I am working on some code using python and a distributed system. Some
particular message is sent on one machine (with a timestamp logged) and
after the message is received, a timestamp is made. I am having
problems with negative latencies happening under intense CPU load.
There is ntp sync happen
At least on the order of .1-1 seconds. Both platforms are Windows XP
Python version is 2.3.3. Using Windows XP SP2 as stated above.
Network infrastructure is really irrelevant, what I'm attempting to
figure out is how a time.time() call on another machine that occurs
AFTER a message is received could occur before the message is actually
I am seeing negative latencies of up to 1 second. I am using ntp to
synchronize both machines at an interval of 2 seconds, so the clocks
should be very much in sync (and are from what I have observed). I
agree that it is probably OS, perhaps I should hop over to a Microsoft
newsgroup and pose th