dcrespo wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can I replace all None values with the string 'Null' in a
> dictionary?
> For example:
> convert this:
> a = {'item1': 45, 'item2': None}
> into this:
> a = {'item1': 45, 'item2': 'Null'}
I think it would be time for you to read the Fine Manual...
for ke
Alex Hunsley wrote:
> There's no really specific questions in this post, but I'm looking for
> people's thought on the issues within...
> The two main versions I've encountered for data pseudo-hiding
> (encapsulation)
Hmmm... Are data-hiding and encapsulation really the same things ?
> i
Alex Hunsley wrote:
> bruno at modulix wrote:
>> Alex Hunsley wrote:
>>> method 1:
>>> _X - (single underscore) - just cosmetic, a convention to let someone
>>> know that this data should be private.
Alex Hunsley wrote:
> I've seen a few discussion about the use of 'super' in Python, including
> the opinion that 'super' should only be used to solve inheritance
> diamond problem. (And that a constructor that wants to call the
> superclass methods should just call them by name and forget about su
> Hey, i didnt say i need an expert. wel i did... anyways, i m just
> saying that Fan is not a good python programmer, he doesnt know enough
> python to help those who have joined his group, i know its askin a
> lot, and i m not askin for a private tutor, just someone(s)
Noah wrote:
> Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit :
>>Noah a écrit :
>>If you have control over the API functions declarations, makes them so:
>>def my_api_func(arg1='', arg2='whatever', **kwargs):
>> code_here
> Unfortunately I cannot change the API functions.
> I should have mentioned that.
Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD wrote:
> I am new to python,
> Could someone explain (in English) how and when to use self?
Don't use self. Use other.
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"
ice wrote:
> I am a fresh here , and I have no idea of it.
> Do you have any comments?
Learn Python
Learn web programming
Write the specs for your blog system
Design the solution
Implement it
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '
Chris Cioffi wrote:
as a point of style, top-posting is a Bad Thing(tm)
> On 03/11/05, bruno at modulix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD wrote:
>>>I am new to python,
>>>Could someone explain
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Nov 2005 10:14:23 +0100, bruno at modulix wrote:
>>Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD wrote:
>>>I am new to python,
>>>Could someone explain (in English) how and when t
> i m currently in a network (LAN). i started python because i heard
> that it has great ability for networking programs and/or scripts, but
> i m losing my motivation with python because there are sooo many
> modules, that i cant just learn them all,
Why would you lear
Nicolas Vigier wrote:
> Hello,
> I have in my python script a function that look like this :
> def my_function(arg1, arg2, opt1=0, opt2=1, opt3=42):
> if type(arg1) is ListType:
How should it behave with tuples or subclasses of List ? Or if it's any
other iterable ?
Testing against
> which feature of python do you like most?
> I've heard from people that python is very useful.
> Many people switch from perl to python because they like it more.
> I am quite familiar with perl, I've don't lots of code in perl.
> Now, I was curious and interested i
venk wrote:
> Hi,
> can some one properly explain the differences between class types and
> classic classes? ... Still face problems in identifying what is what.
I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you talking about the diff
between old-style and new-style classes, or the diff between c
sumi wrote:
> Hi, from my login i want to login as a other user , how can i do it
> using python.
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"
Yves Glodt wrote:
> Hello,
> if I do this:
> for row in sqlsth:
> pkcolumns.append(row[0].strip())
> etc
> without a prior:
> pkcolumns = [];
> I get this error on first iteration:
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pkcolums' referenced before assignment
Yves Glodt wrote:
> ok I see your point, and python's...
> (just FYI, and not to start a flamewar ;-):
> In php, the [] means "append to an array object".
yes, I know this.
> If the array does not exist yet, it's created.
Which is what I don't like. It should crash.
