Hi list again, another suggestion.
I use the deamons pidfile feature to write pidfiles so I can controll
the virtual machines with /etc/init.d/bla scripts, to e.g. auto spawn
the guests when the server starts, auto/start/stop with runlevels and so
on.. However I got following issue, the daemon
Hi list! I got a suggestion.
I first posted this to kvm, but they said its a qemu issue. Just have a
new host server which several guests, set up networking via bridges, and
wondered why it didn't work reliable. Surprise, Mac-Address Konflikt!
For now I just hard-set some other Mac-Adresses in
ase in ubuntu-server which the
hosts runs with.
Greetings, Axel Kittenberger
(I'm not subscribed to the list, so please CC me, if you have answers)