Note: I will not package 0.36, because it has some issues.
Instead, I'm waiting for 0.37, which has the issues fixed.
Upstream will be ready soon (around 2012-02-17):
Python-modules-team m
Quoting "Jakub Wilk" :
If the script is the main reason users install this package (I have
no idea whether this is the case or not)
trac-wikiprint does "import ho.pisa as pisa".
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Package name: python-sst
Version : trunk
Upstream Author : Canonical Ltd.
License : Apache
Programming Lang: Python
Description : browser-based we
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Package name: python-oerplib
Version : 0.7.0
Upstream Author : Sébastien ALIX
License : LGPL3
Programming Lang: Python
Description : cl
Quoting "Sébastien ALIX" :
If it helps, my Debian source package can be found here:
That's for the 0.6 release, but it should be the same for the 0.7.
How can I help otherwise?
I think, I will just use your debian dir and only change things
The packaging code is now here:
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Package name: python-scss
Version : 1.1.5
Upstream Author : German M. Bravo (Kronuz)
License : MIT
Programming Lang: Python, optionally C
On 2013-04-20 12:42, Mònica Ramírez Arceda wrote:
> There is a previous wnpp bug with this package name (#694731), but it's
> not the same package. One of the two names should be changed.
Many thanks for being so attentive! I will use the upstream name pyscss
for this package to prevent the confl
retitle 705735 ITP: python-pyscss -- an Scss compiler for Python
Renamed for consistency with existing package in Launchpad.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Quoting "Scott Kitterman" :
The reporter specified the bug report was covered by non-free license.
Most bug reports do not have any license attached.
Does this mean, we can't process them?
Packages without license are not even possible in "non-free",
but I don't think we should apply this to o
Package: python-webpy
Version: 1:0.33-1
Severity: grave
This is mainly to prevent going python-webpy to testing now.
I just found some issues I have to look into before that.
More information will follow. Stay tuned!
Python-modules-team mailing
severity 561544 minor
retitle 561544 python-webpy: document changes from 0.32 to 0.33
There are some changes in that may lead to problems.
In some cases, you have to change your code a little bit.
I will try to document this in the future. See e.g.
Package: python-pisa
Version: 3.0.32-1
Severity: normal
The first three work fine, the fourth doesn't:
$ for p in debian gnu linux gnome; do xhtml2pdf http://www.$; done
Converting to /home/xxx/
Converting to /home/xxx/
Package: python-webpy
Version: 1:0.33-1
Severity: wishlist has good and elaborate documentation at
It would be nice to include at least some of the documents in
the package, e.g. the tutorial and the cookbook.
I fear python-pybabel cannot be renamed to python-babel because
python-babel already exists as a totally different software.
Shall we close the bug as "wontfix"?
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: python-pybabel
Version: 0.9.4-2
Severity: wishlist
For packaging Trac 0.12, Babel >= 0.9.5 is required.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: python-webpy
Version: 1:0.34-2
python-webpy contains wsgiserver/, which is a copy from
python-cherrypy. webpy should recommend python-cherrypy and import
from there. (Recommend, not depend, because python-webpy can work
without the cherrypy server.)
Package: python-pypdf
Version: 1.12-3
Tags: patch
In /usr/share/pyshared/pyPdf/ line 52
from sets import ImmutableSet
gives a warning:
__main__:1: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
I'm not sure, but probably replacing the line with
ImmutableSet = frozenset
is OK.
Package: python-pisa
Version: 3.0.32-1
Tags: patch
In /usr/share/pyshared/sx/w3c/ line 40
import sets
gives a warning:
DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
I'm not sure, but probably the following patch is OK:
--- 2009-03-18 14:02:36.0 +0100
+++ css
Package: python-webpy
Version: 1:0.34-2
Severity: wishlist
A new version is available. See here
for improvements and bug fixes.
Python-modules-team mailin
Package: python-oerplib
Version: 0.7.0-1
Severity: wishlist
It has a bunch of nice new features, see:
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: python-pyscss
Version: 1.1.5-1
Since 2013-10-08, a new version v1.2.0 is available. The documenation states:
"This is a significant release that greatly increases compatibility with the
reference compiler; in particular, the Sass port of Bootstrap now compiles."
Quoting Matthias Schmitz :
Would you (or somebody from the Debian Python Modules
Team) please have a look over my changes [2] and if it fits upload the
Looks good to me.
