what do!
04/02/2003 02:54:11:1124: +++ starting debugging for process 1124 by
uid=1064 at
04/02/2003 02:54:11
04/02/2003 02:54:11:1124: setting UID to EUID so subprocesses can access
files g
enerated by this script
04/02/2003 02:54:11:1124: program name is 3, version 1.15
04/02/2003 02:54
I have problem, such information from logs has been
Feb 4 00:54:25 nike qmail: 1044316465.776576 starting delivery 503: msg
91203 t
Feb 4 00:54:25 nike qmail: 1044316465.777082 status: local 3/10 remote
Feb 4 00:54:25 nike qmail: 1044316465.932332 de
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 12:04:45PM -0600, Terry Letsche wrote:
> Should I remove the call to spamc from my .qmail file, or should it remain
> so that I can preserve my per-user white-lists and threshold settings? I
> assume that if I retain it it will cause each message to be processed by
> spam
I'll use qmail-scanner on Solaris 7. Maildrop is important component
here. I tried to compile maildrop v.1.5.2 as well as 1.4.0 on
Solaris 7 with gcc 3.2 and gnumake & gnu-binutils. There was no
error during compilation reported, but during using qmail-scanner
at attachment scanning the soft
Previously, I had qmail 1.03 installed with spam assassin 2.43, and all
was working great. My .qmail file was:
| spamc | safecat ./Maildir/tmp ./Maildir/new
I've since patched qmail with the qmail-queue patch and installed
qmail-scanner 1.15.
Should I remove the call to spamc from my
help please,
mail through qmail-scanner can be not send while attachment has
been added.
Such information has been showed in logs
03/02/2003 15:49:15:491: program name is 3, version 1.15
03/02/2003 15:49:15:491: incoming SMTP connection from via smtp from
03/02/2003 15:49:15: