This seems strange to me, but perhaps I am just missing something:
In [12]: t = 0.
In [13]: time = 10.
In [14]: while t < time:
: print t
: t += 1.
What a newbie mistake for me to make.
I appreciate the replies everyone!
> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 17:06:44 +0100, S. Chris Colbert wrote:
> > I would think that second loop should terminate at 9.9, no?
> >
> > I am missing something fundamental?
> &qu
I'm happy to announce the first non-beta release of Pymazon: a python
implemented downloader for the Amazon mp3 store.
Improvements from the beta:
- Running download status indicator
- Various fixes for Windows
- Some code cleanup
Pymazon was created to be a simple and easy alternative
> Definitely a newbie question, so please bear with me.
> I'm reading "Programming the Semantic Web" by Segaran, Evans, and Tayor.
> It's about the Semantic Web BUT it uses python to build a "toy" triple
> store claimed to have good performance in the "tens of thousands" of
> triples.
> J