Re: [PATCH v5 0/6] support dirtyrate at the granualrity of vcpu

2021-06-17 Thread no-reply
dirtyrate at the granualrity of vcpu === TEST SCRIPT BEGIN === #!/bin/bash git rev-parse base > /dev/null || exit 0 git config --local diff.renamelimit 0 git config --local diff.renames True git config --local diff.algorithm histogram ./scripts/ --mailback base.. === TEST SCRIPT

[PATCH v5 0/6] support dirtyrate at the granualrity of vcpu

2021-06-17 Thread huangy81
From: Hyman Huang(黄勇) v5: - rename global_dirty_log to global_dirty_tracking on Peter's advice - make global_dirty_tracking a bitmask: 1. add assert statement to ensure starting dirty tracking repeatly not allowed. 2. add assert statement to ensure dirty tracking cannot be stopped