Nico Grubert enlightened us with:
> How can I use a timer that waits e.g. 10 seconds if 'transfer.lock'
> is present and then checks again if 'transfer.lock' is still there?
Make a while loop in which you sleep. Or use the threading module if
you want to go multi-threading.
The problem
Micah Elliott enlightened us with:
> If you're just trying to get copy/paste-able-from-browser html that
> has pretty colors, you might start up vim and use the default
> colors. You might have to say ":syntax enable". Then just type
> ":TOhtml" and you'll have a colorized version of your "IDE" d
billie enlightened us with:
> For low level packet building I already used Impacket module but if
> I specify a spoofed src address during IP packet creation, module
> returns an error. Suggestions?
Yes, give us the error. And know that you can't build raw IP packets
unless you're root.
Flavio enlightened us with:
> Can anyone tell me why, if the following code works, I should not do
> this?
> def fun(a=1,b=2,**args):
> print 'locals:',locals()
> locals().update(args)
> print locals()
Because it's very, very, very insecure. What would happen if someone
M.N.A.Smadi enlightened us with:
> my script must return codes which are based on the POSIX spec of
> returning a positive value. A work perl version of my code uses
> exit(code_num).
Use sys.exit(code_num).
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
Jp Calderone enlightened us with:
> If I can call functions in your process space, I've already taken
> over your whole program.
That's true for standalone programs, but not for things like web
applications, RPC calls etc.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there shoul
Alex enlightened us with:
> Python's moto is "Batteries Included", but where are the batteries
> for making exe files and making an installer file?
Those aren't "batteries". Those are things you can do with the
program, but are outside the programming language. Writing and
distributing software is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> When gVim is launched from a shell terminal, it completely frees the
> terminal. [...] How do I implement this in my application written in
> python?
Using fork() and by catching the HUP signal.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not sayin
Steven D'Aprano enlightened us with:
> he says that every time you try to append to a list that is already
> full, Python doubles the size of the list. This wastes no more than
> 50% of the memory needed for that list, but has various advantages
> -- and I'm damned if I can remember exactly what th
Andy Leszczynski enlightened us with:
> should not it be:
> 2 def save(self, pagename, data, submit, new):
> 3 hub.begin()
> 4 if new == True:
> 5 page = Page(pagename=pagename, data=data)
> 6 else:
> 7 page = Page.byPagename(pagename)
> 8 = data
> instead of:
> 4 if new
Mike Meyer enlightened us with:
> It's simpler to use eval and command substitution:
> eval $(python
This looks like the best solution to me.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just tak
Jon Perez enlightened us with:
> Actually, I think it's many unix/linux users who are ignorant of
> just how nice, stable and productive Windows can be as a desktop
> environment.
I thought the same thing after spending two hours removing some adware
I found.
> Ever since Win2K got rid of the con
Tim Golden enlightened us with:
> Well, I'm with you. I'm sure a lot of people will chime in to point
> out just how flexible and useful and productive Linux is as a
> workstation, but every time I try to use it -- and I make an honest
> effort -- I end up back in Windows
I'm curious, what do you
Loris Caren enlightened us with:
> If
> a = 'apple'
> b = 'banana'
> c = 'cabbage'
> How can I get something like:-
> for i in 'abc':
> r = eval(i)
> if r == 'cabbage': r = 'coconut'
> actually change the object referenced by r rather
> than creating a new object temporarily ref
Tim Golden enlightened us with:
> Not quite fair. Not only would I avoid saying something with a
> redundant apostrophe ;) but the Windows user interface, at least for
> my purposes, didn't change such a huge amount between Win9x and
> Win2K,
Hence my reference to windows 3.1.
> It's obvious that
Tim Golden enlightened us with:
> But as far as I can tell from my experience and from the docs -- and
> I'm not near a Linux box at the mo -- having used ctrl-r to recall
> line x in the history, you can't just down-arrow to recall x+1, x+2
> etc. Or can you?