PS: Sorry for the late reply - to many public holidays ;~)
Matthias, and everybody reading this: Would you mind a move of
the pisa package to collab-maint git? I find it very convenient
to have the complete change history of the software in one
place, instead of upstream and Debian packaging separated. This
enables e.g. cherry-picking from upstream etc. I
On 2014-05-23 22:37, Matthias Schmitz wrote:
> any progress here? I'am afraid pisa and therewith trac-wikiprint is
> gone today...
I looked into this, but forgot to reply: There has been some
upstream changes, that should be reflected in the package.
Mainly the name "pisa" is not used anymore, it
I talked to Kai Hendry, the current maintainer of, who
would like to give up the package (python-webpy). I already
prepared a new version (current upstream, both open Debian bugs
solved), which I would like to upload under the flag of the
python-modules-team (my membership is pending).
Package: python-matplotlib
Version: 0.99.0-1
Severity: normal
I believe (= I'm not sure) that the dependency list of
python-matplotlib is far too broad and that some dependencies
can be turned into Recommends, which are installed by default
with both apt and aptitude, or even Suggests.
E.g. we us
On 2009-09-19 21:42, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 20:36, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
> > E.g. we use matplotlib in a web application, which is a common
> > use case, so why would we need Tcl/Tk|GTK+|wxGTK|Qt3|Qt4?
> Sorry, this won't change. The vast ma
Quoting "Sandro Tosi" :
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 20:36, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
E.g. we use matplotlib in a web application, which is a common
use case, so why would we need Tcl/Tk|GTK+|wxGTK|Qt3|Qt4? Is it
I'm sorry, but being able to use a GUI lib to show plots is on of the
On 2015-06-27 13:40, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> Also, why dont you just patch sphinx instead of changing all the
> packages using it? one fix, and we're done.
Yes. Doxygen has been changed by upstream in that way
( We should to the same for
sphinx, if necessary even befor
On 2015-07-28 17:00, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> unfortunately I have to reject your package.
> Please add the missing license of
> python-odoorpc/doc/source/_static/odoorpc.css
> to your debian/copyright.
Oops, it says "BSD", but mentions "LICENSE" which is LGPL-3.
I asked upstream what is inte
Quoting Hans-Christoph Steiner :
Sounds like we should have v1.0.1. Someone want take this on, or shall I do
an NMU?
Looks like python-git is maintained by PMPT and you are in the team.
So it would not be an NMU :~)
Python-modules-team mailing
retitle 768968 ITP: pyuca -- Python implementation of the Unicode Collation
Algorithm (UTS-10)
owner 768968 !
pyuca is a optional dependency of weblate (#745661) now.
Python-modules-team mailing list
reopen 774741
Upstream did not include the Python 3 patches,
so we don't neither for now.
Python-modules-team mailing list
notfound 783612 1.2.0+git20150925-1
Forgot to close this bug in d/ch.
Python-modules-team mailing list
reassign 796171 python-setuptools
The file was only accidentely installed with pymodbus.
I assume, it belongs to python-setuptools.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Quoting Raphael Hertzog :
What do you think?
Of course we should have both django-LTS and django-LATEST in Debian :~)
But that would be much more work for both maintainers and security team,
so it's probably not a serious option.
I wonder which packages *in Debian* depend on Django, including
Source: sorl-thumbnail
Version: 12.2-1
Severity: wishlist
The package was in Wheezy, but did not make it into Jessie, unfortunately.
It would be nice to have it at least in backports (maybe after any issues
with Django 1.9 are resolved, #806367). Thanks!
Package: python-async
Version: 0.6.2-2
Upstreams homepage
says in bold letters:
"Async is considered useless (by me, the author) as the GIL will
prevent anything good from happening (it gets slower instead of
faster in multi-threaded mode ;)). Please
On 2015-12-23 08:48, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Please remove me as uploader: I cannot responsibly help maintain
> packages not using CDBS.
OK, will do.
Side remark: I've been a heavy CDBS user myself, but practically
all my teams and/or co-maintainers prefer dh, so I learnt to
love the bomb :~)
Quoting Jonas Smedegaard :
Well, it was _you_ - noone else - who proposed to get rid of cdbs here.
