamAV first and Trend after.
Is there a method to force QS to scan with Trend first, and ClamAV after ?
I tried to use configure with --scanners vscan,clamscan,fast_spamassassin
but it still uses clamscan first.
I am not sure this is clamav or qmail-scanner problem, when I use perl
5.8.0, I got this messages :
bash-2.05# ./contrib/ -doit
setting QMAILQUEUE to /var/qmail/bin/ for this test...
Sending standard test message - no viruses...
unix passed to setlogsock,