[Qemu-devel] Login a guest use commandline

2005-11-09 Thread zheng sw
when I run the command in bash: "sudo qemu -hda testaa.img -boot c -localtime -serial stdio -pidfile pidfile1.txt && sleep 300 && root && 123456 && ifconfig" root is the guest's user, 123456 is password, Why can't I login in the guest and run the ifconfig? and run "sudo qemu -hda testaa.img -boot

[Qemu-devel] How to get a guest IP

2005-11-04 Thread zheng sw
Host want to get the guest's IP when the host start the guest? My setting is: debian(2.6.8), qemu, bridge-utils, TUN/TAP. The guest get a IP from a DHCP server which is in the same subnet whit host. My purpose is use bash to run ssh connect to the host, then run qemu, After the guest is started,