Thanks for the tip, I did it and now I get;
@40003ce343250269ddd4 Out of memory!
in my log file.
And I also tried to change the first line of qmail-scanner script
to /usr/bin/suidperl -T , but it was already like that by default.
Any additional comments ?
Berna Ozdilek
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Jason Haar
> I am instead looking at "daemonizing" Qmail-Scanner with a tiny C frontend
> that just calls it - like SpamAssassin. However, that's definitely Q-S v3
> material - not even v2...
> Ho
On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 06:19:41PM -0700, chris wrote:
> Not to say qmail-scanner is anything less than GREAT!! It is - and I thank
> you! But there's always room for improvement. Seems like going to C would
> be the next logical step...
Absolutely fine idea. However, there are reasons why perl
On Wed, 15 May 2002 18:19:41 -0700 chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looking at the load that perl is causing on my system, I can't help but ask
> about a "C" version of qmail-scanner... Is this something that a few people
> (obviously with C skills) would be interested in taking on? Maybe a n
Hello all,
First off, let me say KUDOS for a great script! Qmail-scanner is
working well and catching lots of nasty Klez's... :)
Looking at the load that perl is causing on my system, I can't help but ask
about a "C" version of qmail-scanner... Is this something that a few people
Here is some informations about the installation of my qmail-scanner
./configure --spooldir /opt/qmailscan/ --qmaildir /opt/qmail --bindir
/opt/qmail/bin/ --qmail-queue-binary /opt/qmail/bin/qmail-queue --admin
admin --domain --
notify sender,recips,admin --local-domains ogilv
On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 09:30, Pedro Alte wrote:
> Hi.
> How can I change the content of the messages that are sent to the virus
> senders in qmail-scanner?
> Thanks,
> Pedro d'Alte
Well, I'm pretty new at this (just setting it up actually) but it seems
like all the messages are are in
How can I change the content of the messages that are sent to the virus
senders in qmail-scanner?
Pedro d'Alte
Since version 1.11, i encounter a problem with qmail-scanner. Sometimes,
the warning message is incorect, causing my netscape to not function (i
have to delete the message on the server by hand)
The problem is the "^m" at the end of the first line, which contains the
email addresse of th