psphere: Python interface for the VMware vSphere Web Services SDK
I already developed an app using https://bitbucket.org/jkinred/psphere. But
getting lot of errors since psphere is not thread safe (I think). So i wrote
couple of scripts to test it (See attached files) and found that caching
I am using python 2.6.
I need a way to make following code working without any ValueError .
>>> a, b, c, d = (1,2,3,4)
>>> a, b, c, d = (1,2,3).
Note: Number of values in the tuple will change dynamically.
I know in python 3, you can do `a, b, c, *d = (1, 2, 3)` and then d will
contain an
I am facing an issue while decoding json string using json.loads(jstring). Its
working, if i do json.dumps(eval(jstring)) before json.loads(jstring). I could
not figure out the issue. I want to avoide use of "eval" here.
## Failing without json.dumps(eval(jstring))
urllib.unquote is messing up the JSON. Reverse the
order of unquote, and loads, i.e., do a json.loads on
the original string, and then urllib.unquote the components
that need unquote.
I followed http://dabase.com/blog/Minimal_squid3_proxy_configuration/ to setup
proxy server.
I tested my proxy server with firefox with IP: and Port:3128 and it
working (asking for proxy username and password).
But, i could not make http connection through proxy server requiring
saju@saju-Inspiron-N5010:~$ cat squid.conf | grep ^[^#]
auth_param digest program /usr/lib/squid3/digest_pw_auth -c
auth_param digest realm saju-Inspiron-N5010
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src 12
Thanks for replay,
I am looking for PDF version of same book. Please share if you can.
I want to log time taken to complete database requests inside a method/
function using decorator . is it possible
I think, i have to inject log code inside the method/fuctions or
modify it.
I wrote a decorator to log taken by a method/function to complete it
execution and its working wel
Yes i saw profile module,
I think i have to do function call via
I know, we can debug this way.
But, i need a fixed logging system and want to use it in production.
I think, we can't permanently include profile's debugging code
in source code,
will cause any
I have developed a LDAP auth system using python-ldap module.
Using that i can validate username and password, fetch user and
groups info from LDAP directory.
Now i want to implement ldap proxy user bind to the ldap server.
I googled and find this http://ldapwiki.willeke.com/wiki/LDAPProxyUser
I decided to create a decorator like.
import cProfile
def debug_time(method):
def timed(*args, **kw):
prof = cProfile.Profile()
prof.enable(subcalls=False, builtins=False)
result = prof.runcall(method, *args, **kw)
msg = "\n\n\n\n###
Hi Michael Torrie,
Thanks to reply
Why we need Twisted here, i did not get it.
My understanding is that
ldap_proxy_user = ldap_proxy
ldap_proxy_pwd = secret
( set more privileges to this user at ldap server side, for get other
users infos)
are configured at server side, then allow clients to l
I am using
Ubuntu 12.04 precise
Python 2.7
turbogears 2.0.3
Getting following errors when doing turbogears setup.
Have any way to fix this without upgrade to turbogears 2.0.4.
Using /home/saju/cmt-enterprise/tg2env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
Searching for
Issue get solved by updating following packages
$ easy_install -U DecoratorTools
$ easy_install -U turbojson
How get all users belongs to a group using python ldap module.
Thanks for reply.
dn: cn=My-Group-1, ou=Groups, o=CUST
equivalentToMe: cn=TDS7034,ou=Internal PCA,o=CUST
objectClass: groupOfNames <
objectClass: top
objectClass: swarePointers
ACL: 2#entry#[Root]#member
cn: My-Group-1
member: cn=AJP2203,ou=Internal PCA,o=CUST
member: cn=AZE9632,o
I am using Openldap (openldap 2.3.43-12.el5_5.2 and openldap.i386
--- User
cn=AJP2203,ou=Internal PCA,o=CUST has group memberships
to the following Groups:
groupMembership: cn=My-Group-1,ou=Groups,o=CUST
groupMembership: cn=My-Group-2,u=Groups,o=CUST
groupMembership: cn=My-Group-3,ou=Groups,o=CUST
results = ldapClient.search_s("cn=My-Group-1,ou=Groups,o=CUST",
Is this method work for all types of groups (groupOfNames,
posixGroup) ???
have to implement user search/fetch separately for each groups ???
I want to open Google search page and Change the Location link in the
left hand nav of Google) from the users current location to a
different location, then return the results of the updated search.
I tried to change google search location through
Hi Friends,
Here the isuue is i can't find the "li" element. that is because that
element is out of display, so i adjust scroll bar or do focus around
that area to get that element via find_element_by_id("loc_opt")
I already tested with scroll bar and focus and its working fine in my
I am trying source code documentation using Sphinx. Here i have to
copy paste all modules in to *.rst file, that is painful. Have any way
to create documentation (doc for all modules, classes and methods in
the project directory) from project folder quickly. I also plannig to
add a code browsin
I want to create an LDAP database for my company with following
Only the ldap user belongs to my company can search and view ldap
I want to protect ldap user belongs to my company
One ldap user can't search and view others details
Only allow ldap u
I have a list of tuples l = [(('s','a'),(5,9)), (('u','w'),(9,2)),
some functions using this list and fetch data using index l[0][1], l[1]
I need to change position of each values in the list and that dont
affect fuctions which are using this list.
I must have to use list of
I have a list of tuples l = [(('s','a'),(5,9)), (('u','w'),(9,2)),
(('y','x'),(3,0))] and postion of values in the tuple change
dynamicaly. I need a way to access correct value even if change in
More details
I have a list of tuples l = [((cpu_util,mem_util),(disk_util)),
ie, l = [((30,50),(70)), ((50,20),(20))]
l.sort(key=lambda x:(-x[0][0], x[1][0])) # sorting cpu_util asc and
disk_util desc
suppose i changed order that is l = [((mem_util,cpu_util),
On Sep 7, 1:16 pm, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
> sajuptpm wrote:
> > I have a list of tuples l = [((cpu_util,mem_util),(disk_util)),
> > ((cpu_util,mem_util),(disk_util))]
> > ie, l = [((30,50),(70)), ((50,20),(20))]
> > l.sort(key=lambda x:(-x[0][0], x[1][0]))
I have a list of tuples.
l = [((30,50),(70)), ((50,20),(20))]
for i in range(10):
k = ((i+30,i+50),(i+70))#suppose creating new tuple in each iteration
using some random value and in sert it into list.
for i, v in enumerate(l):
if v >= k:
On Sep 7, 7:03 pm, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> sajuptpm wrote:
> > i need to implement l.sort(key=lambda x:(x[0][0], -x[1][0])) in
> > another way .I want to know what the modification needed in the 'if'
> > check to sort this list of t
Detailed Description
l1 = []
l2 = [
I need to take each item from l2 and insert into l1 with first
element(column)(3,1,7,4,2) sorted in ascending order and second
element(column)(8,3,0,2,9) so
30 matches
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