> [] *is* expli
Yves Glodt wrote:
> Yves Glodt wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I need to iterate over a class and get all her variable names and
>> values, e.g. considering this example:
>> class testclass:
>> var1 = 'ab'
>> var2 = 'cd'
>> var3 = 'ef'
Take care, these are *class* variables, not i
> hi
> in python, can we do something like
> a = db.execute(stmt) and then expand variable 'a'
> instead of doing
> (a,b) = db.execute(stmt) for return of 2
> (a,b,c) = for return of 3
> (a,b,c,d) for return of 4
Did you try ?-) Took me about 30'':
>>> def
Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
> When you need some symbols in your program, what do you use in Python ?
> For example, an object get a state. This state is more readable if
> expressed as a symbols, for example "opened", "closed", "error".
> Typically, in C or C++, I would use an enum for tha
> So putting two underscores in front of an instance variable (or any
> identifier used inside the scope of a class statement) invokes a name
> mangling mechanism
> Is it commonplace to use underscores
I assume you mean double underscore...
> when definin
Peter A. Schott wrote:
> Per subject - I realize I can copy/paste a line at a time into an interactive
> session when I'm trying to debug, but was wondering if there is any tool out
> there that allows me to copy sections of working Python scripts to paste into
> my
> interactive console and let t
ChaosKCW wrote:
> Hi
> I was wondering if someone could help with the import statements needed
> to use the timeit module in the following code. I need to access the
> "cur" object.
> Thanks,
> import cx_Oracle
> import timeit
> def VerifyTagIntegrity(con, TableOwner):
> cur = con.c
Salvatore wrote:
> Sur : http://www.salvatore.exolia.net:9090/
> (Nécessite Firefox ou Mozilla)
Heu, Salvatore, tu te serais pas un peu trompé de ng, là ?-)
(x-post et fu2 f.c.l.py)
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL
mjakowlew wrote:
> hi,
> I'm trying to pass some values from a webform into a python script.
> Also this
> is done through Zope if that makes a difference to anyone.
Yes, it makes a difference. Zope is a world in itself, and is slighty OT
here. Note that there's a Zope mailing-list:
ChaosKCW wrote:
> So timeit is mostly useless then ?
I wouldn't say so.
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"
striker wrote:
> I have a comma delimited text file that has multiple instances of
> multiple commas. Each file will contain approximatley 300 lines. For
> example:
> one, two, threefour,fivesix
> one, two, three,four,,eighteen, and so on.
> There is one time when multiple
Steve Holden wrote:
> john boy wrote:
>> using the following program:
>> fruit = "banana"
>> index = 0
>> while index < len (fruit):
>> letter = fruit[index-1]
>> print letter
>> index= index -1
>> this program is supposed to spell "banana" backwards and in a vertical
Rusty Shackleford wrote:
> Hi --
> We have some code that returns an object of a different class, depending
> on some parameters. For example:
> if param x is 1 and y is 1, we make an object of class C_1_1.
> if param x is 1 and y is 2, we make an object of class C_1_2.
> C_1_1 and C_1_2
> Hello everybody!
> I have little problem:
> class A:
> def __init__(self, n):
> self.data = n
> def f(self, x = )
> print x
> All I want is to make self.data the default argument for self.f(). (I
> want to use 'A' class as following :
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> but that may not be desirable if None is a valid value => myA.f(None),
> so...
> class A(object):
> def __init__(self, n):
> self.data =n
> def f(self, *arg):
> if len(arg) == 0:
> x = self.data
> else:
> Hello everybody,
> I am in the process of writing my very first web application in Python,
> and I need a way to
> generate dynamic HTML pages with data from a database.
> After some thought I decided to leave the various frameworks
> aside for the
> time bein
> So, I've written my first GUI app in python. I've turned it into a
> binary .exe and .app that runs on Windows and Mac respectively, but on
> my Linux box, where I wrote the thing, I still have to drop to the
> command line and ./myscript.py. What can I do to make it a
Edvard Majakari wrote:
> Hi,
> My idea is to create a system working as follows: each module knows
> path to plugin directory, and that directory contains modules which
> may add hooks to some points in the code.
> Inspired by http://www.python.org/pycon/2005/papers/7/pyconHooking.html
> I
Steve wrote:
> I am going to go the mod_python route.
