[Python-modules-team] Warning Your Account Has Been Locked , Must Activat Noow !!

2014-07-30 Thread Facebook Support !!
Dear facebook Customer To get back into your apple account, you ll need to confirm your account . It easy: Click the link below to open a secure browser window. Confirm that youre the owner of the account and then follow the : http://adf.ly/qTD35 Thanks Apple facebook Support

[Python-modules-team] Warning Your Account Has Been Locked , Must Activat Noow !!

2014-07-30 Thread Facebook Support !!
Dear facebook Customer To get back into your apple account, you ll need to confirm your account . It easy: Click the link below to open a secure browser window. Confirm that youre the owner of the account and then follow the : http://adf.ly/qTD35 Thanks Apple facebook Support

[Python-modules-team] Warning Your Account Has Been Locked , Must Activat Noow !!

2014-07-30 Thread Facebook Support !!
Dear facebook Customer To get back into your apple account, you ll need to confirm your account . It easy: Click the link below to open a secure browser window. Confirm that youre the owner of the account and then follow the : http://adf.ly/qTD35 Thanks Apple facebook Support

[Python-modules-team] Warning Your Account Has Been Locked , Must Activat Noow !!

2014-07-30 Thread Facebook Support !!
  Dear Member, We inform you that your account will expire in 48 hours it is imperative to perform a Verfication of your information for now otherwise your account will be destroyed. Just click the link below and craft a session using your facebook ID and password. (Attention : if this message ca

[Python-modules-team] Warning Your Account Has Been Locked , Must Activat Noow !!

2014-07-30 Thread Facebook Support !!
  Dear Member, We inform you that your account will expire in 48 hours it is imperative to perform a Verfication of your information for now otherwise your account will be destroyed. Just click the link below and craft a session using your facebook ID and password. (Attention : if this message ca