With bash as well as the Python inte
David Poundall enlightened us with:
> class C(object):
> def getx(self): return self.__x
> def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
> def delx(self): del self.__x
> x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")
> I would like to get at ...
> "I'm the 'x' property."
Tim Golden enlightened us with:
> Well yes. I think the (only slightly) wider point I was making was
> that -- despite goodwill and several attempts on my part -- Linux
> still has not overpowered me with its usefulness.
I have yet to see any OS that overpowers me with its usefulness.
> Extending
Tim Golden enlightened us with:
> Well, fair enough. Although I don't think that on its own this
> constitutes "rubbish".
True - it's just one of the reasons that shift its status toward
rubishness ;-)
> Not quite sure what this means. As in ANSI support? (Perfectly true
> - definitely lacking th
Tim G enlightened us with:
> Sadly, this seems not to be the case on my Ubuntu Breezy: bash
> 3.00.16, libreadline 4.3/5.0 (not sure which one bash is using).
> ctrl-r is fine; but you can't down-arrow from there; it just beeps
> at you. Is there some setting I'm missing?
See my other post in this
Bruno Desthuilliers enlightened us with:
> for obj in (a, b, c):
>if obj == 'cabbage':
> obj = 'coconut'
Doesn't work on my Python:
Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "licens
dcrespo enlightened us with:
> I've been looking for OpenSSL for python. I found pyOpenSSL, but it
> requires the OpenSSL library, which I only found on
>, but don't know how to install.
Ehm... wouldn't your question then not be more appropriate on the
OpenSSL newsgroup/mai
Johnny Lee enlightened us with:
> Why are there so many nonsense tails? thanks for your help.
Because if the same reason you can't write 1/3 in decimal:
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for
Ben O'Steen enlightened us with:
> I think that the previous poster was asking something different.
It all boils down to floating point inprecision.
> If
t1 = 0.500
t2 = 0.461
print t1-t2
> 0.039
> Then why:
t1 += 12345678910
t2 += 12345678910
# Note, both t1 a
Ernesto enlightened us with:
> I'm trying to use a $ delimeter
> I want to send the string parameter:
> enable "@USB\VID_0403&PID_6010&MI_00\7&15E4F68&1&"
'enable "@USB\VID_0403&PID_6010&MI_00\7&15E4F68&1&"')
Or, if you should also be able to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> I know, but nowadays almost any relevant application has a GUI.
I can't think of any relevant server application running on Linux that
has a GUI. My text processor, email client, Usenet client, IRC client,
address book and agenda are all without GUI too.
dcrespo enlightened us with:
> First, is the PYTHON OpenSSL C wrapper what I need to get running.
I think that first you have to get OpenSSL running. Only then can you
think about wrapping it.
> Second, if you don't know how to answer, then limit your opinion to
> yourself.
We all enjoy the free
dcrespo enlightened us with:
> Excuse me all of you for the way I answered. Sybren, and all of you,
> accept my apology. I saw the Sybren's message yersterday late night
> in a bad moment.
Next time, don't visit Usenet in a bad moment.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not sayin
Hi all,
In the past weeks, I often got this message from the
Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to
maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please
dcrespo enlightened us with:
> "The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to
> maintenance downtime or capacity problems."
Yes, I can read. My question is: does anyone know why this happens so
often lately?
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there s
Steve Holden enlightened us with:
> Possibly real maintenance occasioned by a recent move to a new
> server, in preparation for the new-look web site.
Makes sense. Thanks for the info!
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidit
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> Works fine for me, and I check it pretty frequently. Perhaps it's a
> problem with your ISP's communication with the ISP?
I doubt it, since they are one and the same ;-)
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there shoul
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> I strongly agree with you, the web is full of web sites that are
> nice "looking" but have microscopic fixed fonts (against the very
> spirit of Html), are full of useless flash, have lots of html
> structures nested inside other ones (PHP sites are often li
A.M. Kuchling enlightened us with:
> I suspect this is teething problems related to the move to a new
> server. I've bumped up the number of Apache processes, so we'll see
> if that alleviates the problem.
