Re: [Qemu-devel] vdq and qemu

2007-05-15 Thread Mattia Gentilini
link the 2 switches using dpipe and wirefilter (using the syntax above), and connect one switch to vdeq and the other to slirpvde. -- |\/|55: Mattia Gentilini e 55 mila miliardi di armi in meno |/_| JID [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ #64901700 |\/| [EMAIL PROTECTED] - h

Re: [Qemu-devel] [ot?] Vista Networking

2006-06-22 Thread Mattia Gentilini (QD)
ded by QEMU. I obtained the best results connecting qemu to a tap (via vde) and putting a dhcpd listening to that interface: it takes the IP, it does ping (to anywhere), it doesn't do anything else. And obviously, winxp with the same interface works perfectly. -- MG55: Mattia Gen

Re: [Qemu-devel] VMware Player

2006-06-17 Thread Mattia Gentilini (QD)
Tim Walker wrote: >> The FLOZ project >> > This really is too cool ;) Thanks ;-) > What hardware is it running on? Currently we use a dual xeon 2.8 GHz with hyperthreading and 2 GB physical RAM. -- MG55: Mattia Gentilini &am

Re: [Qemu-devel] VMware Player

2006-06-16 Thread Mattia Gentilini (QD)
Java applet to connect to QEMU instance. QEMU on the server is CVS, but lacks the last vnc.c patch (I'll put it on when I have some time). -- MG55: Mattia Gentilini & 55 Virtual Machines ___ Qemu-devel mailing list http://l

Re: [Qemu-devel] VMware Player

2006-06-14 Thread Mattia Gentilini
Jan Marten Simons wrote: > Have a look at: I wanted to suggest this too. Also check the Free Live OS Zoo, which I'm currently developing: -- |\/|55: Mattia Gentilini e 55 mila euri al mese |/_| 3-Year Degree in