On Oct 8, 12:40 am, J Wolfe wrote:
> What's the best way to make a realtime loop in Tkinter? I know in
> perl you can use "repeat" and it will call a function every x seconds,
> in python it seems like "after" may be the equivalent though it
> doesn't seem to behave like the perl repeat function.
On Oct 8, 7:15 pm, J Wolfe wrote:
> Thank you both for your replies. I had something similar to this:
> def incr():
> var.set(1 + var.get())
> root.after(1000, incr)
> except I had an extra set of parenthesis...
> def incr():
> var.set(1 + var.get())
> root.after(1000, incr())
> on
On Oct 26, 3:53 am, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2009-10-26, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
> > On Oct 25, 2009, at 8:39 PM, Ronn Ross wrote:
> >> I need to create a gui for python. I'm looking for something that is
> >> easy to
> >> learn and cross platform. Any suggestions? If you have any good
On Oct 28, 7:52 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" wrote:
> But since I don't know much Python -- I'm *learning* Python as I write -- I
> know
> that there's a significant chance of communicating misconceptions,
> non-idiomatic
> ways to do things, bad conventions, etc., in addition to of course plai
On Oct 28, 10:48 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" wrote:
> * eb303:
> > On Oct 28, 7:52 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" wrote:
> > [snip]
> >> But since I don't know much Python -- I'm *learning* Python as I write --
> >> I know
> >> t
On Oct 28, 11:23 am, Francesco Bochicchio wrote:
> On 28 Ott, 10:40, Gilles Ganault wrote:
> > Hello
> > I'm reading O'Reily's "Python Programming on Win32", but couldn't find
> > a simple example on how to create a window with just a label and
> > pushbutton.
> This is probably because may
On Oct 28, 11:57 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" wrote:
> * eb303:
> > On Oct 28, 10:48 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" wrote:
> >> * eb303:
> >>> On Oct 28, 7:52 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" wrote:
> >>> [snip]
> >&g
Hi all,
I was looking for a simple chart drawing Python module and as a user
of the gd library and its Python interface, I was interested in the
Python interface to the gdchart library (http://www.fred.net/brv/
chart/). Unfortunately, this module seems to have disappeared: its
former URL (http://w
On Nov 1, 8:53 pm, Lord Eldritch wrote:
> Hi
> Maybe this is maybe something it has been answered somewhere but I haven't
> been able to make it work. I wanna pass one variable to a callback function
> and I've read the proper way is:
> Button(.., command=lambda: function(x))
> So with
On Oct 28, 4:52 pm, eb303 wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was looking for a simple chart drawing Python module and as a user
> of the gd library and its Python interface, I was interested in the
> Python interface to the gdchart library (http://www.fred.net/brv/
> chart/). Unfortunately,
On Mar 3, 6:41 pm, Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> This is just an interesting code pattern that I have recently used:
> class CacheStorage(object):
> """Generic cache storage class."""
> @classmethod
> def get_factory(cls,*args,**kwargs):
> """Create factory for a given set of cache st
On Apr 19, 2:20 pm, AlienBaby wrote:
> Hi,
> just a quick one,
> Is it possible to achieve a default value in a list comprehension
> where the if-clause is false?
> Ie, something similar to:
> [ a for a in b if something(a) else 'default' ]
> the idea being that, rather than skip a value
On Apr 19, 6:35 pm, KL wrote:
> Tkinter scrollbar widget's "background" and "relief" options seem not
> work.
> The below is the codes I tried and the python/tk information:
> ===
> ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
> Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Nov 3 200
On Apr 21, 12:45 pm, Rotwang wrote:
> Apologies in advance if this is a totally stupid question, I've tried
> looking at the Tkinter documentation on the web but since I'm something
> of an ignoramus when it comes to programming generally I didn't
> understand what I was reading. Anyway...
> I'v
On Apr 22, 5:55 pm, Rotwang wrote:
> James Mills wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Rotwang wrote:
> >> [...]
> >>From reading the documentation myself (pydoc)...
> > It would seem your only option is to make a thread
> > out of this (not my preferred way - I was hoping it was
> >
On Apr 23, 1:58 pm, Rotwang wrote:
> eb303 wrote:
> > On Apr 22, 5:55 pm, Rotwang wrote:
> >> [...]
> > From my experience, mixing Tkinter with threads is a bad idea. As most
> > GUI toolkits, it really doesn't like to be manipulated from different
On Apr 23, 2:00 pm, Matthias Kievernagel
> Hello,
> I stumbled upon this one while porting some of my programs
> to Python 3.1. The program receives messages from a socket
> and displays them in a tkinter Text. Works fine in Python 2
> and Python 3.1. The problems arrived when I wanted to
On May 15, 4:56 pm, technocake wrote:
> Hi.
> Is there a good way to copy from or paste to the clipboard on all
> systems running python using Tkinter?
> started a small road too it here:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> __author__="technocake"
> __date__ ="$15.mai.2010 15:53:39$"
> from Tkinter import
Hello all,
I've been using Python properties quite a lot lately and I've found a
few things that are a bit annoying about them in some cases. I
wondered if I missed something or if anybody else has this kind of
problems too, and if there are better solutions than the ones I'm
using ATM.