Thanks! I hope it helps!
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying th
ice enlightened us with:
> I am a fresh here , and I have no idea of it. Do you have any
> comments?
Look up "turbogears" and watch the "20 minute Wiki" video tutorial.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don'
Antoon Pardon enlightened us with:
> I would expect a result consistent with the fact that both times b.a
> would refer to the same object.
"b.a" is just a name, not a pointer to a spot in memory. Getting the
value associated with that name is something different from assigning
a new value to that
Devan L enlightened us with:
> I would not recommend trying to code on a handheld device. Small
> screen size and [usually] small keyboards make it
> less-than-practical. Stick with a laptop, or write it in a notebook,
> if you must.
Although it isn't the pinnacle of usability, I can program just
blahman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) enlightened us with:
> i m losing my motivation with python because there are sooo many
> modules, that i cant just learn them all, this deters from c or c++
> in which there are only a limited number of header files.
There are over 2800 header files on my system in /us
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> the problem is the '..' operator in perl. Is there any equivalent in
> python? any suggestions ?
I have a suggestion: stop assuming we know perl, and explain what this
'..' operator does.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying ther
Dennis Lee Bieber enlightened us with:
> I show 185 .py files in the top level Python library. That's a close
> match for the base VC include directory -- and I be willing to bet
> that site-packages and other add-ins don't add up to another 700 .py
> files
Sorry, bet lost. I have 1891 .py files i
Philippe C. Martin enlightened us with:
> Have there been any attempt to do so, and is there any source out
> there that could help me get started ?
What's stopping you from using system(), exec() or the likes to start
"startx", "xinit" or simply "X"?
The problem with the world is stup
Gian Mario Tagliaretti enlightened us with:
> No, and *I hope* that if another toolkit has to replace Tkinter
> (will never happen?) will be PyGTK... :)
Why do you hope for PyGTK? I think one of the strengths of wxWidgets
is that it uses the native platform's look. GTK looks very nice on my
Ian Vincent enlightened us with:
> I have never used generators before but I might have now found a use
> for them. I have written a recursive function to solve a 640x640
> maze but it crashes, due to exceeding the stack. The only way
> around this I can think of is to use Generator but I have no
Satchidanand Haridas enlightened us with:
> a new instance is created when I double click on two different
> files. Is there a way in which I can make sure only one instance is
> created?
You could open a listening socket to listen for "open file" commands.
If opening that socket fails (address al
Shi Mu enlightened us with:
> very hard for me to understand the difference between try...except
> and try...finally
Within a 'try' block, if an exception is called and a matching
'except' block is found, that block will be used to handle the
>From the documentation of the "return" ke
Bengt Richter enlightened us with:
> I suspect it's not possible to get '' in the list from
> somestring.split()
Time to adjust your suspicions:
>>> ';abc;'.split(';')
['', 'abc', '']
>>countDict[w] += 1
>>countDict[w] = 1
> does t
Bengt Richter enlightened us with:
> I meant somestring.split() just like that -- without a splitter
> argument. My suspicion remains ;-)
Mine too ;-)
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
batfree enlightened us with:
> Now GTK can use the local theme.You can choose the local theme to
> make your application windows style on Winodws and Mac likely on mac
> os.
But why do that yourself, when you can use a GUI toolkit that does it
for you?
The problem with the world is stu
Greg Miller enlightened us with:
> 'Keinen Text für Übereinstimmungsfehler gefunden'
You posted it as "Keinen Text fr ...", which is Latin-1, not
> I thought that all strings were stored in unicode in sqlite.