You could instead suggest to team up with us when noticing that the
style of packaging fit your abilities and preferences. ;-)
I'm not even sure, whether DPMT requires use of dh, but all
Package: pyside-tools
Version: 0.2.15-1+b1
Severity: wishlist
here are much newer versions than currently in Debian:
Maybe branch 5.9 is the current one?
This is related to #877871.
Thanks for considering an update of the package!
On 2018-02-11 18:59, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Patch attached.
Thanks! Please feel free to commit directly in:
Description: PGP signature
Python-modules-team mailing list
On 2018-02-11 21:58, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Ah, of course. Pushed … and uploaded :)
And you even did some more of house-keeping! Thanks!
Description: PGP signature
Python-modules-team mailing list
. Martin Borgert
python-sleekxmpp - Python XMPP (Jabber) Library Implementing Everything as a
python3-sleekxmpp - Python XMPP (Jabber) Library Implementing Everything as a
Closes: 864257
sleekxmpp (1.3.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* fixes TLS date
On 2018-02-22 18:54, Andre Bianchi wrote:
> I'm working on an installation of Weblate in Debian, and it depends on
Does this mean, you like to work on ?
That would be wonderful!
> - there has been a split of packages in upstream,
> - the current python-social-auth p
Hash: SHA512
Format: 1.8
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2018 12:53:28 +
Source: python3-openid
Binary: python3-openid
Architecture: source all
Version: 3.1.0-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Python Modules Team
Changed-By: W. Martin Borgert
Changed-By: W. Martin Borgert
python-simpy3 - python-based simulation package
python-simpy3-doc - python-based simulation package, Documentation and examples
python3-simpy3 - python-based simulation package (Python3 version)
Closes: 873312
python-simpy3 (3.0.10-3
Changed-By: W. Martin Borgert
python-pymodbus - full Modbus protocol implementation for Python 2
python-pymodbus-doc - full Modbus protocol implementation, documentation
python3-pymodbus - full Modbus protocol implementation for Python 3
pymodbus (1.4.0+dfsg-1
Changed-By: W. Martin Borgert
python-opcua - Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server (Python 2)
python-opcua-tools - Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server (tools)
python3-opcua - Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server (Python 3)
python-opcua (0.95.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
Changed-By: W. Martin Borgert
python-pymodbus - full Modbus protocol implementation for Python 2
python-pymodbus-doc - full Modbus protocol implementation, documentation
python3-pymodbus - full Modbus protocol implementation for Python 3
Closes: 892711
Modules Team
Changed-By: W. Martin Borgert
python-pyftpdlib - Python FTP server library (Python 2)
python-pyftpdlib-doc - documentation for Python FTP server library
python3-pyftpdlib - Python FTP server library (Python 3)
python-pyftpdlib (1.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
priority extra as per policy 4.0.1
[ W. Martin Borgert ]
* New upstream release candidate
* Added dh-python to build-deps
80b122c98c9b9da072e3a79a2ee44aa8622cd79b 2045 pysolar_0.8~rc1+repack-1.dsc
6a00c03ad7ae8b1097dc8adaa239efd87628f045 1551061
Package: src:python-ghost
Version: 0.2.3-1
The current version depends on pyside, which will be removed from Debian.
The new version depends on pyside2, which is not yet in Debian (#877871).
"Furthermore, I consider that PySide2 must be packaged" -- Qt the Elder
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: python-mplexporter
Version : 0.0.1
Upstream Author : Jake Vanderplas
* URL :
* License : BSD 3-clause
Programming Lang: Python
Package: python-odf
Version: 0.9.6-2
Severity: wishlist
Reminder: Package new version!
AFAIK, Python 3 is not yet supported.
Python-modules-team mailing list
reassign 763347 python-exif
retitle 763347 New version 1.4.2 available from github
* new project home is now
* there is a new exifread library in the source, that is needed by MediaGoblin
* seems to be an interactive script that maybe should resi
On 2013-10-22 10:36, Walter Valenti wrote:
> On /usr/share/pyshared/,
> when the condition is: data[base:base+2]=='\xFF\xEC' (line 1717),
> the "while 1" cicle (line 1670), should end with a break.
> Currently with the condition data[base:base+2]=='\xFF\xEC'
> it goes in infinite loop.
On 2014-10-04 18:22, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> I marked your package for accept,
> but please get rid of the older source tarballs in that package.
