[Qemu-devel] qemu/hw pxa2xx.c pxa2xx_timer.c

2007-05-08 Thread Andrzej Zaborowski
CVSROOT:/sources/qemu Module name:qemu Changes by: Andrzej Zaborowski 07/05/08 22:51:01 Modified files: hw : pxa2xx.c pxa2xx_timer.c Log message: Correct the number of PXA255 GPIO lines. Reuse the PXA timers struct for PXA27x additional timers.

[Qemu-devel] qemu/hw pxa2xx.c pxa2xx_timer.c

2007-05-08 Thread Andrzej Zaborowski
CVSROOT:/sources/qemu Module name:qemu Changes by: Andrzej Zaborowski 07/05/08 19:20:04 Modified files: hw : pxa2xx.c pxa2xx_timer.c Log message: Set OOK when OON is set in OSCC register (thanks to BobOfDoom). Correct a fatal typo in timer code.