Only if you put them into the DB as such. Make sure you're inserting
UTF-8 text,
John Abel enlightened us with:
> Here's one I used a while back. Returns a dict containing details per
> partition
This only gives information about actually mounted partitions. It
could be improved by checking /proc/partitions as well.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not sa
Bruno Desthuilliers enlightened us with:
> (Carl's top-post corrrected. Carl, please do not top-post)
If you correct people and ask them to alter their posting style, at
least make sure you post in a proper way. Snip what you're not
directly referring to, so people don't have to scroll in order to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> Of course, also support the locale variant where the meaning of ","
> and "." is swapped in most European countries.
This is exactly why I wouldn't use that notation. What happens if it
is hardcoded into the source? I mean, that's what we're talking about.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> Googling around it seems the best GUI is either Tkinter or PyGtk.
I'd go for wxPython ;-)
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of
Kent Johnson enlightened us with:
> Is there a way to persist a class definition (not a class instance,
> the actual class) so it can be restored later?
>From the docs:
"Similarly, classes are pickled by named reference, so the same
restrictions in the unpickling environment apply. Note that none
Kent Johnson enlightened us with:
> OK that confirms that pickle won't work. Is there another approach
> that will?
Well, since the classes are created at runtime as well, you could
compile them using the appropriate API and call exec() on them.
The problem with the world is stupidity.
Mike Meyer enlightened us with:
> Is there any place in the language that still requires tuples
> instead of sequences, except for use as dictionary keys?
Anything that's an immutable sequence of numbers. For instance, a pair
of coordinates. Or a value and a weight for that value.
> If not, then
Duncan Booth enlightened us with:
> I would have thought that no matter how elaborate the checking it is
> guaranteed there exist programs which are correct but your verifier
> cannot prove that they are.
Yep, that's correct. I thought the argument was similar to the proof
that no program (read: T
D H enlightened us with:
> How is that a problem that some editors use 8 columns for tabs and
> others use less? So what?
I don't care either. I always use tabs, and my code is always
readable. Some people suggest one indents with four spaces, and
replaces eight spaces of indenting with a tab. No
Björn Lindström enlightened us with:
> This article should explain it:
To me it doesn't. I use a single tab character for a single indent
levell. That is unambiguous, and also ensures the file is indented as
the reader likes it. People who have thei
Ed Leafe enlightened us with:
> See, I can make up bizarre scenarios where spaces cause problems,
> too.
You make me glad I'm always using tabs :)
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
Steven D'Aprano enlightened us with:
> It seems to me that "one tab per indent level" is far more logical
> than "some arbitrary number, N, of spaces, often a multiple of
> eight, or four, or two, per indent level, and hope that the number
> of spaces is a multiple of that arbitrary N". But maybe t
Richard Brodie enlightened us with:
> I'm sure some folk can remember local coding styles that suggested
> using BEGIN and END as macros for curly brackets in C because { and
> } aren't intuitive.
I think that if you sink that low, you shouldn't be programming
anyway. Come on, if someone can't ev
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> No, it is not merely a shortcut. It often allows one to avoid
> polluting the namespace with a completely superfluous function name,
> thus reducing code smell.
Which can also be done by using inner functions.
> It can also avoid a multi-line function def
Fredrik Lundh enlightened us with:
>> def somefunc(x): return x*5
>> How is that a multi-line function definition?
> but that's namespace pollution! if you do this, nobody will never ever be
> able to use the name somefunc again! won't somebody please think about
> the children!
If you use th
Steve Holden enlightened us with:
> I think you need to turn your irony detector up a little - it looks
> like hte gain is currently way too low :o)
Consider my detector tweaked ;-)
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity,
Steven D'Aprano enlightened us with:
> All joking aside, when I have names (temporary variables or
> scaffolding functions) that I need to initialise a module or data
> structure, but then outlive their usefulness, I del the name
> afterwards. Am I the only one?
I don't do that. I tend to split up
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> Some people (a lot of the ones that don't give Python a chance) want
> one more choice, braces. Is that so much to ask for?
