I miss an option, where it is possible to specify that qmail-scanner
should archive all mails that SpamAssassin identifies as spam.
The reason for this is that I'd like to be able to gather statistics on
what rules are triggered on each message - and I can only do this either by
storing a c
try using smtproute in /var/qmail/control
Gil Disatnik writes:
(I have sent this already but as I didn't get it to my mailbox nor did I
see it on the archive I assume it was never delivered to the list, so I am
sending it again, sorry if for some reason it's a dupe...)
Hello there,
I need
If you send a message to someone you are telling them they can send you a
message, I use TMDA and if someone doesn't want to respond then they
are not worth my time.
- Original Message -
From: "Cream[DONut]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 02:18:40PM +0100, Hine,Chris wrote:
> > * Q-S now skips virus-scanning messages that are either text/plain
> > or non-MIME/uuencoded. This will speed things up a tad.
> Is it possible for a malicious email to be created that is in for
> example html format with a conte