The first
On May 27, 3:24 pm, Christian Heimes wrote:
> > Do I miss something?
> > Is this the way to do it, or is there a better one?
> A better way was introduced in Python 2.6.
> Seehttp://docs.python.org/library/functions.html?highlight=property#prop...
> I have a Python only version around if you a
On May 27, 8:56 pm, Francesco Bochicchio wrote:
> On 27 Mag, 14:37, eb303 wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I've been using Python properties quite a lot lately and I've found a
> > few things that are a bit annoying about them in some cases. I
On May 27, 3:14 pm, Neil Cerutti wrote:
> On 2010-05-27, eb303 wrote:
> > I've been using Python properties quite a lot lately and I've
> > found a few things that are a bit annoying about them in some
> > cases. I wondered if I missed something or if anybody
On May 28, 11:50 am, Christian Heimes wrote:
> Am 28.05.2010 11:31, schrieb eb303:
> > On May 27, 3:24 pm, Christian Heimes wrote:
> >>> Do I miss something?
> >>> Is this the way to do it, or is there a better one?
> >> A
On May 30, 5:21 pm, "Alf P. Steinbach" wrote:
> PS: Tkinter on its own does not provide image resizing and does not on its own
> support common image formats like JPEG or PNG (it does support GIF).
"Native" PNG support in tcl/tk and hence Tkinter is planned for the
next release (8.6), which is in
On May 29, 10:51 pm, Johan Lans wrote:
> Hi
> I'm totally new on python and I'm doing an assignement where I'm doing
> a class that manipulates a text. The program is also supposed to have
> a GUI, for which I have used tkinter.
> So far I have entry widgets for file names and buttons, its all
> w
On May 29, 3:11 pm, Pradeep B wrote:
> Do we have a standard reference library for Tkinter available?
> --
> Pradeep
Short answer: no, at least not a complete one for Tkinter itself.
However, there is a complete reference for tcl/tk here:
Once you're used to conv
On Jun 12, 1:40 am, random joe wrote:
> Hello all,
> Hi this i my first post here. I would like to create a tkinter
> toplevel window with a custom resize action based on a grid. From the
> Tk docs it say you can do this but for the life of me i cannot figure
> out how? In my app i wish for the
On Jun 21, 7:36 am, Anthony Papillion wrote:
> So I'm trying to add a Listbox to my window. I want it to be the width
> of my window and the height of my window. I'm using the following
> code ('root' is my toplevel window):
> gsItems = Listbox(root, width=root.winfo_width(),
> height=root.winf
' is my toplevel window):
> > gsItems = Listbox(root, width=root.winfo_width(),
> > height=root.winfo_height())
> > gsItems.pack()
> > While you would think this code would set the height and width of
> > gsItems to the height and width of root, it doesn
On Jun 23, 7:26 pm, Alan G Isaac wrote:
> Tkinter's Scale widget had a `label` and a `resolution` attribute.
> These appear to be missing from the Ttk Scale widget.
> Is there a reason? These were important attributes.
> Thanks,
> Alan Isaac
As you might know, the new ttk widgets are not inten
On Aug 27, 11:22 pm, r wrote:
> -
> Python offical docs and Tkinter
> -
> *The Python docs barely cover anything related to actual Tkinter
> coding. At the minimum the Tkinter doc page should have a subpage for
On Aug 28, 4:41 pm, r wrote:
> Thanks eb303 for the wonderful post
> I have looked over the new ttk widgets and everything looks nice. I am
> very glad to see the death of Tix as i never much liked it anyhow and
> always believed these widgets should have been in the main Tkin
On Sep 11, 9:14 am, Hendrik van Rooyen
> On Thursday 10 September 2009 18:19:09 Joshua Bronson wrote:
> > True, but it'll still be a lot less painful for me to test my app if I
> > can get it to steal focus
> > when launched from the command line. If anyone knows how to do this in
> > Tki
On Sep 11, 10:40 am, Hendrik van Rooyen
> On Friday 11 September 2009 09:53:56 eb303 wrote:
> > On Sep 11, 9:14 am, Hendrik van Rooyen
> > wrote:
> > > look for widget.focus_force()
> > > and look for widget.grab_set_global()
> > Doesn&
On Sep 18, 11:57 am, Thomas Lehmann wrote:
> My intention is to write a small custom widget displaying text where
> the text can have a simple wiki syntax. The main interest is to
> support heading, bold, italic, underline, itemization and enumeration.
> How can I implement itemization using the
On Sep 19, 5:53 pm, Thomas Lehmann wrote:
> > Something like this maybe?
> >
> > from Tkinter import *
> > root = Tk()
> > txt = Text(root, wrap='word')
> > txt.pack()
> > txt.tag_configure('text_body', font=('Times', 18), lmargin1=0,
> > lmargin2=0)
> > txt.tag_configure('bulleted_list',
On Sep 22, 7:45 am, Thomas Lehmann wrote:
> > This is probably why you had all these alignment problems. But it's
> > weird, because the script I posted is copied and pasted from a really
> > script that I've run, and which doesn't cause any error. What is the
> > version of tcl/tk used by your Tk
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