Ouch. Yes, of course.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Quoting Walter Valenti :
This is an example file.
I can't reproduce the bug with this file:
$ /usr/share/pyshared/ 133914-tux_wuz_here_1920_1200.jpg
No EXIF information found
Was is the correct one?
Quoting "W. Martin Borgert" :
Quoting Walter Valenti :
This is an example file.
I can't reproduce the bug with this file:
$ /usr/share/pyshared/ 133914-tux_wuz_here_1920_1200.jpg
No EXIF information found
Sorry, wrong release! I t
Quoting "W. Martin Borgert" :
Quoting Walter Valenti :
This is an example file.
I can't reproduce the bug with this file:
$ /usr/share/pyshared/ 133914-tux_wuz_here_1920_1200.jpg
No EXIF information found
Sorry, wrong release! I t
reassign 764787 mwc
On 2014-10-11 07:24, Jörg Frings-Fürst wrote:
> I get with installed phyton-cssselect::
> $ mwc
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/bin/mwc", line 9, in
> from cssselect import GenericTranslator
> ImportError: No module named 'cssselect'
> $
Package: python-odf
Version: 1.2.0-2
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch
A Python 3 package should be present.
Georges Khaznadar did the work already:
I'll check this and try to update the Debian package.
Quoting Thorsten Alteholz :
I marked your package for accept, but you might want to add the copyright
owner of mootools.js to your debian/coypright.
Many thanks, will do so!
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: python3-mpld3
Version: 0.3git+20140910dfsg-1
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
The link
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mpld3/js/d3.v3.min.js ->
is missing, so graphs are not shown, which is the purpose of the package.
The same appl
Quoting Matthias Klose :
For jessie I suggest to just disable pip when used on the system
python, unless a new option
--yes-i-want-to-screw-up-my-system-python is given.
How about disabling pip for uid 0 altogether?
Python-modules-team mailing
Package: python-mpld3
Version: 0.3git+20140910dfsg-2
This example from does
not work:
$ python
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpld3
>>> plt.plot([3,1,4,1,5], 'ks-', mec='w', mew=5, ms=20)
Serving to[C
Source: python-mplexporter
Version: 0.0.1+20140921-1
mplexporter does not make sense without matplotlib.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: python-pymodbus
Version: 1.2.0-2
Severity: wishlist
A Python 3 branch exists here:
It uses asyncio instead of Twisted for asynchronous client/server.
Python-modules-team mailing list
I can confirm both the bug and the solution sent by Johannes.
Barry, would you fix this bug and ask for freeze exception?
If not, I can try it, even if my SVN knowledge is rusty :~(
Python-modules-team mailing list
On 2015-01-20 21:41, Johannes Weißl wrote:
> But the current status is that the Trac issue tracking system in Debian
> Jessie is not unusable if you have Trac users that want a non-English
> (or at least German) user interface, which is quite sad. Adding
> attachments to tickets is important.
I just now don't have the time to look at bug #775609
(python3-exif doesn't work, RC). If nobody steps in, I would
upload a new package w/o Python 3 support for jessie.
Wheezy hat python-exif, but not python3-exif, so there is no
regression for users of wheezy.
Anyway, upstream made a new release
On 2015-01-26 10:25, Chris Kuehl wrote:
> I wonder whether such a change should at least be documented in the
> release notes, even if we can't address it because of the freeze?
Yes, good idea. This would allow users to remove such libraries
first and then upgrade Debian.
Would you file a bug aga
On 2015-02-10 23:33, Chris Lamb wrote:
How about changing doxygen to default to HTML_TIMESTAMP=NO in Debian?
This way many package would benefit at once.
Python-modules-team mailing list
On 2015-02-12 17:44, Chris Lamb wrote:
> > How about changing doxygen to default to HTML_TIMESTAMP=NO in Debian?
> Whilst this would benefit the reproducible project, I worry this would
> be a little too invasive and unexpected as a general default.
I don't think so, but let us ask the maintaine
Package: python-weberror
Version: 0.10.3+dfsg-1
Severity: normal
Please consider removing jquery.scrollTo.js from your package
and depending on libjs-jquery-scrollto instead. Thanks!
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: python-ghost
Version: 0.1.1-2
Severity: wishlist
A new version 0.1.2 has been released today.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Package: python-cherrypy3
Version: 3.5.0-1
Severity: wishlist
Please add a documentation package.