> as for why a person would go route one over route 2
> is that the number of lines of html/output vs python code are usually
> 10 to 1 and it's much easier to encapsulate the python code than to
> quote and escape all the html/css/xml
Mike Meyer wrote:
> Jorge Godoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> While I'm at it - how does KID do for things that aren't HTML?
It doesn't. Kid is explicitely for XML/HTML templating.
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join
Ben Bush wrote:
> I have a lis:
> [[1,3],[3,4],[5,6],[8,9],[14,0],[15,8]]
> I want a code
Then write it.
And when (if) you have problems with it, repost, we'll then be happy to
help you.
> to test when the difference between the first element in
> the list of list is equal to or larger than 6,
> [test 1]
class A:
> ...i = 1
> ...
a = A()
> 1
> 1
A.i = 2
> 2
> 2
> [test2]
class A:
> ...i = 1
> ...
a = A()
> 1
> 1
a.i = 2
Manlio Perillo wrote:
> Regards.
> On my system:
> Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
> on win32, Windows XP
> I have this problem:
n = 61409 + 1
data = 'x' * n
print data
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "xxx", lin
Joseph Garvin wrote:
> Tom Anderson wrote:
>> Jeff Epler's proposal to use unicode operators would synergise most
>> excellently with this, allowing python to finally reach, and even
>> surpass, the level of expressiveness found in languages such as perl,
Ben Sizer wrote:
> The Eternal Squire wrote:
>>I tend to use this design pattern a lot in order to aid in
>>compartmentalizing interchangeable features in a central class that
>>depend on the central class's data.
> I'm afraid I've read this paragraph and the code 3 times and I still
> hav
Ben Sizer wrote:
> bruno at modulix wrote:
>>Ben Sizer wrote:
>>>I'm afraid I've read this paragraph and the code 3 times and I still
>>>have no idea what you're trying to convey.
> Got anything more
Franz Mueller wrote:
> Hi,
> which of the following books would you recommend:
> "Dive into Python" or "Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional"?
I can't recommand the second since I've never read it. But you can
freely make your own opinion on the first, since it's freely available
Mark Carter wrote:
> I was musing recently about how one could, for example, set up a really
> simple mailing subscription list. It occurred to me that a really simple
> way to implement it would be to use xmlrpc.
> So there could be a function
> subscribe(emailAddress),
> which would send an email
David Rasmussen wrote:
> Frithiof Andreas Jensen wrote:
>> From the speed requirement: Is that correspondance chess by any chance??
> Regular chess at tournament time controls requires speed too. Any pure
> Python chess program would lose badly to the best C/C++ programs out
> there now
John J Lee wrote:
> Is it possible to get doctest-mode to work with mmm-mode and python-mode
> nicely so that docstrings containing doctests are editable in doctest-mode?
I don't know.
> Any tips appreciated!
Seems like comp.emacs could be a good place for this question
John J. Lee wrote:
> bruno at modulix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>John J Lee wrote:
>>>Is it possible to get doctest-mode to work with mmm-mode and python-mode
>>>nicely so that docstrings containing doctests are editable in doctest-mode?
Inyeol Lee wrote:
class A(object):
... def __init__(self, foo):
... if self.__class__ is A:
... raise TypeError("A is base class.")
s/base class/abstract class/
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "pri
Mr.Rech wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestions. They are very usefull and indeed bypass my
> problem. However, I've found a (perhaps) more elegant way to get the
> same result using metaclasses.
(snip code)
> I know metaclasses are a complete different beast, anyway I find this
> approach more
Little wrote:
> Could someone start me on putting in a table into this code, and some
> HTML tags. I would to make the table below the map and have a header at
> the top. Thanks for the help.
> """ Publisher example """
> def query(req, building=""):
> # NOTE: best way to understand this
Little wrote:
> Could someone tell me how to add some HTML tags to this program. I want
> to be able to change the background color, add some headers, and put a
> table below the map that will be displayed. Could someone please tell
> me how to add this to the current program. Thanks in advance.
