i have questions about USB passthrough .
it seems that host usb passthrough is not working on Windows/Mac (as host)
is there any work-around solution for that?
is there some patches out there?
thank you.
nce issues?
- libusb vs former implementation (qemu ver 1.2)
have good day
2013/7/8 Andreas Färber
> Hi,
> Am 08.07.2013 10:25, schrieb Geunhae Lee:
> > hi,
> > i have questions about USB passthrough .
> >
> > it seems that host usb passthrough is not wo
one more thing ,
if someone tested USB passthrough on Windows/Mac, can i have the version of
QEMU and libusb library ?
2013/7/9 Geunhae Lee
> hi thanks for you kind answer,
> admit about lacking of infos haha..
> here's my situations.
> 1. i currently use QE
changing this ?
currently i've worked around this compile error, and keep testing.
but i've not seen the result yet.
hopefully willl share some real result with you
2013/7/10 Hans de Goede
> Hi,
> On 07/08/2013 05:08 PM, Geunhae Lee wrote: