Re: [PATCH v2 13/13] dp8393x: Correctly advance RRP

2019-12-20 Thread Finn Thain
Please disregard this patch. An off-by-one bug was found in one of my Linux sonic driver patches. When I fixed that bug, this patch (13/13) was shown to be incorrect. The Linux sonic driver patches are being tested on actual SONIC hardware (Mac Centris 610). I will send v3 of this series afte

[PATCH v2 13/13] dp8393x: Correctly advance RRP

2019-12-19 Thread Finn Thain
The last entry in the RRA is at the address given by the REA register. The address wrap-around logic is off-by-one entry. The last resource never gets used and RRP can jump over the RWP. The guest driver fails badly because the SONIC starts re-using old buffer addresses. Fix this. Signed-off-by: F