Currently, the documentation is in the Python 2 package
(installed size: 23.8 MB), so users of Python 3 (installed size:
~1 MB) have to install the Python 2 package.
Btw.: Maybe I'm wrong, but it l
Dear Juan, (and H01ger, Lunar and team cc'ed),
while I'm all in favour of reproducible builds, I'm not happy
with messing up hundreds of packages debian/rules files. Why not
change the defaults of sphinx or dh or whatever and just rebuild
Who needs or wants a "last change date" in the H
Thanks for your quick response!
On 2016-01-06 10:10, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> I don't plan to push 1.9.x in backports. 1.8.x is an LTS version and I
> expect most Debian stable users would like to use an LTS version.
This is certainly true!
> Ah, if we had bikesheds already... then I would maint
Quoting Guenael Muller :
I'd like to have sleekxmpp 1.3.1 in jessie-backport.
Is there any problems ?
Do you prefer to handle it ? otherwise i can do it .
Please go ahead. I don't see any problems,
but probaby do not have the time for doing it myself.
Hi Michael,
could you please retest with 0.6.2-1 from unstable?
And add a "found" or "notfound" to the bug report?
Python-modules-team mailing list
you wrote:
> I have just uploaded python-dbutils to Sid
I can't find the package, however. I put your patch in the
bug-767509 git branch. Feel free to merge as soon as it fits.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Source: sphinx
Version: 1.4.5-1
Severity: wishlist
I have some hope, that the new version will solve #832854.
Python-modules-team mailing list
It seems, that this was a problem with Sphinx 1.4.5 (still in testing).
With 1.4.6 (unstable), I could build the package again, as with 1.4.4.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Source: djangorestframework
Version: 3.4.0-1
Severity: wishlist
Version 3.4.0-1 from stretch has many advantages over 2.4.3-2 in stable.
A backport would help users of jessie.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Source: sleekxmpp
Version: 1.3.1-4
Severity: wishlist
Current example code from the net does not work with the version in stable.
A backport would be nice.
Python-modules-team mailing list
12.3-3~bpo8+1 is in jessie-backports
Python-modules-team mailing list
close 835722
I cannot reproduce this build error.
Maybe a temporary problem?
Feel free to open again, if I'm mistaken.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Thanks to SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH support in sphinx and dh_sphinxdoc,
there is nothing left to do for me :~)
Python-modules-team mailing list
retitle 841468 sorl-thumbnail: make test suite work for Python 3 and pgmagick
severity 841468 normal
On 2016-10-21 00:12, Daniele Forsi wrote:
> I see that python3-sorl-thumbnail contains a file so
> I think this omission is an error.
Hi Daniele, you are very observant!
Quoting Michal Čihař :
The library is now completely unusable as it requires at least
social_core, which is not yet packaged. All files are currently stub
which should map old social auth API to new modularized code and
without the dependencies this is just completely unusable.
Oh, sh*t, big fa
Package: python-pisa
Version: 3.0.32-4
Severity: important
With or without any parameters:
$ xhtml2pdf
cannot import name inputstream
The following Python packages are require
On 2017-02-07 23:27, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> do you still plan to update this package? let me know if i can help
> you in anyway
My interest in pisa/xhtml2pdf is trac-wikiprint, a plugin to
create "PDF books" from multiple Trac wikipages. It was working
fine some years back, but broke with time. I'm
slixmpp has a simple patch:
@@ -61,10 +61,12 @@ def session_bind(self, jid):
def _handle_carbon_received(self, msg):
-self.xmpp.event('carbon_received', msg)
+if msg['
Control: tag -1 + patch
The patch seems to be OK for sleekxmpp, too.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Identical fix is now also in new upstream release 1.3.2.
Python-modules-team mailing list
Source: pymodbus
Version: 1.2.0+git20151013-1
Severity: wishlist
It seems, that new upstream authors took over and pushed the project
forward. They released 1.3.0~rc1 on pypi today:
* Timing improvements over MODBUS Serial interface
* Modbus R
Hi Santiago,
could you test the new version 0.90.3-1 in unstable, please?
No hurry, because of the freeze the package will not migrate
to testing soon anyway.
TIA & Cheers!
Python-modules-team mailing list
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