On 02/10/11 5:28 PM, Brad wrote:
On 26/09/11 2:57 PM, Brad wrote:
configure: Detect predefined compiler symbols for ARM and HPPA
To be able to detect some ARM / HPPA based architectures such as with
OpenBSD/(armish / zaurus) or OpenBSD/hppa.
Signed-off-by: Brad Smith
nm. looking now
On 26/09/11 2:57 PM, Brad wrote:
configure: Detect predefined compiler symbols for ARM and HPPA
To be able to detect some ARM / HPPA based architectures such as with
OpenBSD/(armish / zaurus) or OpenBSD/hppa.
Signed-off-by: Brad Smith
configure |8 +++-
1 files changed,
configure: Detect predefined compiler symbols for ARM and HPPA
To be able to detect some ARM / HPPA based architectures such as with
OpenBSD/(armish / zaurus) or OpenBSD/hppa.
Signed-off-by: Brad Smith
configure |8 +++-
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git