I say: use #{ and #} instead. If you want to have braces, what's wrong
if condition: #{
some statement
other statement
Nico Grubert enlightened us with:
> I just need to "ping" a machine to see if its answering. What's the
> best way to do it?
To do a real ICMP ping, you need raw sockets, which are turned off on
Windows and reserved for root on other systems. You could try to
connect to an unused port, and see how
Steven D'Aprano enlightened us with:
> Once the lookup table is created, you shouldn't use that function
> again -- at best it is just sitting around like a third wheel, at
> worst it might have side-effects you don't want. So I del the
> function.
I'd prefer to check the lookup table, and raise a
Michael Hoffman enlightened us with:
> Hi. I am trying to use unittest to run a test suite on some
> scripts that do not have a .py extension.
I'd move the functionality of the script into a separate file that
does end in .py, and only put the invocation into the .py-less
The p
chuck enlightened us with:
> The doco indicates to read the source for to lookup the
> constants representing the different types of events/signals that
> are avaiable. However fcntl on some platforms seems to be
> implemented as a binary leaving no way to look up the contants for
> the p
Yves Glodt enlightened us with:
> In detail I need a daemon on my central server which e.g. which in a
> loop pings (not really ping but you know what I mean) each 20
> seconds one of the clients.
You probably mean "really a ping, just not an ICMP echo request".
> The only thing the client has to
Zeljko Vrba enlightened us with:
> Find me an editor which has folds like in VIM, regexp search/replace
> within two keystrokes (ESC,:), marks to easily navigate text in 2
> keystrokes (mx, 'x), can handle indentation-level matching as well
> as VIM can handle {}()[], etc. And, unlike emacs, respe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> I want to get the WMI infos from Windows machines.
> I use Py from HU (iso-8859-2) charset.
Why not use Unicode for everything?
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't
Derek van Vliet enlightened us with:
> I'm trying to save compiled python code in a proprietary file format
> to cut reduce the overhead of compiling all my scripts when my app
> starts up.
Why is that faster than having the .pyc files ready on your
filesystem? And why do you want it in a propriet
Derek van Vliet enlightened us with:
> Up to now, I've had all my python scripts defined in XML elements,
> which were compiled when my program started up using
> Py_CompileString. This has worked great, but I'm finding that most
> of the time my app uses to start up is spent in that
> Py_CompileS
Andrea Griffini enlightened us with:
> - never ever use tabs
I always use one tab for indents, and set my editor to display it as
four spaces. I like being able to unindent a line by deleting a single
character. I don't see a reason why _not_ to use tabs, really. As long
as the use is consistent -
Benji York enlightened us with:
> Your editor probably supports a "backspace unindents" option.
Yes, it does. I'm using vim.
> If using Vim it would be something like "set softtabstop=4".
This gives you a mixture of tabs and spaces, which I don't like. I'd
rather use real tabs for indenting. If
Lennart enlightened us with:
> Can someone advice me with the following issue: i want to learn
> python in my summer vacation (i try to ...:-) So, a good start is
> buying a good book. But wich? There are many ... - I read it during the weekend, and
it's a very good
Grant Edwards enlightened us with:
> It sounds like you ran a computer user training department. I don't
> think it could be called computer science.
Being a computer science student at the University of Amsterdam, I can
tell you that it definitely should not be called "computer science".
> I ca
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> var m = this["MethodName"];
> m(); //this invokes a method in javascript
> How do I do the same in python?
getattr. Read the documentation, it's all in there.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punis
Jorgen Grahn enlightened us with:
> I use no IDE, just emacs for editing my sources, and a terminal
> window or two. And CVS for version control.
Almost the same here, except that I use VIM and Subversion instead of
Emacs and CVS.
> If I get stuck or if the problem is non-trivial, or if I'm writi
perchef enlightened us with:
> it works well but i have a small problem : i can't see how i can
> deal with file rights. When I unzip files with this script all the
> unzipped files haven't the good rights.
