Re: Python is overtaking Perl

2007-09-05 Thread digz
On Sep 4, 1:53 pm, "OKB (not okblacke)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > George Sakkis wrote: > > On Sep 4, 8:35 am, Jean-Paul Calderone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> On Tue, 04 Sep 2007 00:32:23 -, Ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > >> wrote: > >> >Here are the statistics from Google Trends: > > >> >http

converting pipe delimited file to fixed width

2009-03-19 Thread digz
Hi, I am trying to convert a | delimited file to fixed width by right padding with spaces, Here is how I have written the program , just get the feeling this can be done in a much better ( python functional ) way rather than the procedural code i have below . Any help appreciated #!/usr/bin/pytho

problems displaying results in ibm_db

2009-07-01 Thread digz
This simple db connectivity and select test program works in the interactive mode >>> import ibm_db >>> conn = ibm_db.connect( 'DATABASE', 'user', 'passwd') >>> result = ibm_db.exec_immediate( conn, 'SELECT * FROM TEST FETCH FIRST 1 >>> ROWS ONLY') >>> row = ibm_db.fetch_tuple( result ) >>> for r