Need help implementing an algorithm in python

2005-12-05 Thread ech0
I would appreciate any help I can get in finding a solution to the following problem: == Below is a diagram: THE PROBLEM Lets say we have 4 terms (purple represents the terms). Some terms in th

Re: Need help implementing an algorithm in python

2005-12-05 Thread ech0
I'm still in highschool. This is no homework. This is a personal project for me. I would normally do it myself but this one is just too complex, thats why I'm asking for help. --

Re: Need help implementing an algorithm in python

2005-12-05 Thread ech0
Just to point out... I came up with the algorithm. Which is why I can explain it so well. But implementing it into code is one well of a task. --

Re: Python riddle

2005-12-05 Thread ech0
1 is not greater then 2 last time i checked :) --

Re: Need help implementing an algorithm in python

2005-12-05 Thread ech0
wow. nevermind. i figured it out. --

Re: Java Integer.ParseInt translation to python

2005-01-31 Thread ech0
buffer[0] = int(string,16) & 0xff that should work --

Re: type of simple object

2005-02-01 Thread ech0
use the type function! >>> s = 'test' >>> i = 25 >>> type(s) >>> type(i) --

Re: Second posting - Howto connect to MsSQL

2005-02-13 Thread ech0
You can also use pymssql. I've used it before on a little project. It looks like it works on linux too. --

Re: Py2Exe security

2005-05-03 Thread ech0
someone can sniff the client for the information it sends/receives so its possible to extract the info that way. --

Re: Py2Exe security

2005-05-04 Thread ech0
Keep in mind what i said, even you encrypt it the source (and decode at run time), even if compiled via c++,c, etc., it can still be decrypted if your using http as the protocol, all the person has to do is sniff the packets. So if your going to encrypt your information make sure you use a secure p