That's right. Why should they? ZIP doesn't store file permissions.
> ZipInfo objects does
Daniel Bickett enlightened us with:
> It would be a long while before he would find Python, and since that
> time he would have no desire to ever touch PHP again.
My thoughts exactly.
> He would, however, be compelled to write a web application again,
> but in Python now, of course.
Same here :)
Steve Juranich enlightened us with:
> Without fail, when I start talking with some of the "old-timers"
> (people who have written code in ADA or Fortran), I hear the same
> arguments that using "if" is "better" than using "try".
Then here is the counter argument:
- Starting a 'try' is, as said s
Robert Kern enlightened us with:
> Yes, the .zip file format does store file permissions appropriate to
> the platform that generates the file.
I never knew that! Thanks for correcting me ;-)
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for s
Vivek Chaudhary enlightened us with:
> Is it possible to set an environment variable in python script whose
> value is retained even after the script exits.
It is, if you have absolute control over the calling environment.
> Is it possible to somehow create this environment variable inside
> pyth
tuxlover enlightened us with:
> No, the replies from Grant's and Sybren's do answer my question.
It would be a lot more polite to actually thank the people helping
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't
praba kar enlightened us with:
> Is there any php equivalent move_uploaded_file($source_path,
> "$upload_dir/$name"); function in python to upload a file to server?
move_uploaded_file does NOT upload a file to a server.
> Kindly give me answer.
Kindly ask answerable question.
The pro
Brian Quinlan enlightened us with:
> Also, it is easiest to protect my system against malicious code if
> it is being run on an OS without a writeable filesystem.
Even easier with User Mode Linux and a COW (copy on write) filesystem.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> I have a script that I cycle through nodes connect to them and run
> uptime to get some information. I run the script as root so it
> doesn't require a password on the rest of the nodes. It does
> however barf on the nodes that are having trouble and requi
SolaFide enlightened us with:
> I'm sure this is builtin, I just don't know what module. Thank you
> for any help!
urllib, read the excellent free book "dive into python" at for examples and usage.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there
Admin enlightened us with:
> But I'd like to know your opinion on what you think is best. The
> Python framework I'll use will be to build an e-commerce
> application looking like
I'm greatly in favour of Cheetah. Also see I need to put up way mor
Admin enlightened us with:
> "Error 404 while looking up your page AND when looking for a suitable
> 404
> page. Sorry!
> No such file /var/www/"
You must have caught me editing some stuff, try again ;-)
I really need to create another virtua
rbt enlightened us with:
> Many of the world's most profitable software companies (MS for
> example) have thousands of goto statements in their code... oh the
> horror of it all. Why aren't these enlightened-by-the-gods
> know-it-alls as profitable as these obviously ignorant companies?
They write
Mike Meyer enlightened us with:
>> I dislike gotos because it is too easy to inadvertently create
>> infinite loops. <10 WINK; 20 GOTO 10>
> And it's impossible without them?
I thought the same thing, but then I read it again and thought about
the "inadvertently". As soon as you see a "while Tr
praba kar enlightened us with:
> When we upload a file to the remote server we can get file type
> through file extentions.
No you can't, you can only make a better guess. If I name my PNG file
somefile.jpg, you won't be able to get the file type through file
> How we can find out fil
wcc enlightened us with:
> When using os.mkdir, what are the numeric numbers for different
> modes?
man chmod
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let t
linuxfreak enlightened us with:
> Turns out that is needed but I checked and i see
> that is installed on my system.
On my system (Ubuntu, based on Debian), I can have multiple versions
of libstdc++ installed at the same time.
The problem with the world i
TPJ enlightened us with:
> I'd like to choose PyGTK (because of its rich documentation), but
> I'm not sure if PyGTK is stable on Windows... For now I know that
> wxPython runs well on Windows.
Don't forget that wxPython looks like Mac on a Mac. That's important
too :)
The problem with
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