Parallel port interfacing in python on Vista x64

2009-02-06 Thread SiWi
I have done some googling on this topic, but I haven't found anything thats really working on Vista x64. The most promising result I found was the Inpout32.dll: But when using some code like that, I can't mea

Re: Parallel port interfacing in python on Vista x64

2009-02-06 Thread SiWi
On Feb 6, 8:55 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" wrote: > SiWi schrieb: > > > I have done some googling on this topic, but I haven't found anything > > thats really working on Vista x64. > > The most promising result I found was the Inpout32.dll: > >

Sum of the factorial of the digits of a number - wierd behaviour

2009-12-09 Thread SiWi
(1!+4!+5!=1 + 24 +120 = 145) - ok sumfac(1454)-> 169 - ok sumfac(45362) -> 872 - ok sumfac(363600) -> 727212 - wrong, should be1454 Greetings, SiWi. --

Re: Sum of the factorial of the digits of a number - wierd behaviour

2009-12-09 Thread SiWi
On Dec 9, 6:36 pm, SiWi wrote: > Dear python community, > I've got a wierd problem and I hope you can help me out at it. > I wrote the following code to find the Sum of the factorial of the > digits of a number (this is for Project Euler 74): > > def fac(n): >     x=1

Executing Python code on another computer

2010-02-19 Thread SiWi
Hello community, I googled for an answer of the following problem, but I couldn't find anything. I've got a netbook and my fast workstation compter, which I usually use for developing. But I'd also like to take my netbook around the house and to develop Python programms on it. The problem is that n

Re: Executing Python code on another computer

2010-02-19 Thread SiWi
On Feb 19, 5:10 pm, "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" wrote: > On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 07:52:59 -0800 (PST) > > SiWi wrote: > > So I wondered if it was possible to send the Python code I'm > > developing on the netbook to the workstation pc via wlan, let the > > scr