Why does os.stat() tell me that my file-group has no members?

2012-12-19 Thread saqib . ali . 75
I'm using python 2.6.4 on Solaris 5-10. I have a file named "myFile". It is owned by someone else, by I ("myuser") am in the file's group ("mygrp"). Below is my python code. Why does it tell me that mygrp has no members??? >>> import os, pwd, grp >>> stat_info = os.stat("myFile") >>> fileUID

Re: Why does os.stat() tell me that my file-group has no members?

2012-12-19 Thread saqib . ali . 75
Thanks!! This was very helpful. It worked perfectly. I had no clue about the intricacies of how python represents the group data from the underlying OS. This page doesn't go into to detailed explanation like you did: http://docs.python.org/2/library/grp.html On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 6

Why is pexpect acting funny with sendline() and expect()?

2012-12-26 Thread saqib . ali . 75
I am running Solaris 5-10, python 2.6.2 and pexpect 2.4 I have the very simple python script below which exercises the functionality of sending and receiving text from the shell. My understanding is that pexepect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, x,y,z], timeout=w) will return the index of the match that it fo