David Pratt wrote:
> Can someone advise a more efficient lookup when using lists of
> dictionaries. Many thanks.
> {'color':'red', 'shape':'octagon'},
> {'color':'yellow', 'shape':'triangle'},
> {'color':'green', 'shape':'circle'}]
COLOR_INDEX = dict([
Gary Herron wrote:
> Mohammad Jeffry wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Can't a lambda uses the input parameter more then once in the lambda
>> body?
>> eg:
>> lambda x : print x/60,x%60
>> I tried with def and it works but got syntax error with lambda. Below
>> is an interactive sample:
> Lambd
Michael Williams wrote:
> I would RTM, but I'm not sure exactly what to look for. Basically, I
> need to be able to call a variable dynamically. Meaning something like
> the following:
> - I don't want to say OBJECT.VAR but rather
> OBJECT. ("string") and have
ex_ottoyuhr wrote:
> I'm trying to create a function that can take arguments, say, foo and
> bar, and modify the original copies of foo and bar as well as its local
> versions -- the equivalent of C++ funct(&foo, &bar).
This is already what you have. In Python, all you have are references to
Mike Meyer wrote:
> Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> ^^ There is no functionality to check if a subclass correctly
>>>implements an inherited interface
>>I don't know of any language that provide such a thing. At least for
>>my definition of "correctly".
> Well, since
Mike Meyer wrote:
> Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>What's really got me down is the level of effort required to move code
>>between modules. After I cut 100 lines from a 500 line module and
>>paste them to a different 500 line module, I have to examine every
>>import in
Pelmen wrote:
> How can I get rid of recursive call __getattr__ inside this method, if
> i need to use method or property of the class?
Sorry, but I don't understand your question. Which recursive calls to
__getattr__ ? __getattr__ is only called if a/ it's defined and b/ the
attribute has not b
Steve Holden wrote:
> Peter Otten wrote:
>> Pelmen wrote:
>> class Test:
>>> def __getattr__(self, attr):
>>>print attr
>>> def foo(x):
>>>print x
>> t = Test()
>> print t
>>> __str__
>>> Traceback (most
Yechezkal Gutfreund wrote:
> Are you familiar with any Python efforts that parrallel Ruby on Rails
> (integrated Ajax compliant IDE?).
"integrated" and "IDE" in the same sentence ? A bit redundant, isn't it ?-)
RoR is not an IDE, it's a web framework. The closest things in Python
are TurboGears (
Tuvas wrote:
> Let's say I make a program something like follows:
> x=[]
> x.append([1,2,3])
> x.append([4,5,6])
> print x
> print x[0]
> print x[0][1]
> x[0][1]=5
Where are the tuples ?
> Okay, everything works here as expected except the last line. Why won't
> this work?
Because you forgot
Gabriel Zachmann wrote:
> I understand the Wikipedia article on Polymorphism
> ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymorphism_%28computer_science%29 )
> that it doesn't make sense to talk about polymorphism in a fully
> dynamically typed language
"a single polymorphic operator can act in expressions
Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> bruno at modulix wrote:
>>RoR is not an IDE, it's a web framework. The closest things in Python
>>are TurboGears (good Ajax/js support via Mochikit), Subway (never
>>tested), and Django (no Ajax support AFAIK).
> Note th
Stefan Behnel wrote:
> Hi!
> I need to generate source code (mainly Java) from a domain specific XML
> language, preferably from within a Python environment (since that's where the
> XML is generated).
> I tried using XSLT, but I found that I need a template system that supports
> Python inte
Ray wrote:
> But then on the other hand, there is a manpower problem--it's damn easy
> to find a Java programmer (although the quality that you get is a
> different matter). Python programmers are more difficult.
Possibly - but if a programmer is not able to pick on Python in a matter
of d
Barbier de Reuille Pierre wrote:
> On 12 Jan 2006 12:20:50 -0800
> "bblais" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I think it will depend on your project ...
> If you're developing GUI application, you will have trouble using the
> python shell. At least you will need a s
bblais wrote:
> Hello,
> In C++, I open up an editor in one window, a Unix shell in another.
