SciPy for Python 2.6?

2012-09-13 Thread garyr
Is there a version for SciPy/numpy available for Python 2.6? I could only find a version for 2.7 on the SciPy site. A search on the Scipy mailing list archive did not turn up anything. The link to the Scipy-user list signup appeared to be broken. --

tkFileDialog Question

2011-03-16 Thread garyr
tkFileDialog.askdirectory() allows the selection of a directory. In my code it displays a line of text at the top of the frame ("Please choose a directory, then select OK"). A little below that the current path ("C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Python\...") is displayed as a string and

Deleting a file?

2011-05-16 Thread garyr
A file can be deleted by opening it with mode os.O_TEMPORARY and then closing it. How can a file be moved to the Recycle Bin, a la Windows? --

Re: Deleting a file?

2011-05-17 Thread garyr
2011 at 5:23 PM, garyr wrote: >> A file can be deleted by opening it with mode os.O_TEMPORARY and then >> closing it. How can a file be moved to the Recycle Bin, a la Windows? > > I see a send2trash module ( and >

Re: pyparallel and MAKE controller board for CRYDOM AC/DC switches

2005-10-11 Thread garyr
Richard Siderits wrote: > Greetings. I am trying to write a small application for controlling CRYDOM > AC and DC switches from the parallel port using pyparallel. The project is > described in the latest issue of MAKE magazine Vol.3 pg 86. All of the > examples are in C, VB, Linux, Unix but not

py2exe, pyparallel

2005-11-13 Thread garyr
I'm using py2exe to create a standalone program that uses pyparallel. When I run the created program an error occurs and a message directs me to the log file which contains: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 30, in ? import dds2 File "dds2.pyc", line 24, in ? WHETHE

Re: py2exe, pyparallel

2005-11-13 Thread garyr
Chris Mellon wrote: > On 13 Nov 2005 10:03:52 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I'm using py2exe to create a standalone program that uses pyparallel. > > When I run the created program an error occurs and a message directs me > > to > > the log file which contains: > > > > Tr

cl.exe missing

2015-05-25 Thread garyr
I posted this on the Anaconda NG but haven't gotten an answer. I recently installed Python 2.7 using Miniconda. I'm now trying to build a Python extension module. My file is: from distutils.core import setup, Extension module1 = Extension('pyssound', sources=['ssound.cpp', 'pysso

Re: cl.exe missing

2015-05-25 Thread garyr
>> Where do I find VS2008? > > Try this: > > > > TJG Yes, that's it. Many thanks. --

Building an extension module with SWIG

2015-05-30 Thread garyr
I'm trying to create an extension module using SWIG. I've succeeded in generating a pyd file but when I import the module I get the error message: "SystemError: dynamic module not initialized properly." I added an initfoo() function but that didn't solve the problem. Below are the various files, a

Re: Building an extension module with SWIG

2015-05-30 Thread garyr
*snip* > Compile it ("cythonize -b foo.pyx") and you'll get an extension module > that > executes faster than what SWIG would give you and keeps everything in one > file to improve readability. > > Stefan > > > [1] > > Thanks for your reply. My interest is not in computing the g

Re: Building an extension module with SWIG

2015-05-30 Thread garyr
"garyr" wrote in message news:mkd7nk$isi$ > *snip* > >> Compile it ("cythonize -b foo.pyx") and you'll get an extension module >> that >> executes faster than what SWIG would give you and keeps everything in one >>

Re: Building an extension module with SWIG

2015-05-30 Thread garyr
"garyr" wrote in message news:mkco9p$gf8$ > I'm trying to create an extension module using SWIG. I've > succeeded in generating a pyd file but when I import the module I get the > error message: "SystemError: dynamic module not i

Re: Basic Info

2015-05-31 Thread garyr
wrote in message > Hi friends, > M Tanveer, and wanna start to learn python language, i've installed python > on my Windows (OS) and set path to it, Now please Guide me which editor is > best to use and what instructions should be f

Extension build link error

2015-08-12 Thread garyr
I'm trying to build an extension module and was having problems so I decided to try something simpler. Article 16.5, "Coding the Methods of a Python Class in C" in the first edition of the Python Cookbook looked about right. I generated the code and a file (shown below). When I run python

distutils error ?

2015-08-16 Thread garyr
I tried building the spammodule.c example described in the documentation section "Extending Python with C or C++." As shown the code compiles OK but generates a link error: LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol init_spam build\temp.win32-2.7\Release\_spam.lib : fatal error LNK1120: 1 un


2015-10-02 Thread garyr
t Visual C++ 10.0 is required ( Unable to find vcvarsall.bat). How can this be fixed? I'm using Python 3.4.3, obtained from Anaconda, on Win XP Thanks in advance garyr - # from setuptools import setup, Extension setup(name="example", v

Re: tkMessageBox dialog help

2005-05-01 Thread garyr
Nathan wrote: > Hi, > > I've been testing the standard dialog boxes in tkMessageBox under IDLE. > If I type for example, tkMessageBox.askyesno('test', 'test'), the dialog box > comes up fine but another window also appears. I'm guessing this is the > parent window of the message box. If I click on

Re: Mouseclick

2005-05-02 Thread garyr
Terje Johan Abrahamsen wrote: > Hello. > > I have been trying desperately for a while to make Python push the > left mousebutton. I have been able to let Python push a button in a > box: > > def click(hwnd): > win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0) > win32gui.SendMessage

Tkinter 3000 WCK Install Problem

2008-09-22 Thread garyr
I'm trying to install WCK. I downloaded and installed the Windows executable for my Python version. It appeared to run OK. I then downloaded the demo files but find that none run due to error: ImportError: No module named _tk3draw. I'm using ActivePython 2.3.5 on Windows XP Home. What can I do to f

Python 2.6 & bsddb

2010-09-21 Thread garyr
I recently installed ActivePython 2.6.6 and my programs that use anydbm or shelve generate import errors because bsddb is missing. I installed bsddb3 (bsddb3-5.0.0.win32-py2.6.exe) but that didn't change anything. What more do I need to do? --