On 22 Oct 2002, Barry Smoke wrote:
> I wanted to ask the group about what they thought about an autoresponse
> on a spamblocking e-mail account?
I've thought about it, but haven't done it.
> but, the for the other 99% of blocked spam, would this autoresponse
> create a massive mail loop, crashi
I wanted to ask the group about what they thought about an autoresponse
on a spamblocking e-mail account?
Right now, we implemented spamblocking, thanks to David Raistrick's(on
this list) help modifying the qmail-scanner-queue.pl
this blocked spam goes to an account on our server, called spambox.
Just for the record, I also use vpopmail, and as this person mentioned, I
set my variable via the qmail-smtpd/run file.
Works like a champ for me.
CertaintyTech said:
> You are correct that trying to use the tcp.smtp.cbd to invoke Q-S on a
> vpopmail server with roaming users enabled does
You are correct that trying to use the tcp.smtp.cbd to invoke Q-S on a
vpopmail server with roaming users enabled does not work. So the only
way to make it work is to:
1. Modify vpopmail so that it also adds the QMAILQUEUE variable for
each roaming user
2. Don't use tcp.smtpd at all to s