> In Matlab, I do much the same thing, except there is no compile phase.
> In Python, there seems to be a couple ways of doing things. I could
> write it in one window, and fro
Mike Meyer wrote:
> Maybe
> some of the people who IDEs (instead of - well, we need a term for
> development environment built out of Unix tools)
"Extegrated Development environment" ?-)
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
Fried Egg wrote:
> I must not express myself very clearly.
> I don't need any help with the disassociated text algorithm. What I
> need is a framework for data processing web apps,
If that's your main need, and you want to use a RDBMS, then you may want
to have a look at turbogears
WIdgeteye wrote:
> HI,
> I am trying to write a little program that will run a program on
> scedule.
There are usually existing programs to do so on most platforms (cron on
*n*x, the Windows scheduler, etc).
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('
Moneyhere wrote:
> Good :)
> Can someone provide this ebook? .
> I'm looking forwards it.
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
Manoj Kumar P wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me a good python editor/IDE?
> It would be great if you can provide the download link also.
I hate to be the one answering this, but this is *really* a FAQ - as you
would have known if you had google'd this group for this.
bruno desthuilliers
Ray wrote:
> In our field, we don't always get to program in the language we'd like
> to program. So... how do you practice Python in this case? Say you're
> doing J2EE right now.
Hopefully not !
> How do you practice Python to keep your skills
> sharp?
How *would* I do ? Well, perhaps I'd use J
Ray wrote:
> OK, maybe I shoot a more general question to the group since there are
> so many great programmers here: how do you practice your craft?
I'm certainly not one of them, but...
> How do you do your practice?
1/ programming
2/ programming
3/ lurking here, reading posts and so
Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> What is the best way to do data source abtraction? For example have
> different classes with the same interface, but different
> implementations.
> I was thinking of almost having classA as my main class, and have
> classA dynamically "absorb" classFood into to based on
Ray wrote:
> bruno at modulix wrote:
>>>In our field, we don't always get to program in the language we'd like
>>>to program. So... how do you practice Python in this case? Say you're
>>>doing J2EE right now.
>>Hopefully not !
Ray wrote:
> bruno at modulix wrote:
>>1/ programming
>>2/ programming
>>3/ lurking here, reading posts and sometimes trying to answer, reading
>>source code of the oss apps/frameworks I'm working with, searching
>>practical solutions in the cookbo
Peter Otten wrote:
> Eric Brunel wrote:
>>My actual question is: why does it work in one case and not in the other?
>>As I see it, int is just a function with one parameter, and the lambda is
>>just another one. So why does the first work, and not the second? What
>>'black magic' takes place
Eric Brunel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just stepped on a thing that I can't explain. Here is some code
> showing the problem:
> -
> class C:
Do yourself a favour : use new-style classes.
class C(object)
> f = None
> def __init__(self):
> if self.f is not None:
A.M wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Python 2.4. I read the PEP 308 at:
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0308/
> I tried the statement:
> a= "Yes" if 1==1 else "No"
> but the interpreter doesn't accept it.
> Do we have the conditional expressions in Python 2.4?
No, AFAIK they'
Marvin wrote:
> Hi,
> It's been claimed
In Python and Ruby, class hierarchies tends to be *really* flat when
compared to Java or C++.
> that inheritance structures are less important in dynamic
> languages like Python. Why is that
Don't you guess ?-)
A very obvious poin
feel_energetic wrote:
> Hi,
> I already knew how to define a static method of a class( using
> staticmethod() ),
FWIW, it's probably one of the most useless construct in Python IMHO.
classmethod are really much more useful to me.
> but I find there isn't a built-in func to build a
> static
Matthieu Pichaud wrote:
> I have a problem organizing my programs in packages and subpackages.
> I use python.2.3.3
> I built a test structure to try to understand how it worked:
> /test
> /test/__init__.py(containing: __all__=['test1'])
> /test/test1/
> /test/test1/__init__.py(contai
Tommy B wrote:
> I was wondering if there was a way to take a txt file and, while
> keeping most of it, replace only one line.
This is a FAQ (while I don't know if it's in the FAQ !-), and is in no
way a Python problem. FWIW, this is also CS101...
You can't do this in place with a text file (wo
alf wrote:
> Hi,
> Would it be .append()? Does it reallocate te list with each apend?
> l=[]
> for i in xrange(n):
> l.append(i)
FWIW, you'd have the same result with:
l = range(n)
More seriously (and in addition to other anwsers): you can also
construct a list in one path:
John Machin wrote:
> On 5/06/2006 10:46 PM, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
>>> hi
>>> in my code, i use dict(a) to make to "a" into a dictionary , "a" comes
>>> from user input, so my program does not know in the first place. Then
>>> say , it becomes
>>> a = {
Rene Pijlman wrote:
> bruno at modulix:
>>You can't do this in place with a text file (would be possible with a
>>fixed-length binary format).
> More precise: it's possible with any fixed-length change, in both binary
> and text files, with both fix
hacker1017 wrote:
> im just asking out of curiosity.
Err... Programming ?-)
Actually, mostly web applications (CMS, groupware, small/medium business
apps etc), and admin utilities.
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in
Tommy B wrote:
> bruno at modulix wrote:
>>import os
>>old = open("/path/to/file.txt", "r")
>>new = open("/path/to/new.txt", "w")
>>for line in old:
>> if line.strip() == "Bob 62"
>>line = line.
Christophe wrote:
> bruno at modulix a écrit :
>> Wrong guess - unless, as Fredrik suggested, you have an infinite disk
>> with an infinite file on it. If so, please share with, we would be
>> *very* interested !-)
> Use /dev/zero as source and /d
Brian wrote:
> Thank you all for your response. I think that I am getting it. Based
> on those responses, would I be correct in thinking that this would be
> the way to initialize my Student object and return the values?
> class Student:
Do yourself a favour: use new-style classes
class Stud
> Hi,
> I am developing a code which has MVC (Model - View - Controler)
> architecture.My view is in .NET. And my controller is in Python.So can
> i call Python script from .NET?
This is a question that I would have asked myself before actually trying
to do anything el
Bryan wrote:
> does anyone know if there is a collection somewhere of common python
> mistakes or inefficiencies or unpythonic code that java developers make
> when first starting out writing python code?
Try googling for "python is not java" !-)
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.joi
Shani wrote:
> I have the following code which takes a list of urls
> "http://google.com";, without the quotes ofcourse, and then saves there
> source code as a text file. I wan to alter the code so that for the
> list of URLs an html file is saved.
What you write in a text file is up to you - an
Tim Roberts wrote:
> John Salerno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>>John Salerno a écrit :
If I want to get all the values that are entered into an HTML form and
write them to a file, is there some way to handle them all at the same
time, or must
alf wrote:
> is there any way to tell the class the base class during runtime?
Technically, yes - the solution depending on your definition of "during
FWIW, the class statement is evaled at import/load time, which is
"during runtime" So if you want to use one or other (compatible)
Girish Sahani wrote:
> Hi,
> There is a code in my main function which is something like:
> while prunedFinal != []:
> prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK) ***
> tableInstancesNew = genTableInstances(prunedNew,tableInstancesK)
> tiCountDict = tiCount
baalbek wrote:
> To score with the chicks!
> A Python script roams the nightclubs for beautiful women, finds an
> appropriate woman based on my preferances, charms her with its sleek
> Pythonic manners, calls for a cab and brings the lady to my recidency.
> Works like a charm!
Is that OSS ?-
Girish Sahani wrote:
>>Girish Sahani wrote:
>>>However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.
>>what error ?
> ...line 266, in colocationMiner
Great. We now know at which line of an unknown file an unknown error
happens. Will use my PythonPsychicPowers(tm) now to see waht's
JD wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to remove a dictionary key-pair (remove an entry),
> but I'm unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
> Thanks
mydict = {"key" : "value"}
del mydict(key)
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
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